(E3/4) Max Effort or Sets Across
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compare to 5.17.10
4 Rounds NFT of:
5 Pistols, each leg
5 Strict Pull Ups
5 Unilateral or Seesaw DB/KB Presses (heavy)
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Coach Jeremy during the final affiliate WOD at the Qualifier
Check out the official North East Qualifier Photostream Here! New Pictures are still being uploaded
If you went to the NEQ, what was your experience like?
Why is Jeremy wearing a weighted vest? Not hard enough? Or was it part of the competition? I didnt see anything listed for weighted vest.
@ShawnS: in the team workout one competitor was required to wear a 20lb weight vest throughout the entire event.
Random factoid: Teresa Escobar wore the weighted vest for Harlem’s team. Here she is pushing the prowler and barely breaking a sweat! http://www.flickr.com/photos/crossfitneq/4633950313/in/set-72157624123313062/
The photos from the team workout are here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/crossfitneq/sets/72157624123313062/
amazing photos. even more bummed that i wasn’t there..
cleanswas hoping to get 120×3 but wasn’t happening. got 113×3 then 118 didn’t happen and ended back down at 113
used blue band to hold onto for pistols, did a few unassisted pull ups then rest with blue band, used 25# for press
Yay, pullups as accessory work! Looking forward to doing this at 5 today.
Hey, have we confirmed Murph for Monday next week?
@Stephanie: hope you can be there for next year, you were definitely missed!
WOD #1: went into it thinking, I can do C2B, can do 95lb OHS, should be miserable but ok… warming up was so nervous that the 65lb OHS felt hard. Started out strong with 13 OHS in a row… 21 C2B pull-ups were ok… then forgot how to stabilize the weight for the set of 15 OHS (Margie eventually came over and said “Laurel, shrug it up.” which made all the difference). Panicked, thought “I can’t, I can’t.” Didn’t finish… didn’t realize that most women weren’t finishing and felt pretty miserable. In the end only 14 women did finish. Still, I want to try this again without panicking and see how far I can get.
WOD #2: Clean& Jerks. nervous, but had Jeremy coaching me through it (THANK YOU). Shoulders were fried going into it. 123, 133, 143.. 153×1.5, 153×1. I’m still bad at split jerking so in the second set of my first 153 I got it overhead but didn’t step through enough and then didn’t know how to fix it. Very happy with this though. The 40 seconds felt short. Watching Rob Orlando get 300lbsx3 was truly spectacular. The crowd intensity and his victory face were thrilling.
WOD #3: AMRAP 12 min: 7 HSPU, 7 185lb deadlifts, 14 19inch box jumps. Going into it had no idea how many handstand push ups or deadlifts I could manage. Got 3 rounds + 7 dl + 1 handstand push-up. Figured out in the 3rd round how to kip them which made it so much faster. Wish I had that figured out ahead of time. Still, this felt great to accomplish.
Made the cut for the final workout (wasn’t sure if this was something to be happy about – I was exhausted and it was clearly something nasty.)
WOD 4: 10 p-cleans @ 115, take off 25lb plates and sprint with one of them ~50m to my “prowler” (triangular sled thing) drop plate on prowler post, ski-erg for 20 calories, sprint ~50m back to bar (now at 65lbs), do 30 p-snatches, grab other 25lb plate and sprint back ~50m to put plate on prowler’s other post, do 40 burpees, push prowler (so 50 lbs + prowler weight) 50m back to the bar, do 50 1 pood kettlebell swings, push prowler back 50m, do 60 double unders, sprint back 50meters to finish. PHEW. This was brutal – it was hot and we were in full sun. I don’t know how to cycle my snatches, so while it wasn’t that heavy, I was slooow relative to the other girls. Ski-erging was brand new and fun, prowlers are grinding and hard but kind of fun too, burpees were awful. At the end I was all by myself (last in my heat of 6) with everyone screaming at me. Kind of wonderful and awful at the same time. At the end I felt like I was burning up, couldn’t breath and was so overheated I felt like I might explode.. but I finished it! Went and collapsed in a nearby field in the shade for a few minutes, then joined the spectators for the last heats of women and men. Everywhere I went people shook my hand, hugged me and said “good work!” or “nice fight!” Crossfitters sure like an underdog. ๐ It felt very nice though.
Overall I feel very good about this weekend. I didn’t think I would do anything like that well. My goals were to finish every workout (fail) and to place in the top half (got it.) It was hard and part way through I really couldn’t explain to myself why I was doing it, but after I was done I felt a tremendous sense of accomplishment. I met a lot of terrifically strong women (almost all of whom were incredibly nice) and saw some fantastic feats of strength and endurance.
Now am sore and dreamy, feeling okay with just sitting down for awhile.
Are there any pics of day 2 team wods?
Nice work Laurel! Very impressive to read about and I can only imagine what it felt like.
@Jo: Working on it, you’ll hopefully see them go up by tomorrow morning.
Day 2 meaning Saturday or Sunday? Teams started competing on Friday so day 2 was actually Saturday but there weren’t many photos of Friday. If you are curious about Sunday I have a bunch that just need editing. Hopefully will have something to post tonight (I think Laurel would have murdered me if I stayed up last night editing photos).
Awesome to read Laurel. Great Job! Funny thing is when I saw the WOD I thought youd be awesome at event 1 with the OHS part.
i have to say that i am so annoyed that i couldnt push the prowler. and i also dont understand why i couldnt.
it was really awesome to watch jess bang out those snatches on friday.
This past weekend was a hell of a lot more fun than I thought it would be. As Judge wrangler and list maker, I was incredibly impressed by how hard my team of volunteers worked. So much love and earnestness to do right by the competitors.
Working with David and Jason Ackerman and Jen Conlin was quite smooth. Sure, there were bumps, as always in any event. But I think we rode them out with good spirits and no meltdowns.
I was damned proud of our South Brooklyn crew. I think each person up there had a winning moment. A couple to share:1) Nicole gutting through the snatches in the first WOD2) Jess battling with and conquering the prowler3) Laurel making it to the final WOD4) Jeremy banging out HSPUs
And, of course, the Steinman’s snagging the best spot in the house to peddle our goods.
congrats to all the albany folks!
power cleans(3): (45, 75, 95) 125x3x5
acc work: 35# press, yellow pull-ups, pistols with lots and lots of support–my ankles aren’t flexible yet.
Good to be back in Brooklyn. I have the Sunday photos uploading right now. Will post a link as soon as they are up.
Power cleans 185x3x5. All reps successful but form got a bit worse as the weight got heavy. I think I will have the 195 next week though.
Accessory press at 1 pood. Too light. All pullups unbroken strict chest to bar. All pistols unbroken unassisted.
Here’s a weekend wrap-up:
snatches, hspu, hospital, train station, drunken goat cheese, crazy vegan lady, bombers, jimbo’s, homeless teammate, sleep, bacon and eggs, nerves, wod of 100, fucking rowing, paleo kits, clean and jerks, orlando’s face, swimming, hibachi, basketball, bff, baby jesus ninjas, karaoke, pina coladas, daybreak, nerves, deadlifts, fucking prowler, bloody knees, free night, greasy burger, champagne of beers, fire-breathers.
What a weekend! It was really loads of fun and I can’t wait to do it again next year! Even though our team didn’t do as well as we would have liked, I feel like we all give it our best. Thanks to Jeremy, Gerrit, Ryan and Nicole for being awesome teammates. Laurel, 16th place is pretty fantastic and you should definitely be proud of yourself. I’d love to be out there chasing you next year! ๐
My photos from Sunday are up at http://www.flickr.com/photos/48324345@N04/sets/72157624130176900/
I dropped in for the 6:00 class and wanted to say thanks to the instructors and members for the great experience. The technical work was great….despite our good intentions, the military CrossFitters at my base often tend to just “grip and rip” through workouts with technique being an afterthought (I’m guilty of this).
The professional instruction I received tonight was on par with the Certs. Looking forward to my next visit. Thanks to all.
awesome tales from the neq’s. you guys rocked it.
a grand class today.
WU900m row. (300m light, 300m medium, 300m sprint)bbell drills
PWR CLEANS(95×3 135×3 165×3)185x3x5felt pretty good. looking forward to next week.
ACC WKpistols. one of my true goats. modified them, but good to do. need to do more.DB presses. 40x5x2 45×5 50×5
Biggest thanks on my behalf to all those who participated in the qualifier this weekend. From competitors to organizers to those who went to support their friends and community members I’m so impressed and proud of everyone involved in what sounds like a very special weekend.
@Patrick, thank you for the kind words we’re looking forward to having you back very soon! Great work tonight!
Really enjoyed having so many folks in the gym tonight! The way you all are picking up the clean is pretty scary at this point.
Tomorrow Brooklyn Independent Television is coming through to do a piece on us. Come out for rest day fun. Make up a missed WOD or hit the Active Recovery class at 7!
@ Charlotte: Memorial Day WOD will be on Monday. More details soon.
Cleans: worked out with Patrick todayand got up to 145. A little tough to do cleans when your hamstrings are screaming from deadlifts the day before.
Anyhow did 145x3x4 and my 1st set at 125.
This movement is getting better, but if I were to grade myself, Id still earn a C+.
Need faster elbows, get under the bar, keep the bar close.
Sometimes I can get 1 or 2 things, but then something else falls apart. When you watch videos of people doing them right, it looks so effortless.
Did the accessory WOD with 1 pood and strict pullups. Wow pistols are humbling. I have nowhere near the flexibility needed to do one right now. Welp–added another thing to my: stuff i need to get better at list.
Laurel, what a great write-up! thanks so much for sharing. Fun times at 5pm today. Nice to meet MK.
Charlotte: LET GO OF THE BAR. Still battling the clean form. 110x3x5. Thanks Fox for all the coaching. “Trust your hook grip” seemed to be the cue of the week.
Accessory: Had to scoot to do the Linus handoff so only did 3 rounds. Didn’t go heavy enough on press (12kg, shoulda done a pood); was very disappointed to have to use the band on pullups. Not sure what that was about. On the upside, I can do a pistol! Don’t have the flexibility to get all the way down w/o falling over, but I can get up on my own. This is happy-making b/c I used to do these WAY assisted 3-4 years ago and haven’t touched ’em since. Yay, CrossFit!
streches with Chris and a run around the block – we were short on rowers and Sarah suggested I run…thanks Sarah ๐
power clean drills @ 45lbs
WODpower cleans – (75×3 95×3) 125x3x5Got to work with Katie – lots of fun.
Cool down -35lb single arm press, pull-ups (blue band that i thought was white), pistols (with loads of support)
great to be back after a week off!
made up on 5/25
worked at 185x3x5 and it was shitty
went to 115 for tall cleans 5×2
maybe work at 165 next week to clean it up