For the next three weeks, our Active Recovery Class with Coach Fox will be at 7pm. Additionally, the price for SBK members is now $15. See you tonight!
'Green' Exercise Quickly Boosts Mental Health BBC
Starting Strength Series: Mark Rippetoe Interviews Jim Wendler
Anyone interested in helping pour wine with me at an event in the city next Thursday the 13th? 3pm – 7pm
I am looking for two people. send me an e-mail to scottb(at)
if you were at the wine wasting – even better! I will teach you everything you need to know about the wines prior.
Yesterday was only Monday and Katie Mears, Julie and Jess Bailey already made my week!
Great work last night ladies
What Shane said. BLAM!
cobble hill cinema. thursday @ 11:55pm.
buying tix wednesday am.
any takers?
e davidmcgrath at mac dot com
I have a question for Margie if she’s reading, as the resident nutrition guru,
I’ve read a lot recently about good gut flora, bacteria that lives in our guts. I’ve seen recommendations to eat yogurt, sauerkraut, etc. (Mark’s Daily Apple has been writing about it.)
How often should we be eating stuff like that..daily, weekly? Just not sure about dosage.
The other day the question came up as to what we wanted to see more of at the gym.
I just wanted to add that I would like to work up to this…
Jim – Margie may elaborate but I’ll chime in. You can eat fermented foods daily. Usually they are more of a condiment than a main part of a meal. Don’t think in terms of “dosage”, but rather just include them to taste. If you’ve got some serious GI distress going on you may want to look into probiotic supplements. Just be aware that there are a lot of supps out there that won’t survive your stomach acid to wind up in your intestines.
Hope this helps.
Real kimchee, real kraut, and real pickles are a few of my favs, along with good yogurt.
Jim – Yep, Fox has it dead on. To elaborate, when he says real kimchee, kraut, pickles he means that most of those products that are mass produced use salt rather than lactic acid fermentation. Be sure to check the label.
Those sorts of foods can be eaten with every meal – again as a condiment. You can’t really OD on foods containing probiotics. In fact, it’s kind of hard to get a big “dose” of probiotics just from foods themselves. But some everyday should help towards keeping your gut flora in balance.
As for supps – if you have problems, recently been on antibiotics or have some systemic inflammation going on, then it’s a good idea to take one. Look for something that has (literally) billions of strains, has an expiration date and is in enteric coated capsules.
A couple of easy to find brands I like are Jarrow, Culturelle, New Chapter. Of course read the labels to see if there are funky additives. It’s also good to switch up your supps every once in a while to introduce new bacteria into your gut.
CrossFit Kettlebell Cert with Jeff MartoneMay 15/16
Malcolm, that’s a yellow-cheeked gibbon. Gibbons are my favorite animal. They live in the rainforest where I lived in Indonesia, and at dawn would make the most amazing calls:
Speaking of backing off, I am really banged up right now. I have a bad case of tennis elbow in both arms.
I have been focusing on putting some work on the Concept2 and resting the elbows. Rowing is one of the few things that doesn’t cause my elbows to flare up. Pressing also doesn’t cause any flare ups.
My diet is locked in, so this time off will allow me to properly recover.
Weighted Pull-Ups(BWx1x2, +25lbs x 2)
First attempt at 110 was fuzzy as to whether I got over the bar or not. second attempt I touched the bottom of my chin with the top of the bar. A little kippy non the less.
“Annie”6:38 as Rx’d (PR)
Everything unbroken except one missed double in the 20 set
i’ve been struggling with describing my new nutrition guidelines with friends; their eyes usually glaze over in the first five seconds. plus they know i’m a foodie, so they get all confused when i start talking about what i no longer eat.
in the nick of time, this just went up over at Whole 9 – good stuff.
Get well Matt U!
today was a play around day. tried to find out what my max power clean was.
20(kg)x5x2(MHPC), 40×5, 50×1, 70×1, 75×1(pr), 80f.
i have a lot of technique issues that need to be worked on. next cycle should be interesting. also worked on another problem lift: push jerks
45(#)x5x2, 65×5, 85×5, 95×5, 115×3, 135×3, 145×1(pr)
115 and above felt heavy and i had the usual lockout problems with my left shoulder. technique obviously needs work but i mostly just need to get stronger.
that rippetoe interview was good but the one with tommy suggs was the best. two old guys yapping about lifting. awesome.
Hey thanks very much guys, I really appreciate it! I need to get my hands on some sauerkraut!
After a few days convalescing, I was back at it tonight. Was happy to be there.
Made up OHS:w/up (22×5, 32×5, 42×3)Work: 47x4F, 47x3F, 44x5x5, 44x5F
Not my best day. Was feeling a bit weak and unfocused. Still, previous 5RM was 42#.
My first Annie, 12:18. I did count attempts as I had to wrap this up by 7 PM. But I would say 95% of the DUs were legit.
…then Active Recovery class! Hurts so good.
Speaking of fermented foods–had a nice Paleo/Primal Korean dinner tonight.
Lots of fermented Veggies, lots of beef, and some chicken. Just kept the rice away. MMM MMmm Goood.
had some fun working out with gabrus!
bench press(45×8, 65×5, 75×5)85×5, 90×5, 95×2, 85x5x2
hadn’t benched in a long time so really didn’t know what to shoot for but this felt good.
then did Helen12:39 pr
last time I did this in 13:14 so I’m pretty jazzed about the improvement. the runs felt better, swings were 21,11/10,14/7 and pull ups were 6/3/3,6/3/3,5/3/2/2
then played around w some sledge hammer swings and did 3×10 each arm.
fun day.gabrus- ain’t nothin’ but a peanut!
bench225x5, 235×5, 240×5, 245×5, 250×5 PRthen Helen in 15:39
Light Weight! Whoo Buddy!