10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps for time of:
Deadlift, Bodyweight
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 3.13.10
Skill Work
Clean Technique complex:
Tall Clean
Mid Hang Power Clean + FSQ
Power Clean + FSQ
Happy Birthday, Coach Jeremy!
Happy Birthday Malcolm!
Upcoming Foundations Cycles:
May Evening Cycle
Dates: 5/12-6/7
Times: 8pm-9:15pm
Register Here!
May Morning Cycle
Dates: 5/20-6/14
Times 10am-11:15am
Register Here!
Congratulations to all the new foundations grads–including my awesome wife Tene!
That 4 weeks went by fast…
Thank you David. Also thank you to all of the coaches and the entire South Brooklyn community. You have made the last year the best year of my life so far. The transformative effect of CFSBK on me has been profound, with the least dramatic changes being in my performance and appearance. The increased connectedness and confidence I feel from interacting with all of you is something I would never have looked for in a gym. But the most astonishing thing is the contentment I feel most of the time now.
In college I read Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics wherein he laid out an idea of happiness based on contentment. The concept always resonated with me, but was in practice elusive. You have all given me so much that I can only hope that I give you some of the same.
Thank you.
Happy birthday guys!
Happiest of birthdays to Malcolm and Jeremy!!!!Lovely thoughts Malcolm.
Happy birthday to the strong men! Tacos, be afraid, be very afraid.
Malcolm: Nice Aristotle reference. If you still have your copy, see if you can spot the logical fallacy in the first sentence of the Ethics!
Incorrect use of transposition. A -> B does not mean B -> A.
“Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some good; and for this reason the good has rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim.”
Backatcha, Malcom. Happy Birthday, boys.
I like deadlifts, by boy does it suck to sit all day after ’em. I need one o’ them standin’ desks.
I’m not proud of the fact that I love workouts like this that just require will and not skill. I have plenty of the former and not so much of the latter.
7:15 for this ‘un. Took it easy-ish.
happy birthday chaps
Happy birthday, BEASTS!
Happy Birthday gents.
Malc – I wish I could speak as you do.
Jer – I wish I could lift as much as you do.
When did Tamson go all Gowanus Hillbilly on us?
The closest that I got to Aristotle in college was running around in a toga. With you Fox though, it sounds good!
Happy Birthday Jeremy & Malcolm!
Happiest of birthdays Malcolm and Jeremy!
Hey Samir and Malcom…Watch yourselves or else I am gonna give you a wedgie
happy birthday boys! sorry i’ll have to miss the taco-thon this weekend!!
this past weekend was an AMAZING experience and i had a blast with Joey Way-Too-Short-Shorts and Sameer No-You-Can’t-Wear-That-Hat. those of you that chickened out really missed out on a great and challenging experience.
GOOD NEWS – the next Tough Mudder race in our area is November 20th and i am SIGNING UP!
if you are interested in joining the team – please EMAIL ME at shpaddock AT gmail DOT com. please do not just respond on the blog!! teams can be at most 20 participants and i think we should really represent!
i’ll be creating the team and will give you the info to sign up when you email me!
Happy Birthday, all y’all!!!
happy birthday!
when is the taco tour?
4:11 @ 160#bw 158really surprised I was able to do this unbroken. Guess pushups at home has been helping out.
I took cues from coach/birthday boy jeremy who did it in like 2 minutes and change. Just don’t put the bar down and don’t stop. Keep going.
6:56135#(bw 142)
Happy Birthday Malcom and Jeremy!
5 RFT7 Deadlifts 275lbs30 Air Squats7 Handstand push-ups
My body is asking why the hell I did this WOD on a back-off week. The deadlifts and squats weren’t too bad. I’m sure my time would have been cut in half if I were any good at handstand push-ups.
wod 3:17 at bw 145#
if I knew I was going to come close to sub 3min, I would have gone faster.
it seemed to be more about firing neurons than flexing muscles.
Happy B daysplease report on best local tacos.
10…1 at 135lbs. 7 minutes and change. a solid 2 minutes slower than last time. womp womp.
Warmup:-droms, etc.
Clean technique work:-Really great coaching by Shane. A lot of great cues that I’ll definitely be keeping in mind for the upcoming cycle.
Wod @ 155lbs (about 15lbs above bw)5:54-I only scaled up because I wanted to compare it to the last time I did it. Ended up shaving about 90 secs. 🙂 The pushups definitely slowed me down, though. Need to practice these more.
Cooldown:-foam roll and torture ball goodness.
-Then coach fox and I carried a sectional sofa up to our 3rd floor apt. That was so much harder than the wod and my deadlift form was awful. Glad you all didn’t have to see that!
And finally, happy birthday Malcolm and Jeremy!!!
The cleans + this workout really slayed me! Clean complex at 45, 65 then 75. WOD was 9:15 @ 118lbs and push-ups on the folded gymnastics mat.
Happy birthday Malcolm and Jeremy!
I loved yesterday. I learned SO much from the cleans technique, thank you Coach Shane. Loved the ladder WOD. I agree w/ Carlos, it was about neurons firing. I kind of sandbagged the first couple rounds out of fear of pain–need to get over that. (It was crazy to have Fox lapping me about three times next to me…)
5:53 with 155#, about 5lbs OVER bodyweight, BOO-YA, no more baby weight!