21-15-9 reps for time of:
Thrusters 95/65
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 2.8.09
CFSBK at the 5th Ave Fair Today!
As you know,
we are participating in the 5th Ave Fair today from 11am-6pm.
We'll be stationed next to Bierkraft between Union and Berkeley. We want
to show Park Slope what a bunch of badasses you are, so we're planning
some demo WODs throughout the day. If you want to get your workout on in
a totally different environment (unknown and unknowable), we'll be
running them at 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm and 4pm. They'll be short and
you could also compare it to when we did it in august.http://crossfitbrooklyn.typepad.com/crossfit_brooklyn/2009/08/mystery-girl-.htmli remember it well because my subsequent birthday drinks were really freaking heavy!
12:28 65#. Rough time. Thanks to John and group for the help getting thru . Need kipping badly.
Fran– 7:38 rx’d.
My first rx’d! My goal was sub 10mins so I’m pretty happy about this. Thrusters suck. Pullups were mostly in sets of 2, until the last round when it was mostly singles.
I got to watch lots of folks go through this and everyone pushed hard. Nice job all!
11:34. 75 lbs thrusters. 21 strict chin-ups and then the 15-9 with blue band. Dunno what happened today – completely burned out. Made worse by watching people rack up killer times!
Jenna–thanks for posting that. I knew I had done Fran sometime but couldn’t find the post.
7:42 RX P(MF’in)R by 6 minutes!!!I definitely tried to pace myself today, stay relaxed, and not max out on the 1st set of thrusters.
Did 10,7, 4 here. I cant remember the rest of my sets.
Pullups were hard as usual. Still need to find a way to be more efficient here.
I remember when I did this in August I was pretty disappointed and Shane gave me a lot of encouragement–again great coaching from our great coaches–even in cyberspace.
Last August I thought I had gotten a lot stronger from when I finished foundations because I was at the gym 5x’s a day in July and was feeling a lot more comfortable with the movements. I definitely remember that 95# was very hard for me to clean. In fact, I failed on a few clean attempts and that really messed with my head in August.
Now 95# cleans are no sweat for me. Again some great coaching.
Look forward to doing this again.Now am also really looking fwd to Murph and FGB!
Samir–non kipping chin ups and pullups are hard if youre trying to squeeze them into a short time window.
I know if I just have to do 45 strict pullups in 10 minutes without anything else its going to be tough.
Don’t be too hard on yourself.Hopefully you can get those kips going soon!
Thanks for all the lovely birthday wishes the other day. So far 40 is going pretty well!
Fran 9:32 with white band. PR!
I just looked up my time last August, which was over 3 minutes slower and I had to use a blue band for the last round, so definitely pretty happy with this. Hopefully next time Fran comes up I’ll have rx’d pullups.
Great class all around, Shawn crushed his old PR, as did Coach Fox, who said he was looking to break 7 minutes and almost broke 5. Nice job, guys!
Bummed to miss this today, but the CrossFit Endurance seminar was good times.
If anyone wants to make up Fran Tuesday night (6:00), I could use the company.
Sorry to miss Fran and the 5th Ave WODs. I just didn’t get back from my parents in time.
Paul and I are very much looking forward to Murph and to a post-Murph BBQ though. We have Monday off, whatever day is fine.
fran: 5.37 with 75lbs. i did this over the winter in nine minutes with 65lbs. happy for the progress..next time more weight.
Did tomorrow’s Power Cleans today at the 5th Ave Fair in the AM
(135x3x2, 155x3x2)175x3x7
Felt Real Light
Then later, still at the 5th Ave Fair
5 Rounds5 Squat Cleans @ 1355 Handstand Push-Ups
I have no idea what my time was. this hurt more than expected.
2,1,1,1,1,1,1 Muscle-ups at the soon-to-be gone black box brooklyn location. We were walking around williamsburg after brunch with Malcolm’s brother and happened by while they were working out. I was thrilled to get a shot at their rings because I’ve been worried about muscle-ups at the qualifier.
Fran: 8:00. This was miserable – I was by myself at the gym and I’ve been stressed recently. Part way in I actually had tears in my eyes and the most awful mental monologue. I kept stopping, not because of the weight or exhaustion, but because I just couldn’t make myself keep doing the work. Very upsetting. A very dark Fran experience, hopefully never to be repeated.
Clean&Jerk demonstrations @83lbs. I have no idea how many of these I did. I think I was doing them straight for about 5 minutes, then off and on for several hours. Near the end did two at 135, which felt heavy but better than in the past. Thanks so much Margie for the on-the-fly jerk coaching. I think I made some real progress.
7:54 as Rx’d. Very happy to do Rx’d. Need to learn to take shorter breaks–I can’t do 21 thrusters @ 65# unbroken, or 21 pullups, but I take waaaaay too long when I get off the bar. And I shouldn’t have to rely on people around me yelling at me, either. Laurel, I feel you.
Fran: 5:45 as Rx’d
21 unbroken thrusters, then it all wet to shit. Pullups were a mess, and into the second rundown my quads began to fatigue — all those heavy back squats are catching up.
Was good to do and get over with. Finished the workout and ate a bunch of sweet potatoes immediately afterwards. I feel no after effects of this workout.
Went to the 5th avenue street fair with Jenna and Asta. Ate 3 servings of ribs from Blue Ribbon while watching small children shoot one another with silly string. Found an awesome gift for a little (yet to be born) someone, and will make sure it’s delivered later this week.
Then returned home and knocked out 60 pullups on my home pull up bar.
Sometimes you have to roll the hard 6.
Super fun day at 5th Ave Fair.
A BIG thank you to everyone who came out to help – Noah, Steve, Paul, all the coaches, and everyone who stopped by to say howdy!
I think it is fair to say that we definitely caught a lot of people’s attention 🙂
Great time at the 5th Ave street fair today!
It’s always a pleasure to watch the coaches hit the WOD. Chris and Shane rocked Fran! Very impressive fellows!
Just looked back at when we did this (my first Fran) in August, when I was one month out of Foundations. Back then, I modified to 52lb thrusters and green band pullups in 9:38. Exactly 2 mins faster this time, and rx’d! Even more happy now. Ya’ll, crossfit works! 🙂
Had a great time today helping w/ the last couple of classes and hitting the WOD w/ Fox.
People moved well, scaled appropriately and hit the WOD hard. Nice job to all the first-time Fran folks and to those repeat offenders who hit PRs.
Really enjoyed counting/cheering for Noah and Rebecca.
3rd time doing Fran as Rx’d. 5:28 PR. I was trying to get out of doing this one but I couldn’t help it. Having done almost no conditioning work worth mentioning over the last few months and just now getting back to eating well after a long stretch I had no real expectations. Wanted to try and get the 21 round unbroken and did but broke 15 and 9 up more than I wanted to. Solid 32 second PR. Great to chase Fox.
A special thanks to everyone who either helped out or stopped by at the Fifth Ave Street Fair today! We had a great time and hopefully got the word out a bit about what we do.
Big shout out to Ben and the Bierkraft crew for some of the best pulled pork I’ve had. That was out of control!
See y’all tomorrow
Fran – 5:05
Greeeeeeat day at SBK!
Fran 13:4765lbs.Green then Green AND White bands… used my foot to claw up the wall on one of them. Ass kicked and name taken. Mine for both! Big thanks to Carlos and Jesse for keeping the looks of disgust off their faces. You guys are great!
I actually Fran’d on Tuesday, but figured i would input here in order to link back next time.
1st Fran:
Time: 9:32
With 65 lbs and green band. Grip and wrist placement is extremely wierd, still trying to get comfortable on Barbell Thrusters.
just did it today (my first post foundations workout), but also figured it made more sense to post here
8:56 w/ 65 lbs and green band
fran7:29 rx’d