5 rounds of:
250m Row
15 Dumbbell Push Presses, 45/25
15 Box Jumps, 24"/20"
Each partner must complete 5 Rounds of this workout. Partners will alternate by round until all the work has been completed.
Post partner, Rx and total time to comments.
Assistance Work
Weighted Sit-Up 3×8
If you’re cool you’ll sign up for the Tapas cooking lesson with Kira like I did. The food’s totes paleo if you drink wine with it. (I heard)
Really fun partner WOD today.
Worked with Josh who I had never worked with before.
I did PP at 35# and box as RX’dI was gonna try 45# but after practicing with 35# I was like ..naw.
That was the hardest part of the workout. Coming off the rower and have to get a heavy PP up. 5 rounds is also very tough
Total time 27:03
Those Crossfit Kids t-shirts are awesome! Shane: Nickelodeon green is a good color for you.
PS – you do not need to be as cool as Snip to attend Kira’s tapas and wine class. Uncool people like me will also be there.
Made up last Thursday’s clean and pullup wod. As rx’d. 15:32. The front squat part of the clean definitely became the hardest part.
A couple of hours later worked upto a max weighted chinup. 97lbs. 100 is so close and yet so far away.
After went and ate at the new Oaxaca. Very tasty. Also I was chatting with the guy running it and he is now going to make up some truncated menus which will include an all meat and guacamole plate option for those of us who want the good taste of tacos without failing to eat paleo. I have a suspicion this summer is going to be awesome.
Weighted sit-ups: 8x15lbs starting above chest, 8x25lbs starting above chest, 8x10lbs held at extension overhead from the bottom. These were a lot more fun than they sounded.
WOD with Willie 26:18.
I scaled to 20lb dbs. Willie had to sub sit-ups for the push-press, and like a hero he did 30 in each round and then scaled up his box jumps to 28 inches. Thank goodness or I’d have gotten way too little rest. 😉
Came in feeling pretty sore and tired, tried a few pp at 25lbs and they felt squirrelly, so decided to scale back and be safe. In the fourth round, my body figured out how to cycle them and I got 15 unbroken and then did the same thing in the last round. Next time I’ll go Rx’d. Wish I could do the same with box jumps.
I pretty much kept my row at or under 2:00 minute splits on average. I started out around 1:56 and then would slide toward 2:02 at about 160m, had to fight it back down each time. Hurray for Coach Nick – rowing is much more fun these days. 🙂
My times for each round were:2:332:332:402:272:20
Post-WOD foam rolling.
Partner Wod with Joe: 27:08
40 lbs pp for me, 30 for Joe. Good one!
And those weighted situps were interesting as well. I like how you guys keep finding ways to surprise and delight me.
Bjorn covered our time already. I don’t know the round by round breakdown, but my rowing splits were sub 1:35, sub 1:40, sub 1:45, 1:45, sub 1:50.
Weighted sit-ups15 lb plate x815 lb kettlebell x4 each arm25 lb plate x8
good times with ash on this one. a very fine burner!
WUfoam rolldroms
Partner WODRx’dTotal time 29:01
ASs Wk25lb, 35lb, 45lb bar
CDfoam roll
Started this morning with the 5k Lincoln Tunnel Challenge, which I completed with my good friend Smoking Marathon Man and his guide dog. We did it at a fast walk/slow jog, somewhere in the 50 min range.
Got back to Brooklyn by 11:30, so I thought, why not do the WOD?
28:04 w/ my fantastic partner Liese; I don’t want to brag, but I think we rocked it.I used a 20″ box and 15# dumbbells
Situps8 w/ 10 lb plate, 16 w/ 15# dumbbell
I made up the clean/pull-up WOD with Malcolm: 11:53 w/ 95# cleans and blue band pull-ups–probably should have upped the weight on the cleans. Slowly getting the grip/pull-up strength back.
sit-ups were w/ anchored feet and a 15# plate overhead. hard in a good way.
26:49 with Rebecca. We kind of didn’t communicate very well about how we were going to track time, so I know my first split ended at about 3:15, but I don’t know anything after that.
I did this rx’d. The first two sets were unbroken, the third I think I did 10 and 5; the fourth–10, 3, 2; the fifth 7, 3, 3, 2.
Rebecca used 10#, unbroken all the way through. And beautiful box jumps.
First of all, update on the quad. Thanks to the icing and Coach Fox recommending I bring the lacrosse ball for the drive back and forth to Pearl River yesterday, it feels pretty good. Definitely not at 100% but completely functional. I guess that little torture ball really works.
Warmup:-Counting out 5 burpees because I was late…very sorry guys!-Dislocates-Weighted situps: 3×8 at 10#, 15#, 15#
WOD: 27:04 (solo)I did this by myself and rested as long as each round took me. Modified to 20lb push press and weighted situps instead of box jumps. Took the row kind of easy because I didn’t know how my quad would take it. Used a 15lb db for the weighted situps beginning at the 2nd round.
After, lots of foam roll/torture ball and then a few tries at ring pushups. Those are super hard!
Sit-ups15x8, 25×8, 35×8, 40lb bar x7
Partnered Chris J.30lb. dbs20″ box30:35
DMG is doing me a favor with his “good times” comment.
I can honestly say that the last time i felt as bad as i did this morning was in my first weeks with the program. Fox, Margie and DMG were valiant in trying to coach me through it, but it was not pretty.Not my strongest movement the PP, but generally felt weak this morning. Might need to try get a Thursday “Met Con” into my schedule and think a little more about pre workout prep (sleep, foot intake etc).Fox, I promise i will be working on it…Heels, heels, heels..Tks
Partnered with Snip we did more than grand thanks!18″ Box10 lbFinish 28:04Great job everyone!
whoa… holy mind meld batman…
today i did three rounds of 500 meter rows followed by 2 sets of 15 push press with 3 minutes rest between rounds. and then i looked at cfsbk and whoa…
david, are you stealing my thoughts and then improving them!?!?!
Did this solo after classes.Fastest Rnd was 2:10slowest was ~3:0021:00 plus ghost partner = 24:00