Perform 3 sets of the following complex for a maximal weight.
6 Deadlifts
3 Mid Hang Power Cleans
1 Push Jerk
You have 5 attempts to find a best complex. The bar may be dropped from overhead after the jerk but must be regripped and pulled shortly after it settles.
Post 5 attempts to comments.
If you're feeling beat up, consider scaling the volume back to three attempts and using lighter loads.
Stella oversees the 7am warm-up row
If you're going to the North East CrossFit Regional Qualifier as an athlete, volunteer or spectator, please try and email Asta (astafivgas(at) May 2nd. Hotels are filling up fast and we want to make sure everyone has accommodations.
Did you go to the Regional Qualifier last year? What was your experience like?
I was at the NEQ last year as a score runner. It was an experience to say the least. It was a special time for me. I was surrounded by elite athletes and coaches and an electric crowd. I am now a professional volunteer for CrossFit events.
Speaking of events–Am I late on this?
The 2010 Games are gonna be held in Carson, Ca (Southern California) this year.
They made a pretty late announcement. Hope nobody bought tickets up to Aromas.
I spent a lot of time in Carson growing up. My best friend in HS lived there. Now that the games are being held in a big stadium with seats, in a big city/(more) urban environment–the mood and feeling of the games will definitely change the feeling of the games. I guess how is the question.
I went to the NEQ last year as a photo-volunteer. Had an amazing time. Made friends with lots of people from other gyms in the region who I have gotten to see at events since then.
The group dynamic was a ton of fun, hanging out with a lot of CFSBK folks for a full weekend and the athletes were inspiring.
For this WOD, do you have to do the whole thing on one bar or can you use two bars?
Are you guys in for a treat with this one!My attempts:42#47525760F60F60!I am awful at cleans. During this WOD I destroyed my collarbone, jammed my fingers, and cursed–a lot. And a decent sized blister has popped up on my left hand. But I looked back and discovered 60 is the most weight I’ve done on cleans ever!
I apologize if I offended anyone with my language. I’m turning into Jack! But it did remind me of my favorite quote from “Rudy”: “Oh yeah, I ain’t allowed to say ‘goddamn’ no more.”
I ended up as a judge for the NEQ last year. It was intense, fun and exhausting. Hopefully this year, judges will get more organized food and bathroom breaks because last year we were all starving and desperately in need of pee breaks. Of course, the crazy intensity gave us a wonderful sense of camaraderie.
I happened to have a jar of raw almond butter with me, and ended up bringing it out into the competition area so that I could grab spoonfuls between competitors. Made a lot of friends by giving away spoonfuls.
Judging was particularly good for spectating because when we weren’t judging we could be inside the roped off areas, so could be quite close.
Would you trade a lifetime of kettlebell strength or Walking Handstands for this random skill?
I think I might…
The decision to move the Games from The Ranch at Aromas to the HD center in Carson was pretty last minute. I know they had some unexpected permit issues with the city of Aromas and got muscled out. seems like a lot of people had already bought tickets to Aromas. As a spectator, I dont like the idea of the Games being in a stadium since it will lose that organic feel of everyone setting up their tents and being able to mingle and explore. we’ll just have to wait and see what happens, I imagine they’re going to do some really cool stuff for the events. Hopefully this is the first and last year it’s in a stadium.
I helped organize the Regionals Last year and had a blast doing it. It was certainly one of the highlights of my year and I will never forget it. Everyone was so helpful and supportive, it was really special.
Vincent, 1 bar.
Is anyone going to the Tough Mudder this weekend???
Nice, Snip- I see what you did there….I was in Albany for an afternoon at the qualifiers. I saw some amazing athletic feats, had a grand old time and went home with a huge headache-loud music. It felt good to support our team.
@Jack, I just meant the foul language part, not the offending part:) I <3 you!
Steph P, Sameer and I are all Tough Muddering this weekend.
I think Tushar is running the Warrior Dash in Texas as well.
Hey guys, let me know if you want to come to Palo for brunch on May 9th to celebrate Malcolm’s birthday. I’ve got a good list going, but want to give you all a last chance before I make reservations.
email: laurel(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn(dot)com .
Speaking of Tough Mudder. Did folks see the write up in the times.
Pretty fascinating from a small business perspective.
Does anyone have extra tickets for tough Mudder spectators?? Edgar Lin’s wife is trying to get in but it’s sold out.
also- Does anyone have experience with any CrossFit gyms in DC?? A friend of a friend is heading down there and looking for a trainer.
Steph – if you get another lady to join the affiliate team are you going to not go at all? or are you still going to compete friday and sat?
first, i’m very much looking forward to this wod.
i’m really excited for the tough mudder! its getting a lot of good press and i’m hoping it lives up to the hype!
david – i unfortunately don’t have any idea about extra spectator spots, etc.
also, crossfit fairfax outside of DC is where my friend lee trains with maggie and really loves it there.
nicole – my plan is still to go, and compete for as much as possible. but i cannot be there sunday (and friday is now a bit up in the air bc of new job) but i really really want to be there!!
David: I’ve been to Primal Fitness. Pretty cool box.
Also: hooray, Stella made the blog!
Stella is delightful, Matt. You should be very proud.
WUfoam roll, lacrosse ball’indigenous’ peoples run around the blockdromspp 45x5pj 45x2x3mhp 45x3mhhp 45x3mhm 45x3rack delivery drill 45x3mhpc 45×3
WOD(75×3) 95×3 125×3 155×3 165×2.5 165×1.5
really really liked this one. forearms are still bloated feeling. grip was a HUGE factor. can’t wait to try it again.
coach d.o crushed it.
CD1000m row 14s/m10x3 ghd ext
yeah, this was fun. i would have liked to push harder but my back wasn’t in agreement.65, 75, 95 and then stopped.
hey jess,
i’m thinking about joining you for the affiliate team. WTF is up with it being three days?
I have to think about it a little more. but maybe….
WOD53x3, 63×3, 68×3, 68×3, 68×3
First time with MH power cleans. Stuck w/ 68 because it was challenging but not killer so I could work on form.
Finished out practicing new-found double under skillz for about 10 min, plus quad/shoulder stretching, and a few handstands for good measure.
yipes, that was hard.finished at 95, failed in the second round at 115, failed on the last clean in the last round at 105 (x2). much room for improvement. i hope we can try that again after some practice on the cleans.
Wonky back had me on the bench again.45x565x585x595x5115x5x4125x5x2
Apparently one’s feet should be on the ground for a bench press… who knew?
This little number was tough. I took the easy way out and only did 3 attempts.
Did 95, 115 and 135 all successful. The last jerk on the 135 took about six steps to stabilize though and I was completely bushed.
My body is really looking forward to the back off week. My plan is to only work out three days and do those pretty light. The other two days I figure I will do skill work.
“indigenous people run” – very enjoyable. I liked the perplexed looks we got, but I liked the sunshine more.
WOD: 53lb, 83lb, 103lb, 113lb, 123lbFFell over backwards in a most dignified fashion on the last two cleans. I got distracted for a crucial moment. sigh. It wasn’t even my grip dying! Oh well. Afterwards I was pretty shaky and fatigued so stopped there.
Accessory work: Lobster tacos at Palo. WOW.
Who’s the dame in today’s photo?
Loved this and was really impressed with the movement and the numbers put up today by folks.
Samir and Tushar. My sincerest apologies.
My 8pm cancelled so I gave this a whirl
(75×1, 95×1) 135×3, 165×3, 185×3, 190-6 DLs+2 Cleans, 190-1 Set.
Just like the bear, I try and minimize the number of attempts and don’t muck about at lower weights hence a single at 95 and 75. A single set will do. 190 was a mental fail. As I started thinking about the work still to come instead of the work at hand.
Good work all
75, 95, 105, 115, 125.
I thought 115 was really hard, but I hit some inspiration and blew through 125. I probably had another 5 or ten pounds, and for once my limiting factor might have been the jerks, not my forearms on the cleans.
Great working with Mrs. Fox and Whitney. Anyone who was in the box encouraging Jess on her last set got a feeling for what makes CFSBK special.
Felt a little weird when I got to the gym after a hard ride on just a little to eat.
I liked this challenge.(65×3 75×3)95×3, 110×3, 110×3, 110×3, 115×2 failed on the 1st clean of the last set.
Against my better judgement I went up on the last set. I shouldve done the jump sooner. I would have liked to hit 125. Shouldnt have dicked around so much.
Forearm grip strength was the limiting factor here. On the fail, I put the bar down for 30 seconds got on it again and easily finished the 3 cleans with a little shake out.
Oh yea..I felt like grip really got screwed on the torque from bringing the cleans back down to mid hang more than anything else. That part was brutal.
@ChrisFox: You kill me, you really do.
This WOD ambushed me. Nice wake-up call to get on how weak my grip is, and how much work I need on forearm strength.
95×3, 100×2.5, 90×3, 85×3, 85×3
As I said, this was humbling.
@Shane: No wucking furries.
wowza. grip grip grip! i only did 3 rounds bc i had to jet off to practice.
wu w/ 75
85, 100, 110
switching to a switch grip on the deadlifts REALLY helped on the last set, also combining the 6th deadlift with the 1st clean also seemed to make the rounds not so daunting.
wish i could have given 120 a shot!
Holy cow was this fun!
Warmup:-Line run-barefoot (brought back old soccer practice memories)-Droms-press, clean & jerk drills at 40lbs.
WOD:65×3, 75×3, 85×3, 95×3, 100×2.8
Yes, that’s 2.8–meaning I failed on the last effing clean on the last round. I must have tried at least 6 times to get it and each time I ended up slamming 100lbs into my upper thighs. Considering my max clean is 105, I’m pretty happy about the way this went. To recap:-First 2 sets at 100lbs = 2 minutes.-Attempts at last rep = 5 minutes.-Bruises on upper thighs = softball size.-Number of times Coach Fox’s new client pointed out my horribly set back = 14.-Hearing you all cheering me on = priceless.
Sorry that was corny, but it really makes for my favorite personal moment at SBK. You all rock!p.s. My other favorite was when Shane couldn’t quite say “clock”. ha!
Also,-It was great partnering with Matt and Whit. Matt you rocked it, and you definitely had more in you. Whit, I can’t believe that was one of your first exposures to cleans. You really showed improvement with each rep, nice job!-Steph, we were told that we couldn’t go straight from a deadlift into the first clean. Cheater ;-)-Nicole, aren’t you competing as an Individual at Regionals? If not, then hell yeah, join the team!!!
oh no i’m not doing the individual. i thought i had an oly meet that weekend but i was wrong it’s next weekend. And then i decided not to do it because i really just want to focus on o-lifting and i could tell that by doing both i was limiting my progress. However, the team competition i feel a little less pressure to kill myself training for. so….
Started with a run around the block – trying to do that before every WOD to get used to running and that was followed by Shanes “indigenous peoples run”
The challenge was a killer and at the end i was barely able to hold on anymore – my wrists and thumbs are sore!!
(65×3 85×1)95×3-105×3-105×3-115×3-120×3
The hardest part was resetting the bar during the MH Power Clean – when it came down, i had to hold on for dear life not to drop it.
jess – we weren’t told that – and i took that cue from katie who started it! so there! hehehehe
i swear i’m not a cheater!
if nicole joins the team i may be stepping down. logistically it makes the most sense and you guys will rock. lets discuss later.
i kinda want to go spectate at NEQ in order to siphon off some inspiration. hmm.
Love reading all the posts on this. I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought it was hard! My shoulders and everything are supersore today.
Backoff week = me getting in some running mileage in preparation for the BK Half. No NEQs for me.
Matt better watch out because I love Stella and am plotting a dognapping!
Ooh, Fox, I can’t wait to read Malcolm’s response to that article. Fascinating read.
I think he constructs a false straw man that the Slow Food/locavore movement is harming global anti-hunger efforts. I think we just don’t have enough global anti-hunger efforts.I’m also wary of his blaming of “uninspected” farmers’ markets for food-borne illnesses; I’d posit that instead the problem is total lack of access to any kind of functional health care. Last time I heard about contaminated food, it was coming from an industrial farm.Then I stopped reading. That bugger is 8,000 words if it’s a line.
i only read the beginning of the article but i think the general premise is correct. however it’s not that locavore movement is bad for global hunger. it’s a one-size fits all attitude that is bad for global hunger. rich locavores who think that everyone has to eat the way they do, no matter how poor, are the ones who are bad. if you’re a rich locavore who chooses to eat the way you do because you know it’s good for you and you can afford it, more power to you. poor people can’t afford to eat the way we do, so they have to eat less healthy food. the right goal is not to force them to starve in an effort to make them eat healthier food, but promote them getting wealthier (primarily with access to capital) because then once they are rich like us then they’ll be able to afford to eat the way we do. i haven’t read the whole article but i suspect that the author is also guilty of one size fits all attitude. if locavore eating isn’t the right choice for poor people, then it isn’t the right choice for rich people either. wtf. that’s bullshit.