(E3/4) L1 5×3 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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compare to 4.12.10
Assistance Work
Spend 15 Minutes working the following two movements:
5-10 Ring Rows
3-5 Forward Rolls
Play with different arm positions, angles, weights and ways to pull yourself up on ring rows. Be creative with your forward rolls. Jump over obstacles, forward roll from a handstand, go for distance. Rest as needed during this assistance work.
Strength Cycle A is sold out! We've still got one more slot left for Cycle B of Jeremy's 8 Week Strength Intensive. Here are the details:
Tuesday at 7pm
Thursday at 7pm
Sunday at 12pm
April 20th
– June 13th
Welcome Yolanda T, John M, Robin R, Will S, Emily H and Stephen P! Today is our first ever afternoon Foundations cycle.
where have all the morning folks gone??
flying solo this am with osorio
wu:osorio torture, including but not limited to, foam rolling, rolling out with the torture stick, hamstring pnf
5 rounds of8 wall ball (6#,8#,10#,14#,20#)5 ring rows
20# wall ball is HARD! all singles – couldn’t catch and cycle
OHS(45x3x2, 65×3, 75×1)85×3, 90×3, 95×3, 100×3
88 was old PR and i was aiming for 95, so 100 was nice to get. definitely taxing on the wrists, but the heavier it got the more zoned in i felt. stopped at 4th set, was happy with it and feel pretty wiped.
Deadlift. Intended on getting sets across at 385 but Tucker had other ideas …
Sure Fox, blame the poor dog.
still good numbers all the same on DL. I am looking forward to significant increase in pr through this strength cycle.
Deadlifts at noon. Very fun accessory work–finally feeling less nauseated from forward rolls, and great to be inspired by Zak’s fearlessness.
Was hoping to go up on the lifts as my tweaked hamstring was feeling better, but it started acting up again so I scaled back to 185#, same weight as last week. Pulled 195 on the last set, felt OK. Slooowww and steady.
5 x 1 Max Effort:(65 x 5, 95 x 3, 125 x 1)135, 145, 155, 165*, 160
* funky posture.
sorry all for my meltdown, not exactly sure what was up, but thanks for listening. feeling better now.
DL – 135x2x3225x3, 255×3, 275×3, 295x2x3Sets of 3 across as I’ve missed the last two weeks.
Steady row to even it all out and get back into the swing of things. 2000m 7:49.71:57.4 splits, 17 s/m
Warmup:-bit of lecture/strategy from papa bear on our strength cycles…good stuff-15 mins of forward rolls/ring rows playtimeEnded up doing about 5 rounds. Only about 3 forward rolls each time because I just don’t feel well after them. Ring rows felt good and went like this: 10 incline ring rows the first round, 5 less incline, 5 parallel (feet on little box), 5 on box, 5 balancing across the pullup bar.
DL:(95×5, 140×3, 190×2)work: 205x3x5-Back was rounding some and I needed to reset after each lift. Still need to work more on keeping my shoulders retracted throughout. Thanks Laurel and Fox for the advice.
Bonus work:-Handstand Pushups3x5 with blue bandsThanks Laurel for the spots and encouragement on these! Fun stuff.-Also got 2 strict pullups linked, because Ryan told me to.
Deadlifting E1:345x5x3 felt easy, will look to jump to 365 and see if I can maintain good for.
Any word on hanging the rings from the ceiling again?
WOD Foundations Class:Time – 10:48
Oops, wrote that incorrectly: 345x3x5
Forward roll fun. 🙂
Deadlift: 95×5, 135×5, 185x2195x3x5
These felt much better than last week! Thanks for the tips Jess. I’ve been doing way to many warm-ups!
Accessory: double white band assist handstand push-ups 6,6,4 & 2.
Foundations WOD (1000m row, 30 pushpresses, 50 situps for time):
Foundations WOD – 8:46
Sets across255, 245, 255, 255, 255Dropped weight down 1 set cause fox said form was poor. After doing it at the lighter weight felt more dialed in so went up to 255. Still have to work on the descent of the bar
Deadlifts were pretty good, but this is still a rough movement for me.
Singles Max Effort:
305, 315, 330*, 305, 305F.
*Back loosened. Didn’t quite round but not strong any more. Didn’t even want to attempt the last 305 and back felt weak at the ground so I didn’t go further.
LUCA! hope you are enjoying foundations!
Foundations WOD 11:23
Nice work foundations crew! Keep posting!
WOD Foundations Class:Time – 7:31
Foundations ClassWOD1000 m row50 situps30,000 press ups
time: 7:50
love, brian andrew zimbler
yeah it felt like 30,000.
Made these up last night at open gym. Margie’s wallball-pass/running relay warm-up was too much fun!
Deadlift:(95×5, 145×5, 165×3)185x1185x1175x3175x3175x3 (ugly last rep)
I came in planning to pull 185×3 but my body had other ideas.