(E5/8) Sets Across
Post loads to comments.
compare to 5.19.10
For Time:
10 Wall Ball Shots 20/14
Run 130m
8 Wall Ball Shots
Run 130m
6 Wall Ball Shots
Run 130m
4 Wall Ball Shots
Run 130m
2 Wall Ball Shots
Run 130m
Post time and Rx to comments.
Jess F snatched more than she ever had previously during the first Affiliate WOD
Check out Dan R and Asta F's photographic coverage of the event here! Great job everyone!
Coach Laurel will take on the following 2 workouts tomorrow:
21-15-9 Reps for time of:
Overhead Squat 95lbs
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Within a 10 minute time frame, perform a 3 rep max Clean and Jerk. She'll have :40 to perform all three reps.
Our Affiliate Team will take on the following WOD:
100 Cleans 135/95
100 Box Jumps 24"/20"
100 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
100 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
100 Burpees
4K Row
Each team starts with one athlete on the cleans and one on the rower. Only two athletes may work at at time with one always on the rower until the 4K is complete. Once the rowing work is done, two athletes may begin to work on the other exercises simultaneously.
Keep up the great work, SBK!
Fox says
Bad. Ass.
Tam says
Hooray for Jess!
Samir Chopra says
Jess kicks ass. What a photo!
David Mak says
What a great pic of Jess, damn! And a PR too, so kick ass.Good luck to everyone today.And let’s hear it for our professional CFSB photographers!
DEB says
Great pic! Nice job Jess!
Andy H. says
Way to go Jess!Fantastic photos, Asta & Dan!
Fox says
Squat: 275x5x3
WOD: 4:04Could not catch up to McDiesel
Joe says
Back SquatWarmup: 45×5 75×5 95x5Work: 125x5x5
WOD: 4:16Would have run faster if I knew Fox was going to hit 4:04.
Backsquat – sets across @ 130WOD: 4:05
Snip says
Love the photo! Great work Jess!
Ran the BK Half today: 1:58:04. That beat my old PR by 3 minutes, which I clocked at last year’s race. And that was before I started CF, so maybe you guys can take a little credit:)
I was really happy about my time…for all of five minutes. I’m already thinking about how much better I can do next time…
Samir Chopra says
Backsquatting with ShawnS:
WU: 95×5, 135×5, 165×3, 185×1
Work: 205×5, 205×5 (both these felt really heavy and hard so dropped), 185×5
Accessory WOD: 4:54 (gah, three fouls in third wb set!)
Nick K says
5x3x125# on the HBBSQ. Weight feels fine, just working on not tucking my butt under. 4:37 on the accessory with 20# ball.
After Xfit Elise and I went to look at an apartment on President Street between 7th and 8th. The place sounded really nice, with a private backyard. And who was sitting in the living room when we walked in but Snip?! What a small world.
ShawnS says
205x5x3 Same weight I did on Wednesday but Im fighting a cold so my body feels achy. Didnt want to fail and have to go back down.This was still pretty tough. Im having some issues with the low bar position–letting the bar get too low and not being able to rack the weight again.
Wall ball/130m run WOD3:59.Not bad. All unbroken. I wish I wouldve seen JMD’s #s before I went so I wouldve had a number to shoot for.
Charlotte says
Yeah, Jess!!LBBSQ: 155x5x3. Feels HEAVY, kind of a bummer since I hit 185# in Feb. Oh well.Wall ball/running WOD: 4:49. Nice chasing Rebecca! Also, thanks Coach Fox for profoundly transforming my wall ball experience. Step away from the wall, duh. It’s the little things.
Mike W says
Go CFSBK!BK 1/2 today. 1:31.03. Marathon Qualifying time of 1:30 still eludes
JMD says
low bar backsquat: 150x5x3wall ball/run: 3:55 first time stringing 20lb wall balls together and they felt good. nice to see the heavy lifting bearing fruit.
.DMG says
BSQ(95×5 135×5 165×5)185×5 195x5x2better.
WB/150m ROW4:31unbroken.
i’m just going to say it…i like wallball!
CDsamson, mtn climber, calf march, waiters bows.
Bjorn says
Bsq 155x5x3keeping knees out is getting easier, multiple exposures are definitely making a difference.
Acc wod 4:46 rx’dWBs were fine, running was slow.
Stephen K says
Moved up to 130 for the backsquat, working on getting the proper squat depth.
6:40 WOD time – 14 lb ball and subed rowing for running. Tried running from the ball to the erg and achilles was not happy.