Perform the following couplet every 3 minutes (on the minute) for 8 rounds:
3 Deadlifts 85% 1RM
35 Double Unders
Post rounds completed, Rx and experience to comments.
Continued Photographic Coverage of the 2010 North East Regional Qualifiers!
Photographers: Dan R and Asta F
Or, you can go view the Flickr page directly here
One more day left in the Qualifier. Coach Laurel will take on the following WOD:
As Many Rounds as Possible in 12 Minutes of:
7 Deadlifts, 185lbs
7 Handstand Push-Ups
14 Box Jumps, 20"
While Team South Brooklyn will tackle the following WOD:
Stadium Style, every athlete must complete 30 reps of the following movements:
Deadlifts 225/185
Kettlebell Swings 1.5p/1p
Box Jumps 24"/20"
Once all the work is complete, each team must load up the prowler (+90/+50) and individually push it 40 meters. The workout is complete when the last individual crosses the line with their prowler.
Good Luck SBK!!!
I also have some photos up at from day 2 of the qualifier.
Amazing photos!It is inspiring to see the elite of our sport – especially our own Laurel and Brandy!!
Go get it Team SBK!!
those workouts look tough but team SBK will be A-OK. good luck laurel, keep kicking ass.
Great energy here in Albany! Shots from this AM are going up now:
Nice little couplet. Did the deadlifts at 240 (85% of 280 being 238), subbed burpees because double unders are still teh suck.
For those keeping track at home laurel will be in the final wod as she is currently #16!
Deadlifts @ 225lbs. (80% of max-280)DUs 25 for the first 4 rounds then I switched over to burpees for the last four when I couldn’t get even one DU in round 5. Very sweaty.
Go Laurel!
deadlift @ 185 lbs35 DUs
I don’t know my 1rm on the deadlift, but I’ve done 3×205 so I extrapolated from that. 185 seemed a good guess. Working backwards, that gets me to a 1rm of 218.
The work felt good. DUs went very smoothly with 3 unbroken rounds. Other rounds had only 1 or 2. They are so groove oriented so I decided not to think about them.
I typically finished rounds between 40-45 seconds.Last round was the best at 37 seconds 🙂 That tells me I could have done the earlier ones faster too.
Good luck to everyone in Albany this wknd.
Great job Laurel! You kick ass!
Also, amazing shots by Dan R, Asta, and Malcolm. Thanks for bringing the games to us.
Did this after classes, as the gym was being transformed around me.
RX’d at 365Got most rounds under :40. Most sets of doubles unbroken. Really was feeling beat up in the last 2 rounds.
really liked this. A. LOT
315lb/burpeesmost under :40.
next time rx’d.
Dude, the NEQ website is soooo confusing. Where are the WODs??
Was wimpy on this one and overscaled for the first 4 rounds: 185# and 25 DUs. Scaled up to Rx’d (195# DLs) for the last 4. Still felt a little under-worked.
Hope the party went great!
@Charlotte: I entirely agree, most of the time I can’t find anything on the games site (and don’t get me started on search). However, I did find this “Northeast Qualifier” site within the games site that make navigating a little easier.