(E3/4) L1 5×5 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
Post loads to comments.
compare to 4.15.10
Assistance Work
5 Rounds NFT of:
:30 Handstand Hold
:30 L-Hang Hold
:30 Hip Extension Hold
Please answer one of the following questions in the comments section.
1. What are our three movement pools for Group Class Strength training?
2. If you wanted to warm-up a deadlift for a work set of 275x3x5. how would you do it?
3. If you wanted to warm-up for a bench press set of 65x5x5, how would you do it?
4. On your first Overhead Squat exposure, you perform 85x5x5 with relative ease. Provide a plan for the following three exposures using sets across.
5. You're going for a Max Effort 1 rep max of Bench Press. Your previous best is 225×1. How would you warm up and approach this?
6. You're going for a Max Effort 5 rep max of Overhead Squats. You've done sets across before up to 125x5x5. It was difficult, but you were able to complete all 5 work sets. How would you approach this?
7. Why is it important to not round your back during deadlifts?
7. protects lower back
I don’t think I know Michelle but I like her already.
#5- 45×5, 95×5, 145×3, 195×1, 215 x1then…225if good/fast lift go up 5-10 # each succestul attempt
I’m worried Fisher will espouse more poetic on this
#3: To warm-up for a bench press set of 65x5x5, I would do: 35×5, 45×5, 55×3
#1-Squat Variant (High/low bar, Front, OH)-Pull (DL, Cleans, Snatch)-Push (Bench, Jerks, Press, Dips)
I woke up super today. Before the alarm. Before the sun was up. Was up and dressed and ready to go to the gym for some 6 a.m. goodness…Until I realized it was Wednesday. /sad face.
2. 95×5 125×5 185×5 235×3 255×1
First, if I could overhead 125, I would tell everybody. Then I would start at 120, and hit 125 on my second set. Then, depending how that felt, I’d go up to 130, 135, and potentially hit 140 in that last set. Or repeat 130 or 135 if there was some wonkiness.
Side note: if you purchase a bottle rocket from bierkraft with the intentions of heating it up at home, be careful. When Ben tells you you want to crisp the pancetta on the outside, this does not mean stick it in the broiler. The bottle rocket is on a wooden skewer, and that skewer will ignite and start a fire in your kitchen. Not that I did this, I just…heard.
#2 – for 275x3x5 I would go
135x5185x5225x3250x1might vary depending on how I feel.
@snip soak the skewer first and you should be fine, that’s how it works for planks and chips in grilling.
@Snip: you could always remove the skewer prior to reheating. And add it back afterwards.
#4 – 1) I would be psyched. I’d aim for the following:
Exposure #2: sets across of 3, aim for 95#. Warm up: 45×5, 75×5, 85×3.
Exposure #3: Sets across of 3, aim for 100# or 105# depending on how 95 felt. Warm up: 45×5, 75×5, 95×3.
Exposure #4: Sets across of 1, aim for 110 or 115. Warmup: 45×5, 75×3, 95×1, 105×1.
I would ask Jeremy
#3 I would start off with a warm up set with just the 22# bar for 5-7 reps.
Then I would add 15 lbs andand do 37# for 5 reps.
Then I would do 47#3 reps
then I would hit 57# for 1-2 reps
then get into my 65# work set
45 (5)55 (5)60 (3)…GO! … i.e. 65 (x5x3)
@Snip – this is why you soak the skewers before you BBQ.. 😉 Same concept.
At my first crossfit Teens class with Shane I was the only person child/teen that was there wich was kinda wierd but it was fun. During the session I did sit-ups, [easy] ring rows, [easy at the end] and planks [diffucult]. We were gonna do sqwats but since my knee was hurting we changed it to push ups, and then we changed the push ups in to ring rows…. I just wrote alot… =0 hehe!
WUeasy 600m rowjump rope practice/droms
BP(45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 185×3, 205×3, 225×3)250x3x5
Acc Wkgreat stuff. L hangs were tough.
CDmoving a locker upstairs.
#7 it is important to not round your back during deadlifts, because if you do, you’ll eff your shit up BIGTIME!
Nice, Dharma posting. Welcome!
I guess we have to watch our language now.
Bench Press with Avi.
wu: 45, 75, 95, 135 (kept warm ups lighter today. I think last time I spent too much energy on warmups.
work 155x5x2 then that felt okay so I went up to 160x5x3 (bodyweight +5lbs)Finished off with a 170×2.
Nice working with Avi. He ripped through 175 easily.
Accesory WOD: only did 4 rds since I didnt want Tene to cause the class to do burpees.
low bar back squat 140x3x5bench 115x5x5
laurel, thanks for putting up with my slow accumulation of handstand seconds.
Weighted chin-ups with Willie (the sore shoulder crew).
15×5, 20×5, 25×5, 25×4, 25×3, 15×3
Long way to go on this.
Then L-sits and hip extensions.
Hey Dharma, welcome! Great to have you here (in virtual and in real space).
Warmup:-Alternating jump rope and various plank stuff.
Bench Press:(45×5, 75×5, 85×3)work: 95×5, 95x4x2, 92x5x2
Since I couldn’t get the 5th rep in my middle sets at 95, Fox had me drop a little. I can definitely do 95 next time around.
Accessory work:-5 rounds was alot! Hardest part for me was L-hold (modified to tuck). Handstands were unassisted against a wall and it felt like my head might explode.
Dharma really enjoyed Crossfit Teens! When we got home I told her how we normally post our workouts on the blog and asked if she wanted to also. Of course she did. I doubt she’ll ever look at the blog outside of the times she might post so I wouldn’t worry too much about language. Unless you all wanna clean up your act anyways. 😉
Bench Press45x5,75×5,105×3,145×2,175x1190x5x5
also did a 20 rep squat at 185 with Ryan earlier in the day.Next week i’ll go for it at 195.
Great fun with partner John today!
Benchpress: (45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 115×1)125x5x3, 125x3x2
This felt super heavy in the first set, but the 2nd and 3rd were challenging but easier… then in the 4th set the fourth rep wouldn’t go up. I didn’t fight it well, so tried again and fought, but still it wouldn’t go up.
Accessory work with free standing handstands. I think the longest I held one was 15 seconds. John had some beauties too. This was particularly challenging after benchpress.
Hip extension holds: unweighted with hands up, +5lbs, unweighted, +2.5lbs, +2.5lbs.
L-sits involved some alternate leg extension but degenerated into tucks. Very challenging.
20 minute row keeping 16 strokes/minute and aiming for a 2:50 split. Phew. Tried to get my back more involved in the stroke, but that gave me substantially more power so it was hard to keep the split slow.
Nice post Dharma, keep’em coming.
Bench(22×5, 37×5, 47×5, 52×3)57x5x5
ASS work took forever! L-hold was modified; last four rounds of the hip extension I held a 5 lb plate.
Took 5pm class today.
Bench Press with ryan(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 155×3)170×3, 180×3, 185×3, 190×2, 135×15
My hips are not recovered from a recent 310x3x5 Deadlift so I just did lots of handstand work.
I was told there would be no math.
It was really great to see everyone again. I’ll try to stop by more often in the summer.
Bench Press 1×2@195; 4×3@155
I’m w/ Matt.
Bench w/ Zev:45x565x585x5105x5125x4115x5x5
Subbed 60 second board plank for handstands. Big fun today. Great to see everyone.