Willie Turkish Get-Ups the 16 lb sledge
Don't forget that this Sunday, Coach Margie will be talking Paleolithic Nutrition at the Brooklyn Lyceum. For more information, click here!
Good luck to Steph P, Joe W and Sameer P at the Tough Mudder this weekend!
Please do not throw the brown paper towels into the toilet!!
Training-wise, what is something you'd like to see more of at CFSBK?
Charlotte says
Muscle-up progressions & other ring workOdd-object lifting/throwing/draggingGymnastics (we do a lot, I am always hungry for more)
David Osorio says
late post.
Took the 5pm class yesterday which was a treat. I apologize for any and all offensive comments/sound effects associated with the “indigenous peoples” run.
95 Cleared135 Cleared155 Cleared175 Cleared185 1 set plus 6 DL/2MHPC
The bar literally ripped out of my hands on that last clean and i jumped a couple feet in the air as the bar promptly dropped to the ground. I think if i did 185 on my 4th set I could have cleared it.. maybe.
great time in the gym yesterday
Avi says
Good luck everyone going to Tough Mudder!
I definitely agree with Charlotte on strengthening ring work and gymnastics
Bethany says
I’d love to see more Kettlebell action – we swing a lot but I’d like to learn things like cleans, snatches, tosses, etc.
More silly and fun things… relays, drills, gymnastics… and hey, it’s been a while since we played Hooverball!
Malcolm says
I am voting for more ring work. Especially lever and planche practice.
And we need a Hooverball party soon!
avi says
What’s hooverball??
Laurel says
RINGS. 😀 Agreed.
Particularly muscle-ups and dips.
Hoover ball + grill on a weekend would be grand.
Handstand push-ups/walking in workouts.
Tabata sprints. (or any kind of running where the metric is time based rather than distance based.)
Wall ball and Thrusters – we haven’t been doing much of these and I hate them.
Joe says
More ring/gymnastic work and an o-lifting class similar to the strength cycle.
Fox says
Do the Shoulder Roll!
.DMG says
what everyone else said…plustabata!sledge hammerturkish get upsrowing sprints.sled work.push upsweighted pull ups
@avi, hooverball. take volleyball and add a medicine ball to the mix. good times!
ShawnS says
Ring WorkBall SlamsShorter Sprints with Sleds or bungeesTabata Sprints
I think itd be great whenever possible to incorporate things from our last MEEB cycle to the next month of programming.
For example Last 2 months we did snatches and I got better at them–but then this month we’ve moved to deadlifts and I havent had much chance to practice my snatch. I always want to come early or stay late to practice–but not always possible logistically. Some of that is on me, but I think itd be nice to work snatches and front squats or whatever we do into some of the metcons or accessory work the next month as a refresher.
Another idea is maybe for a month we somehow really practice some movement like wall balls, kipping pullups, or box jumps–get people into teams and have some sort of competition.
So many things to work on–so little time. Why cant we just all quit our jobs and work out for a living?
ShawnS says
Fox I signed up for the Gokhale online seminar this weekend.
Only problem is its on Saturday. Dont know if I want to spend part of a beautiful weather Satuday online watching a seminar on posture 🙁
cloyde says
BENCH PRESS: 1-1-1-1-1
45x5x2, 75×5, 115×3, 135×2, 155, 165, 175(pr), 180(pr), 185f
body weight bench press is something i really never thought i would do with my shoulders. awesome. now if only i could get to the point where i could rep it. funny that now that i can bench without pain i keep wanting more.
OHS: 5-5-5-5-5
45×5,75×5, 95×5, 115×5, 115×5, 115×5, 115×2
kept it light and still lost it on the fourth set. decided to call it a day. need to work on these some more. thanks to shane for helping me out.
Matt U. says
Can’t believe I’m the first person to say this, but: more benchmark WODs. Not to take away from the outstanding WODs we’ve been doing, but I’ve done Fran once ever. Grace, once ever. I’m not asking for “Ladies Night” like the CrossFit in Wmsburg, but it’d be nice to do one every two or three weeks.
Speaking of, I’m gonna be at the box around 5:30 or 6:00 tonight. Anyone feel like joining me for Annie?
Samir Chopra says
Boxing roadwork (I mentioned this to David in an email last year)
Team relay sprints
Joe says
+1 more benchmarks
Matt U. says
Also, I hate to be a Negative Nelly here, but I can run for free in Prospect Park, which is a great deal nicer to look at than Gowanus. In turn, Prospect Park doesn’t have barbells, kettlebells, etc.
LESS running, please.
Ash says
Another for more benchmark WOD’s..cos i need it..
Also, i always seem to miss tire dragging, sledge hammer….err.. hammering (?) and sled dragging, the stuff sleep deprived first time fathers need…
Samir Chopra says
Shawn’s idea sounds good to me – get the lifts from the last MEEB cycle into next month’s accessory WODs or metcons.
ShawnS says
@Matt I agree Prospect park being better to look at but i wouldnt mind more sprinting accessory work at CFSBK (especially as the weather gets nicer).
We dont do too much running–and we dont have too many WODS that are just running and nothing else.
Even though I can and SHOULD run more on my own I dont–running with others is a big motivating factor for me.
I saw this WOD awhile ago that Crossfit Downey did called Squat a Ton and run.http://www.crossfitdowney.com/www.CrossFitDowney.com/Blog/Entries/2010/3/17_Squat_a_ton!!.html
Ive seen it a few other places–but this looked fun.
I dont mind WODS with running if they include a piece of equipment I cant really find elsewhere.
Jess says
Tire flipping! And sled dragging! And sandbag work…yes even running.
And ditto on the muscle-up progression work!
Oh, and I would love to do a monthly/quarterly(?) beyond the box activity. Ex: bbq, miniature golf, bowling, surfing, beach wod, etc.
Margie says
Odd object play, obstacle courses, task oriented WODs.
Also, cultivating ability to work hard and fast without always putting a clock to it. Last night’s invention is a great example of that.
Greater emphasis on matching weight used with skill level so that the purpose of the workout is achieved, ie metabolic burst, vs heavy and slow, vs somewhere in between.
Sub 5 minute metcons : )
David Mak says
A lot of great suggestions which I won’t repeat. One suggestion/question, however:I would love to be a 5 day a weeker but it’s just not possible. I am sometimes able to supplement at a local gym a workout that I’m missing but it’s not always possible. The cycles seem to be geared toward working out 5 days a week. Could we get something, even just a suggestion, on how to best optimize three day a week workouts?
Samir Chopra says
Came in today to do a half-assed version of the Sunday WOD:
5 rounds of250 meter row5 strict chin-ups20 20″ Box Jumps
I rested for as long as it took me to do each round. My timing went off so I’m not sure how long it took me to finish but I think it was about 21-22 minutes.
Feel better Matt!
Joe says
After hearing everyone go on about yesterday’s WOD, I had to give it a shot.
5 attempts to find a maximal weight of 3 rounds of the complex:6 deadlifts3 hang cleans1 push jerk
Warmup: 45 (1 round) 65 (3 rounds)Work: 95 115 125 135 145(failed on first set of cleans)
This was definitely a grip issue, and the cleans were by far the limiting factor. As Fox said, I was push pressing all those reps.
In fairness, when I went for a 1RM clean and jerk last month, I maxed out at 145, so in relative terms this probably went pretty well.
Bethany says
Benchpress 1-1-1-1-1
(45×5, 55×3, 65×2)707580 (pr)85 – F85 – F+ 65×10 (max out)
Sending healing thoughts Matt U’s way!!
Dan Rx'd says
Caption for today’s photo: “By the power of greyskull!”