Power Clean Technique Work
Handstand Practice
Were going to be more strict about back-off weeks. Instead of posting workouts and asking you to take it easy, we'll be working technique on upcoming lifts and doing some fun stuff. This back off week will last until Friday. Enjoy!
What's a back-off? Read the original write up here.
Brian D does 374×3
Check out Coach Margie tonight at 5:30pm at The Brooklyn Lyceum for her Paleolithic Nutrition lecture at the Craft Fair. Only 5$
@Samir – can you send me the number of that acupuncturist? Thanks. cjesink(at)yahoo.com
@Chris: I’ve emailed you.
For other folks, in case you fancy some acupuncture from an acupuncturist that specializes in trigger-point therapy (trained APM style) and that has helped me a lot over the past couple of years:
I’m going to be in Norfolk, VA, next week. Any one know anything about Crossfit 757 down there?
Worked on handstands for a long time and did a ton of foam rolling. My body really needed this, and the low pressure practice was really nice.
Looking forward to coming back strong in a week.
Whoa, no posts today. What’s up with that???
I came in really looking forward to taking it easy and working my clean technique.
I really enjoyed and need the clean technique work. While my cleans have improved tremendously, there is still much work to be done.
Then came the Affiliate team WOD (negating the taking it easy part) with only me and Ryan.Partner Relay–3 Rounds of:-30 Double Unders-50m Front Squat Rack Barbell Walk 135/85-15 Burpees-50m Front Squat Rack Barbell WalkOur time was about 14:45ish? Can’t remember. (Maybe Ryan will finally start posting and correct me!) It was a super fun yet challenging wod to do. The time I gained with my double unders was quickly sucked up by my burpees. The walk was fun and I never dropped the bar. Any longer of a distance though and I would have had to taken a break. Big thanks to Coach Fox for coming up with this fine dandy and taking us through it! Ryan, really great work. I still can’t believe how much your DU’s have improved!
i was happy to see “back off week”this morning.it’s been an awesome cycle, and i’m looking forward to taking it easy.
good stuff this am with coach fox and the rest of the early risers…
WU3min row 16s/mdromslacross ball goodness
Power Clean Technique workgreat working on technique. looking forward to the next cycle.
handstand practice. first time trying it away from the wall. thanks to fox for making me do it. overcoming a fear is a very good thing.
CDplaytime with lucy and finn.