(E4/4) Max effort
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compare to 3.24.10
"Death By Box Jump"
Perform 1+ Box Jump every :30 interval until you can't keep up with the clock.
Post rounds completed to comments.
Assistance Work
Hip Extensions 3×8
Coach Nick warms up on the Erg
Every :30?
I’m glad I’ll be on an airplane. Be good everyone, see you next week.
Is that Matt grunting in the background with the tabata kettlebell swings while Nick is rowing?
And these box jumps on the 30 second mark sound like fun!
Did the Stephs do this working already?
this steph did not. no AM classes on wednesdays dan!!
Wed= David Sleeps
Crossfit in the mainstream media:
Finally, someone in office does something right!
I was out with Shane and Jeremy (and Jess) last night and it seems official. Wednesday is trainer-gets-to-sleep-in-late-day.
I just woke up ๐
Oh, so embarrassing. Thanks for pointing that out, Dan.
I plan on doing at least three, maybe four intervals of the box jump work tonight.
Also: my friend Spencer (who introduced me to CrossFit) wrote this account of a powerlifting competition in Charlotte. It’s an excellent read:
hmm maybe ill do a couple rounds of the box jump WOD to get my heart rate going.
I wanted to run this hill–but now its closed ๐ Stupid residents.
Ain’t no rest for the wicked…
@ Dan I have to come to a few evening classes (like tonight) so I can team up with J Bails and annoy Coaches Fox and Osorio with our antics. Also, lift.
Fox – please notify the fed about this new policy. I want to sleep in too! (not that I typically get up quite so crazy crack of dawn as you do.)
@laurel at desk by 6:30. I feel you.
Looking forward to getting in there tonight. I think I am ready for some air squats on the bum wheel. If they workout, start putting some load back on gradually. Feels much better and maybe ready for a little action. I need to throw some steel around!
So, Tuesday is the new Thursday?
@Fox: Nice! It’s all about the recovery.
@StephP: Good thing I didn’t pick today to make it to a morning class…
@Matt: My pleasure, where would we be without a little online humor! And that was a good read, the video he posted was great!
@StephW: lifting is definitely secondary to the social life. One day you should strike a picnic in the middle of back squatting.
@Laurel: Just inform the Fed that you’ll be needing two flex days a week from now on.
Matt and Jim -thanks for the good reads.
Singlet envy ๐
Noon class with a great crew! Push jerk 5×1.(33×5, 65×5, 85×3, 95×1)105, 115, 120, 125, 130F
Crazy hyperextension on the 130# so didn’t try again. Failing on jerks is scary.
Death by box jump: 10 rounds + 10 box jumps, 20″ box.
3×8 hip extensions with 10# dumbbell.
Some handstands.
Nick was super-excited about this video. He says that’s probably the best he’s ever looked on the erg, technique-wise.
(Nice socks, though.)
good crew this afternoon. and always a pleasure to see the mighty gabrus.
WUdromsmedball madness.
Push Jerkpress 45x5push press 45x5push jerk 45×5
(95×3, 125×3, 135×2)165 175 185 195f 185
this movement baffles me. or i baffle me.i can press more than i can jerk. it could be fear of putting full weight on my poxy leg. got to fix that. grrr!
DBBJ12 RNDS + 20″liked this a lot. want to try it again and again. i should have been able to do more, but leg was tweaking now and then. *@!*ing leg!!
ACC WKhip ext8x1 bw8x1 10lbs8x1 25lbs
10×2 strict pull ups.
Push Jerks
105 115 125 130 135pr
Death by box 10 exactly, then legs dead
GHD – thanks for the tips McG
Friend sent this picture of CF t-shirt from her phone. Amusing…
Subbed Push Press for Jerks75x295x2105x1115x1120x1pr125x1pr
12 rounds +8 on Death by Box Jump… had exactly zero rhythm, flow, grace. I found myself double jumping like I was jumping rope at both the bottom and the top of the box. Der.20″ Box
I agree with McG, this is a somewhat scary movement.
Warmed up my push jerk with 33Lb.s53x563x373x2
83, 88, 93, 98 (F), 98(F)
Death by Box Jump: 15 Rounds
Push Jerk!
W/up (22×6, 32×3, 42×3, 52×2, 57×1)Work 62x3x5Extra credit 52×3
This was a 5# jump from 2 weeks ago (I missed last week), so a little bold. And it showed by my 5th round, when things got pretty squirrelly. Hence the extra credit, to get the form back.
Box jumps, 12 rounds + 8. I’m really mad about not gutting it out and getting 13.
Hip extensions 2×8
Finally, some double under practice with Dan. He was really tough on me and wouldn’t let me get away with bad form. No hip pike allowed >:-0
Very excited for next cycle. It will be my first time doing overhead squats and bench!
jerk 115,120,125,125,125
box jumps 24inch 14 rounds plus 10
Push Jerk -65×3, 85×3, 95×3, 105x2x3, 115×3, 125x3Feeling better.Death by Box Jump – 13 rnds +10Hip extensions – 3×8, 2nd rnd with 25lbs, 3rd rnd with 35lbs.
2x 10 strict pull ups (second rnd kipped the last four up with a slow negative down).
push jerks
wasn’t really feeling it. had a hard time getting 115 up, which i didn’t have a problem with last week. wasn’t really going for it, was worried more about the sectional wod we were about to do…
row 1k30 burpee box jumpsrow 1k
felt good – i need to get faster with burpees though.
fun doing this with jess and malcolm. awesome work guys!
Push Jerk: (45×3, 65×3, 85×3)105x1115x1125x1135x1 (previous max)140x1145x1150F150x1 – not pretty. I think I was just fatiguing and not moving fast enough.
Death by Box jumps: 12 rounds + 10? Cracked my shin on the box. I’m trying to learn how to cycle them jumping down and am not so good at it yet.
3×8 hip extensions, 10lbx8 hip extensions.
Double under practice.
Terrific work on the sectional WOD Steph, Jess and Malcolm. You guys were all much faster than me! grrr. Need to work on rowing!
Warm upfoam rollbarbell warm-ups
push jerk95x3, 135×3, 155×2 175x1185x1, 190×1, 195×1, 200×1,205F, 205F
Death by box jump19 rounds plus 18 jumpsI think* it was kind of a blur, someone correct me if I’m wrong
Warmed up and then push jerked.
155, 165, 175, 177.5, 180PR. Both the 177.5 and 180 were PR’s. Feel like this movement is beginning to make sense.
After some handstand practice I warmed up again to try the first workout from this weekend’s NJ Sectionals.
Row 1000m, 30 burpee box jump (@ 24 inches), Row 1000m.
Was actually pretty happy with this.
Finished with 3 sets of ten GHD situps.
I would never have attempted the sectional workout without my co-conspirators. Now we just need to find a slot of time long enough for me to finish the front squat double under wod.
Push-jerk singles. After a warm-up: 115, 125, 135 (twice), 140, 145 (pr) — Those last two sets were NOT pretty.
Death by box jump: 11 rounds plus 7 on the 24″ box. Man, I hate box jumps… but it felt good to cycle some reps on the big box, which usually scares me too much to tackle.
Push Jerk: 1-1-1-1-1-warm up drills at 40lbs-45×5, 65×3, 75×3, 85×2-work: 90, 95, 100, 105f
Like Steph P., I just wasn’t feeling push jerks tonight. Only tried once at 105 (which I got up last week) and just felt tired so called it quits.
Sectional WOD:-Row 1K-30 burbee boxjumps-Row 1KTIME = 12:34
I actually liked this wod. I kept around a 2:10 split for the first row and that felt nice and easy. The burpee bj’s were unbroken–slow but steady. I was able to transition into the 2nd row fairly quickly and started at a 2:05 split. Hit a power 10 at 500 meters and then really wanted to stop. Once I settled back in though I felt good. Fox was trying to get me to sprint with 250m to go, but I thought I would crash if I did. I should have listened. I only sprinted the last 100m and definitely could have given more.
The hardest part of this was standing up off of the erg after the wod. My quads were on fire! Really nice work Malcolm and Steph! Glad we did this together. I do still want to do the front squat/double under wod too. Monday 6pm?
Forgot to post stuff from Tuesday’s open gym.-DROMS led by Jeremy.-Deadlift:(95×5, 125×5, 155x3x2)175×3, 185×3, 195×3, 205×3, 215×3 then 155x5The three at 215 did not look pretty…definitely feeling it in my low back now. Dropped back down to 155 to see if it felt lighter and it didn’t. That affiliate tryout wod is going to be tough. Looking forward to the upcoming DL cycle to real work on form.-Then decided I needed to put myself through pushup torture.100 Pushups for Time: 10:45I had no clue how long this would take me or what to aim for. It sucked though.