As many rounds as possible in 15 Minutes of:
Row 600m
12 Push Presses 115/80
Post time and Rx to comments.
Assistance Work
L-Sit Hold :05×10
CrossFit Kid, Patricio G works his Jump Rope Skills
Happy Mother's Day to all our CrossFit Moms!
Congratulations to Gerrit G for qualifying for The Empire State Games for Olympic Weightlifting
Mid-Line Stabilization with Kelly Starrett CrossFit Journal
Pipes and Cogs Squat Rx
Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful moms in our community! Thank you for making your family part of our family.
Patricio!! I have to say CF Kids is far and away the highlight of my week. I’m consistently amazed at the kids and their ability to pick up movement and love that they keep me on my toes. I might just have the best job in the world.
Nice 9 AM class with Fox. Always enjoy the mobility work!
Subbed MHPCs for the push-presses.
Started with 105 but went to 95 after the first round as the cleans were surprisingly hard after the rowing (later, chatting with Margie, realized it wasn’t so surprising given that rowing and cleaning both involved pulling!)
3 rounds plus 300 meters rowing. This was pretty damn hard.
Skipped accessory work as I had to run home to catch a world cup game.
AMRAP 15 min: 600 m row + 80# PP (out of a rack)4 rds + 291 mmy back was really tight this morning hence the rack for the push presses, but once i got moving it felt totally fine. phew. great to work with ariel and to race charmel on the rows.
BTW, folks, I’m confused by that Steve Pan video from yesterday. It looks like he is eating boatloads of shite food. So whats the point? That you can eat all the crap you want if you work out hard? Or am I missing something?
AMRAP 15 min: 600 m row and 12 PP at #42.4 rounds + 97 metersThanks to Katie for the encouragement and counting and erg resetting!
Hello gym friends,
I’m turning 40 on Thursday, so please come out and have a drink with me at Der Schwarze Kölner, German Biergarten in Ft. Greene, 710 Fulton Street after 8 pm. There will be sausages! Hope to see you there.
hello everyone. 3rounds + 190m
i’ve been doing two backsquats per week just like you guys are about to do, this week i tried to get 240 for three sets of 5 across failed on the 3rd, but then my second attempt (on friday) succeeded.
then on sat, sporting clay tournament.
just read the chair article. i don’t know how this would work if i tried to put replace my desk with one of these
4 rounds + 550 meters.
Scaled down to 95 lbs at Fox & Margie’s (correct) insistence.
115#, 5 push presses short of 4 rounds. My rowing is all jacked up thanks for the advice afterwards Fox, I definitely need to get my erg game up.
3 rounds + Row + 1pp @ 100#
Wouldn’t have gotten that far if I did not have Charlotte next to me to keep pace with.
Did the math – that is 3700lbs overhead in 15 min. Pretty cool!
WU250m easy row, 250m row 70%, 250m row all out.dromsWOD prep
WOD4 rnds + 467mRx’d
feeling…how shall i put it?…delicate this morning. so did not want to go…. very glad i did.
thank you laurel and malcolm for looking after the kiddies.
Took two complete days off and I really needed it. I have been very sore from the DL/PU wod and from carrying a heavy couch up 3 flights. Finally feeling more mobile today so I made up squats with Chris this afternoon.Warmup:-foam roll-hip mobility
LBBSQ:(45×5, 95×5, 115×3, 130×1)work: 140x5x5-All reps felt good but it’s gonna take a few exposures for me to get reaquainted with that barbell positioning. Really looking forward to the upcoming cycle!
Will we get a review of the various tacos from the crawl?
lol Sameer that desk is equally awesome and stupid at the same time.
This was a fun one. Rx’d: 3 rounds plus 360 meters. Katie, I bow before you. Fox, thanks for the yelling. “That’s not rest, that’s work!” Indeed. Brian, I am flattered, but I was keeping pace with *you*. This was harder than I expected–splits collapsed by >20 seconds between rows 1 and 4.
Thanks for the shout out, guys! Without your wonderful bars and kg plates, I never would have made it. Now it’s time to get the snatch over 80kilos and the clean & jerk over 100kilos!