Partner Relay Race
3 Rounds of:
Row 500m
35, 25 or 15 Push-ups
The workout is complete when both partners finish all three rounds. Only one partner may be working at a time.
This is a partner workout. One partner completes the couplet while the other rests. One partner begins the couplet immediately after their partner finishes.
Post time to comments.
compare to 2.3.10
Accessory work
Kipping Pull-up Practice
Nobody likes a show-off.
Welcome back Ashley F.who attended his first post-knee surgery WOD
I did this WOD with Coach Fox last time it came up. It’s much tougher than it looks on paper. Be forewarned, the 35 push-up option requires significant strength and stamina.
I did an examination on myself today and here are some things I noted:1. My left shoulder was about 3″ lower than my right. This might be more pronounced from wearing the arm sling for so long.2. There is significant bruising over the fracture site as well as some light bruising over the pec3. my left pec is really swollen. I tried to get inverted using a couch and do some massage incase it’s pooling. I’m hoping it’s just blood pooling and not indicative of muscle damage4. Im able to extend my elbow and move Very conservatively in most planes. i cant elevate my arm very much. Right about where my hand reaches my nave is when my shoulder calls it quits. If i go totally passive i can reach much more range of motion without pain. Ive used a counter top or door frame to do some range of motion work daily.
Other stuff:Theres a lot of pain in the morning and pretty minimal pain at night. Ive been good about not using my arm at all but every now and again I’ll move wrong or open a heavy door or something with my other arm and there will be sharp pain.
Shoes are impossible to tie with one hand
I miss CFSBK!
@David: The secret is Velcro. All joking aside, It’s good to have an update on how you’re doing — even if it was painful to read your self-diagnostic (felt myself twinging with the descriptions). Do you know yet if you’ll require surgery?
Any thoughts on charting your healing process through a 365 photo project? Not necessarily to share, but for yourself. Might be nice to review your own recovery process.
Miss you, and hope you’re well enough to be back at SBK soon!
Is that picture some sort of camera trick? come on!
Ready to bust out some prs tonight on max test!
@Jim: camera trick? Like something photoshopped? Nope, it’s a legit shot, no editing or cropping — just what the lens saw from that angle.
uneven shoulders are HOT, just sayin..
feel better buddy!
David ~ observation #5: see a doctor!
Feel better.
Re: photo ~ I can totes do that!
@DanRx’d kidding, It’s just that I don’t think I could do something like that unless I came back in another life as gumby!
@Jim: no worries, Jess is crazy flexible! *grin*
@Jess, Steph, et al:
Here’s the link Speal’s butterfly kip video we were talking about last night:
David, good luck with the recovery. I definitely understand what it’s like to keep the arm immobile for 99.9% of the day, then make that one painful movement reminds you that you don’t have the same range of motion.
Looking forward to this WOD tonight. It combines the one thing I can still do full speed with the one thing I can’t do at all without caution and assistance.
David, just heard, and I’m sure the car is far worse off. Recover well!
David, I’m done nagging about the books and starting to nag about your URGENT NEED FOR MEDICAL ATTENTION! Go to the doctor today!
Everybody, please gimme a hand with this nagging, thanks.
Rowing pyramid 2650. Like McGrath, I could have gone harder… if I wasn’t so busy looking around for a place to throw up.
Heard from David, his appointment is tomorrow. Looks like nagging from the blog works! (That or Sam followed through with her threat to starve him until he called.)
Great to see you back in good spirits. Thanks for the post WOD Turkey. Hope we continue to see you around more as you continue to recover.
Worked with Scott L (?) 22:50
I did 35 pushups/Scott did 25
Gained about 30 seconds every round.
2:59 Round 1 20, 10, 53:35 Round 2 10, 8, 5,3,3, 2, 2 ,24:05 Round 3 10, Then 2 til the end.
So much better. When I first got back in the gym in February. This killed me and I only did it with 15 pushups! Progress!
This was fun and sucked, how awesome is that?I forgot to write my times down but it went something like this (I didn’t have a partner so my ghost did my same times per round) @ 35 push ups:3:05 6:1010:14 14:1818:36 22:54
Thats not exact but close.Great to see David today.
late post.
very fine noon class with margie.
took the WOD pretty easy, if there’s such a thing when an erg’s involved.good to work with noah on this.our combined time was 14:somethingi did 15pu in honor of back off week, noah 25pu.row splits i think were 1:32, 1:38, 1:41
acc wkmu practice. felt good. it had been too long since i did these.
Update! David just had his surgery and he is recovering nicely, but is a bit loopy:
Is this real life??
But seriously, good to see him in the gym and alive and stuff.
19 min even with Malcolm. I think my rowing slightly improved since February. Slightly. Last time I did 15 pushups with the parallettes, this time I did 10 strict pushups each round. Malc Attack did 25.
I did 15:59 with Steve, each of us doing 15 push-ups (mine on the 16-hole of a squat rack bar).
I started out way too fast on the row — I had something like a 1:40 pace for the first 200 meters — but I feel like my technique is finally pretty solid.
My torn pec felt pretty good throughout; even linked together some kipping pull-ups with the blue band. *Sigh*… I miss doing pull-ups the most.
p.s. Stella says that David should be around the box more as long as he’s feeling well enough.
it was SO GREAT to be back at the gym earlier today (yesterday). To be clear- I did go to the ER post accident, it seems like a lot of people thought I hadn’t seen anyone yet. I’m seeing an Ortho tomorrow (today) to see what I’ll have to do moving forward. Really hoping I don’t need surgery.
See you all soon!
Did the partner WOD with John, our time was 18 something with me subbing 10 pushups and 50 1pood KB swings for rowing.
So good to see David’s smiling face!