For time:
30 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans
10 Push-Ups
20 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans
20 Push-Ups
10 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans
30 Push-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Skill Work
12 Minutes of Handstand Practice
Yoon S does some assistance work
Due to a DOB Inspection, there will be no Monday 6 and 7am classes. Afternoon and evening classes are on as usual.
Affiliate Team Tryouts are today from 9am-11am. We'll warm-up, explain the workouts and scoring system then test out.
Today's Workouts are:
Max Clean and Jerk, 3 Attempts
21-15-9 Deadlifts 225/185 and Pull-Ups
We've got 2 concurrent Strength Cycles with Coach Jeremy coming up this April! Check out the dates below:
Cycle A
Monday at 7pm
Wednesday at 7pm
Friday at 6pm
Dates: April 19th-June 11th
Cycle B
Tuesday at 7pm
Thursday at 7pm
Sunday at 12pm
Dates: April 20th – June 13th
For more information on our Strength Program and to register, please Click Here. Space is limited to 4 per cycle. You can pause your CrossFit Group class membership while on this program.
David – the workout you posted initially had the women’s weight at 155lbs.
15# dbellsPushups elevated, #1 hole on the rack15:25? Not sure of the seconds
I was the last one to finish in my group, but I was fine with that. More focused on keeping my pushups legit. Some of my squats got a little shallow at some points…but all in all a great workout.
Handstand practice went well. My next hurdle is getting confident doing it without a spotter. I am afraid of overshooting it and landing on my back; need to work on my exit strategy.
Re: yesterday’s post, kipping and du’s were my 3-month goals. 6-month goals are freestanding handstand and a strict pull-up. That last one may be a pipe dream.
OK, back outside to enjoy the weather!
made up a missed front squat exposuresets of 3 across at 130lb. body weight!
made up kettlebell and sprint bell.2:09,2:15, 2:16. Malcolm, thanks for keeping time.
WU: 1000m easy row and then pace row with stroke rate starting at 16 and increasing by 2 every minute for 5 minutes.
Handstand practice – got some good pointers from Shane and Laurel that really helped. Just have to remember them for next time.
WOD: 25# DBs – 13:18cleans were getting pretty sloppy by the end. Last set of pushups were done half in doubles and half in singles.
Acc work: ring support 5x15sec
cool down: foam roll and stretching
12:57 with 25# dumbbells. I’m looking fwd to the coming exposure to bench press, because I’m tired of my push-ups sucking.
Warm-up: Pace row 16s/m to 24 s/m over 5 minutes increasing in two s/m every minute.
WOD @ 15lb DB – I’m being a good girl and taking my back-off week. 7:56. My push-ups need some attention.
Accessory: Haven’t done clean and jerks before and after watching the affiliate competitors was inspired to play with them. 63×3, 83×2, 113×1, 123×1, 133×1, 143F, 143F, 143F. The cleans were all fine, somehow I couldn’t get my grip switched properly so the jerk part didn’t work out. I don’t think the weight was too heavy, I just need to figure out the transition technique better.
10:05 with #25 dumbells
Laurel and Shane made sure that reps were legit. last set of push ups were a shit show. had to resort to singles for the final 15.
Brought my friend Nicole in for the teaser. Hope she stays around for foundations!
ack. was conned into trying out for the team. i guess that was better than doing hsqclean dumbells. i hate those.
114/135/155f on the c+j6:29 on the dl/pullup
WU5 min row increasing stroke rate every minute. starting at 14 s/mshoulder movement prep
Acc WkHandstand practice. Felt good. Need more. getting inverted feels much better. unsupported, that’s another story. it’s getting there though.
DB/PU Wod8:25 w 20lb DB.wanted to make sure my form held together as much as i could. PU’s were ok at the beginning but were tough at the last 30. got to wrk on that.
CDext rotator wkthrowing lucy and finn around.
what happened to all the comments?
@Sameer: there were comments?
So after watching everyone do this wod and then going for tacos I did it too. Because of the back off week I decided to go for a really light weight and try to go fast.
Did it with 15 lb dumbbells it took 7:05. Felt good to go quickly.
After about twenty minutes did the max clean and jerks.
After warming up. 145, 165, 175 all successful. 175 definitely had a bit of press out and a few steps.
that’s my point, Dan.
WU5 min row increasing stroke rate every minute.
Handstand practice.Getting better every time with these. Shane’s pointers helped here…weight on finger tips, squeezing legs together etc
DB/PU WOD7:25 – 20lb DB.tried to focus on form so kept weight on the lighter side. really need to work on the speed of this movement and making the whole thing more dynamic.Also shoulder flexibility needs to continue to improve if i am ever going to nail these types of movememnts.
Foam roller work..
@Sameer: Seems like a good number of people are posting, or did you mean from those who were going for team try outs?
DB/PU WOD -11:00 with 15lb dumbbells and pushups done on a folded gymnastics mat
Is there class today (Easter)? hmm…
45lbs Dumbbell Cleans/Pushup WOD: 12:41
Another fine example of my not reading the instructions before starting the workout.
Did full dumbbell cleans, touching the floor with each rep.
Full ROM pushups — chest to the deck each time.
Super sore on Sunday but felt great. Used 25lb DBs and finished in 13:13.Shane really helped me with the handstands. I felt more comfortable after the acc. workout