Brandy from CrossFit Queens hits the Chipper
CrossFit South Brooklyn Affiliate Team Tryout Times are as follows:
A WODs: Saturday 4/3 @ 9am-11am
B WOD: Sunday 4/4 @ 930am
A WODs: Monday 4/5 @ 6:30pm
B WOD: Tuesday 4/6 @ 7pm
If you can't make either of these options, please contact David(at) and we'll see about arranging a separate time. Please confirm the slot you'd like to participate in via email as well.
Don't Forget about our Active Recovery Class with Coach Fox every Tuesday night at 8pm. Feel free to bring a non-CrossFit friend!
This is your trash, America
Go Brandy!!!
brandy is amazing!
attempted a wod from the northeast sectional that took place in CT 2 weeks ago this morning. it sucked.
3 rounds20 box jumps20 c2b pull ups20 wall balls (14#ball, 10′ target)
i got really held up on the c2b pull ups for awhile. definitely wasted a LOT of time there. box jumps were easy, wall balls sucked as per usual.
they had a 15 minute cap on this wod at sectionals, i was box jumps and 6 pull ups in at that point.
i will get this to be sub 15.
I can’t make any of those tryout times (out of town Wed – Mon + school Tuesday night). Not like I would ever actually qualify for the team, but I’d love to attempt the workouts later if anyone else is game.
Anybody up for some local fights, Ronson Frank is an up and comer. Slick southpaw counterpuncher. I can get tickets $50 a pop, general admission. call me 917-470-3497
If you like boxing, and you dig local events, this will not disappoint.
Im sad I can’t make the Fox recovery class tonight!
FSq yesterdayGot to a 1rm of 225(pr). I could not get 230 up so after 2 fails I repped out a bit 185×5 and 145×10 to make my quart of milk seem a little more necessary.
DL/Burpee madness this afternoon
I got through 10 rounds RXd (275×3/9 burpee) and felt like I was gonna toss last night’s dinner. I could have struggled longer and maybe gotten it, I could definitely have done this at 3/7.
Push Jerks!
Did a lot of reps today.Warmed up with Steph on Med Ball tosses then did a couple of ball slams–that was a prelude of what was to come.
Push Jerk. Did a lot of singles today. Probably more reps that you should on your 5×1 day–but I was still feeling okay til the end
45x575x595x5115x3135x2140140140145 (f)145 epic(f) fell on my head then scraped my neck145145148148150press out150press out
Then I was introduced to the wonderful world of tabata ball slams.
They scuked–will try again.
David if you haven’t erased my numbers offthe board could you get them for me. I loggedthem into my phone but all erased so what I posted is just memory.
45×3 65×5, 70×7(pr), 75×2(f, it went up but Jeremy grumbled something about “too heavy…”)
Felt much better but need to get “more aggressive”. What’s new?
3×10 PUs, 2 blue, 1 green, thanks for the help Ariel.
back squat 5×3 at 125lbs
ring dips 8,8,8,8,7 third time in a row getting stuck on that last rep. oh well. ima leave it alone for a while.
from the sectionals; 1000meter row, 30 burpee box jumps (24 inch), 1000 meter row. found a slow steady pace and cycled sttraight through the burpee box jumps. lost time on these and should have gone faster. 12:38 Dan thanks for pushing me on the second row.
mobility loveliness – thanks fox.
hey all. did my first day of strength work at goldman today. Squatting in front of a mirror is so weird! not a fan. i wonder if i can bring a black fabric and hang it on the mirror while i squat. people would think me weird.
do we have to show up at 9 on sat to tryout? that is so early… whine.
will there be regular wods at 11?
@John: Happy to help!
Saw this WOD on mainsite:Seven rounds for time of:185 pound Front squat, 3 reps7 L-pull-ups
Decided to scale up the weight to 225, and bring the rounds down to 5. Doing heavy 5×3’s with an gymnastic move in between felt great, challenging, but great.
Movement Prep~25 minutes
Hamstring PNF x 2
Warmup (unbroken unless otherwise indicated)10 pushups10 strict C2B pullups (5×2)20 presses @45lbs20 box jumps@24inches10 OHS @45lbs10 Back squats @95lbs10 OHS @95lbs10 Pushpress @95lbs10 SDHP @95 lbs20 pushups with feet elevated on 24 inch box10 front squats @65lbs10 Push Jerks @115lbs10 thrusters at 95lbs1-1-1 skin the cats20 K2E30 double unders
Deadlifts high rep technique work, this really helped me to dial-in good form. Will move up to 315 for 10 next time.5@95lbs10@135lbs10@185lbs10@225lbs10@275lbs
More hamstring PNFFoam rolling
WOD PrepFront Squat: 135x5L-Pullup 2185x3L-Pullup 2225x3L-Pullup 2
WOD5 Rounds3 Front Squat@2257 L-Pullupsin 6:37
Next time would like to shoot for 1 minute per round. Lamented to Nick and Malcolm that I shouldn’t have done 3×225 during the WOD prep — won’t make that mistake again!
Cool Down:Foam Roll10 pushups with the red resistance band.10 pushups with the blue resistance band.Eat a pint of ice cream 🙂
@ Sameer, turn your back to the mirror. Using the mirror will only SCREW your form! You’ll probably be the only one doing that, but your workouts still finish a lot faster and you ain’t wasting all your time checking yourself out in the mirror – You can do that when ya’ get home! I had the same problem myself when I started working out at a non crossfit affiliate gym.
Dan–thats a workout!
I just touched down in Cali and enjoyed a nice Carne Asada Burrito no tortilla.
Taking a rest day tomorrow and going to try and tackle double unders.
That trash link is really sad. Unless, of course, you happern to be a free-gan.
Made up the snatch 5×1 today.
After a long warm up where I was trying to kill a head duck demon (staring at bricks is fun), I finally got down to snatching heavy.
115, 125, 135F, 130, 130. The 130 was a PR, but it involved taking a step or two.
A little later did 21, 15, 9. Wall ball (20lb to 10 ft) and KB Swings (Russian, 1.5 Pood). Took 4:22. Getting a little better at Wallball. KB were unbroken.
Later did 3 sets of 6 chest to bar pullups (kipped) to rough up my hands which were inexplicably going soft.
Cooled down with 10 minutes on the rower.
Sameer and Shree, be careful about turning your back to the mirror. I know crossfit hates mirrors and they are a major distraction but having to back into a power rack after a heavy set of squats is a bad plan and a good way to get hurt. It is much more important to walk in forward to a power rack than to avoid looking at the mirror. Just find some spot on the mirror (a smudge or something) and messmer stare at it. When I worked out in a normal gym I would some times have to provide my own smudge.
Saw this story on the main site recently, but crossfit has made it to the front page of a medium that reaches a lot of folks:
Snatch 5×1(45×5, 52×4)62×1, 67×1 (ugly), 67xF,F,F, 67×1 (ugly), 67×1, 69xF, 69xF
Thanks to Jeremy for pointing out that I’m jumping way too soon (above the knee instead of mid-thigh). Need to drill that in so I can be more confident and explosive with my jump.
KB swing/DU tabata mashup thingie with 1 pood was fun, was consistent on the swings (10 per round) but DUs varied from 13 to 16 but mostly 15 per round.
Nice mobility class last night. 🙂