(E3/4 L1 5×5 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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compare to 4.17.10
3-5 Attempts of:
Run 270m
Rest as needed between rounds. If you'd like to run with a sandbag, go for it.
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Introduction to Paleo Eating Workshop May 2, 5:30pm at the Brooklyn Lyceum
Coach Margie gives the lowdown on eating like we're old school.
Maybe you're new to CF South Brooklyn and have overheard whisperings of this crazy "paleo" diet. Lots of meat? And fat? No grains? What about spelt?
Or maybe you went through our Primal Quest and are totally "yeah, yeah, yeah" about the whole thing, but your friends think your propensity for coconut, avocado and pork belly is totally outrageous (because they're secretly envious), and you really wish they'd stop pestering you and just try it, for god's sake.
Or maybe your athletic performance has hit a wall, your body composition is not optimal, or you're worried you might be heading down the road towards type II diabetes.
Well, here is the perfect opportunity to find out a few answers about this incredibly common sense, yet oddly controversial approach to eating. We'll tackle the fundamental principles of paleolithic dining, its value in the context of health and athletic ability, and how to incorporate it into your life. We'll also look at some of the reasons why people resist eating this way.
You'll walk away with a solid understanding of the basics, resources to find out more and a few recipes. Plus a tasty homemade paleo snack!
All for $5. Pretty sweet deal.
Sign up here in advance to guarantee a spot
Overhead Squats with McG:95×2, 95×3, 95×3, 100×3, 100x3Yay for triple digits.
Barefoot run: 48s, 54s, 56s, 52s or something like that.
Saturday morning class: always a pleasure.
OHSqWorked up to a max of 165×3
270 m sprints:48:471:02 (sandbag)puke
Dharma is looking forward to CFSBK Kids today. The Future of Fitness!
a fine 8am group this morning.
WU300m row 18s/mfoam roll teeny ball goodnesssamson stretchdroms
OHS with the mighty bjorn(45×5 65×5 85×3)115×3 125x3x2 130x3x2finally feel this working. looking forward to the next exposure whenever that maybe
270m sprintstook it veryvery easy. first time running in an age. first time running barefoot EVER! felt really nice. 2 toes cut but still very nice to be running. leg felt fine too. here’s to more.
OHS 5×3135, 140, 145, 150(2), 150
I’m slowly starting to get my groove with OHS. I need to continue to work on remaining straight armed and shrugged out as I squat (thanks Shane).
270 meter sprints43, 45, 40, 39
I ran the last two with my bionic dog, Milli (she had plates, screws, and wire in both hips).
105/115/120/125/130pr10lb pr over last week. Looking forward to the max effort singles!
Spent the run looking at the back of Scott.:43, :47, :48
not used to sprinting further than 90 feet. was gassed at the end of each try.
I loves mah weekend classes, I really do.
Subbed HBBSQ for OHS (tweaked shoulder).
WU: 95×5, 135×5, 155×3, 175×3
Work: 185×5, 190×5, 195×5, 195×5, 195×5
Then, three 270 meter sprints (rather, one easy run, and two lame-ass attempts to sprint):
52s (easy run), 47s, 47s
I thought about a fourth but I was still feeling all that fine Sauvignon Blanc from Friday night.
Warm Up:-3:00 row at 18 s/m-Mobility prep (lacrosse ball/foam roll)-PVC Overhead Squat
Overhead Squat:(45×5, 60×5, 70×4)work: 70x5x5-Thought about trying 75 for sets across, but decided against it. The first couple of sets were really wobbly, but I felt I settled down for the last three.
270m run:1) :532) :503) 1:00-The first two were barefoot and I ended up tearing my toe on the second one. After cleaning it and putting shoes back on, I went out for my 3rd. About 10 steps into the run, I felt this sudden tightness form in my left quad. I should have stopped then, but I finished in a jog and immediately went to try to roll the knot out. I’ve been icing it now for the past hour and really hope it’s nothing major… 🙁
Worked with Dan todayWarmup: 45,65, 75, 95Work 115, 115, 120, 120, 120 x5Stronger but form not necessarily better. I have to continuet o work with Laurel adn the other coaches on these to get the right foot and arm width, etc.
May stay at 120 next week.
Run46, 43, 58 with sandbag, then 48-49?
Love the 8am group.3 min. row to warm upfoam roller/ball/pvc workOHS(45×5,50×5,55×3,60×2)70x2xF, 70×1, 65×3,65×3,65×370 was a bit of a stretch. Body is feeling beat up from a big work week. Was hoping to have ended on a higher note for the last exposure, but ah well, next time.270mx3 run1:10,1:05,1:02barefoot for the first time. Kinda cool. Takes a little getting used to. Nice to run with Katie!
Think I was wrong. There is one more exposure to OHS, no? Phew. I’ll nail it then.
OHSQ: (45×5, 65×5, 85×5, 95×3)three sets of 105×3 but that wasn’t too hard so upped to 5 reps for the last two rounds
270m runs (first one with shoes, last two barefoot)1:11, 1:06, 1:02. faster and more effortless without shoes, but my feet aren’t happy with me. Nice to run with Deb and to get the barefoot tips from Nick!
12 pm hangover class. Sorry I was late, kiddos.
OHSw/up (22x5x2, 32×3, 42×2)work 45x2Fx1x5x5x5x5I failed on the first set b/c D.O. was watching.
Sprints. I am pretty embarrassed to write my times, but I’ll consider it penance for the drinks I consumed last night:1:07ish1:031:05Fail.
OHS(32×5, 50×5, 70×3)85x3x5
Sprints:1:031:021:03This was my second time attempting to run since surgery and it felt good. Running in my Vibrams makes such a huge difference. Yay running!
Dharma ROCKED it today AND she beat me at soccer.
The Guerra boys are a force unto themselves and have become quite the athletes.
CF Kids 4 Life, Son.
PS-I thank blonde-haired, blue-eyed Jesus for Saturday afternoon naps.
OHS Max Effort 3x. 150, 160, 165, 170, 175PR. This was a 10 pound pr since last week. Pretty damn happy with how well this went.
Sprints were less awesome. 1:00, 0:50, 0:51.
Now I am obsessed with the idea of doing a set of 10 OHS at body weight. Sounds brutal, but I am down to 156 so it is 20lbs less than my new 3rm.
OHS: 45×5, 75×3, 95×3, 100x2110x5x5
First set was fine, second set was wobbly and weird, third was a little better, fourth better than that and fifth close to the first. Not sure what was going on, but it might have been thursday’s pull-ups showing through.
Sprints: 52, 56, 1:04. I had so little go-go in my system that I wasn’t sure if my body would really start running when I stood at the start line and people were counting down. I didn’t strategize well either, didn’t do a gentle first attempt and sprinted flat out for the first 130m of the first two attempts and then was dying by the time I was coming back. Felt pretty nauseated. Last attempt I ran more gently due to the nausea and a sense that I could hurt myself if I pushed much harder.
Ditched all accessory work and lay on my back and drank coffee instead. I’m looking forward to the next back-off week, feeling beat up.
It sure was a gorgeous day today! Hope everyone got outside a little to enjoy it.
@Jess: I really hope you didn’t hurt yourself too! I’ve found hot/cold therapy to do wonderful things.
Woot, hangover class at 12. Also, RIP Guru; Gangstarr tribute class. RIP GURU.
OHS (45 x 5), (55 x 5), (65 x 3), 5 sets: 65 x 3
Sprints: 51s, 48s, 51s.
Almost booted in the canal on the way home.