(E4/4) Max Effort
Post loads to comments.
compare to 3.22.10
Assistance Work
Kip Swing Practice
Strict Pull-Ups 3×10
Increase the resistance or decrease the assistance from 3.22.10
Congratulations to everyone who competed in the CrossFit Sectionals this weekend. Here's how we did:
Laural M 14th
Brandy M 17th
Anne W 19th
Nicole S 28th
Mike V 65th
Great Work, Team!
On April 18th the Tze Chun Dance Company will be performing their new piece, "Parlour Games" at CFSBK. This show is at 5pm and Free to the public, classes will not be affected.
We will not be holding classes on April 11th for Rob Wolf's Nutrition Seminar. Please adjust your weekly attendance accordingly.
A Virtual Tour of the Sistine Chapel
getting out of bed to have the “steph am” class w/ david, great. not being able to snatch for shit, not great.
at least i got to take out some of my anger on the tire w 3×12 sledge hammer swings, each arm.
bleh. happy rainy monday.
(obviously the other steph was there, which made it the “steph am” class, and that helped in making it great!)
Snatch!As usual, these started out rocky. But after switching from pulling from the floor to mid-hang, and getting some advice on mental prep, I was finally able to get them overhead. Thanks, Coach. I maxed out at 42#, which I thought was a pr but actually just matched the previous one. Oh well, I’ll approach this more aggressively next time…in two months! (cue happy dance)
And of course, Steph class rocked. We both got to work out our frustrations after; her with the sledgehammer, and me throwing a medball at David. I think it was the 4# though, which is kind of Today-Show-deadlifting-5-pound-dumbbells lame.
My hammies are really sore from yesterday; can’t imagine how the competitors must feel. Congrats gals/guy!
Thanks for all the support this weekend from everyone it really makes a difference and is much appreciated!
WU1000m easy row
SNATCH(push press 45x5x2)(oh squat 45x5x2)(mh power snatch 45x3x2)(snatch balance 45x3x2)
75×3, 95×3, 115×3, 125×2, 135×3, 125×2, 135×2
ACC WKtabata coupletversa climber422sledge hammer alt each arm10/9 hits per round
ext rotator wk
Who wants to hang out with me at the Bell House tonight? dreamy synth-pop = yumhttp://www.thebellhouseny.com/calendar.php
Wanted to say thank you for all the encouragement this past weekend!! We all needed and used every bit of it! It was a lot of fun…thank you! 🙂
Why I love Crossfit:9am-4pm: “I hate life and I’m tired and waa waa waa.”4:30pm: “I’m not going to get anything good done in today’s class but I may as well get the exercise in.”6pm: “I’m a monster! Get out of my way!!!”
SNATCH:Last week I hit 53 for three reps, once, and I was K.O. afterward.
Today I finished at 68 for three reps. A fifteen pound jump!!! Thanks, coaches, for reminding me I can do it.
TABATA MASHUP: KB/DUs.86 Kb swings with 25lb.sDouble Unders: 5, 10,12,11,7,9,9,11.
Doesn’t look like a lot of DUs but this was the first time I got more than 2 in a row. I got as many as 7 in a row at one point. The trick was to be under pressure, I think.
I need a notary public, is anyone at CFSBK a notary?
First of all, awesome job by all of our athletes who competed this past weekend! It was so very impressive to watch you all tackle each wod super hard.
I’m with Ishii on how my day went. I really felt like I was sleepwalking through the day…so, so tired from this weekend although I didn’t even compete (spectating/cheering is a very exhausting job too!) Went into class thinking it was going to be a shit-show, but I actually ended up feeling good.
Cleans (instead of Snatches)(45x5x2, 65×5, 75×5)work: 85×3, 90×3, 95×3, 100×1, 105×1, 110xfailx2
I completely psyched myself out on the first attempt at 110 and should have had it. By the 2nd attempt, I just thought no way.
Tabata Mashup of:KB swings (20kg): 9,8,8,7,9,10,10,10 = 71Double Unders: 17,12,25,16,14,17,12,25 = 138
KB swings were overhead until round 5. Double unders should have been better but I was using a different rope than normal and wearing my lifting shoes so I mentally set myself up for failure.
Pullups:-2×5 strict blue band pullups-After seeing so many girls get stuck with chest-to-bar pullups this weekend, I decided to give it a shot. I was able to get the height fairly easy but it took me 5 attempts to actually make contact with the bar. No way I could cycle these right now but at least I know I could chip away at them if I had to.
oh, and I forgot to say that I love that picture of Julianna! Super cute.
Snatch (squat snatches)
125, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145(F), 145
I’ve really enjoyed learning this exercise and feel like I’ve dramatically improved from where I was on this movement several weeks ago. My limiting factor now is balance and stability in my shoulders for the catch and completely opening my hips at the top (as always).
Congrats to all the competitors this last weekend, what an awesome job!Snatch still a work in progress, I like the movement but until I get the mobility to get under, I’m a little stuck.65×3, 75×3, 95×3, 95×3, 105×3, 105×3
Fun with Fox and Tabata mash up – 2 pood KB swing/double unders:KB – 68, DU – 154Total – 222First round of DU was 35 unbroken, drastically down after that.
snatch sets of three 95,95,100,105 and got stuck at 110
tabata kettle bells and double unders93 kb 1.5 pood face height, 212 double unders
pullups: 10 with five pound. then 10 with seven pounds. on the third set with seven pounds i got stuck at seven reps. came off the bar and cleaned up the last three reps as singles.
Power Snatches45x3 65×3 75×3 85x3x3 75×3
Pull-ups 3x101st round: 4 strict + 6 kip2nd & 3rd round: strict (white band)
So, 3 months into this year with 0 injuries. Am back to a 2 on 1 off schedule while steadily improving skills and strength.
Arrived at CFSBK at 6pm to prep and warm up prior to getting some snatching in.
Started with ~15 minutes of Movement PrepHamstring PNF x 2
10 push presses @45lbsOHS 10@45lbs20 pushups10 strict pullups10 SDHP@65lbs10 OHS@65lbs10 strict press @65lbs10 good mornings @65lbs10 K2E60 double unders (2 sets of 30)
Row @ 15spm for 2 minutes (Thanks to Nick for setting the pace!)
1RM Full Squat SnatchesThis was exposure 3 on these.(65×5, 95×3, 115×2)125, 135, 145, 155f, 155f, 155f, 150f, 150f, 150f
Feeling better about getting a good hip pop to bring the weight up. 145 went up like butter, thought 155 would be doable. The first 155 made it 95% of the way up, just couldn’t stabilize it. Then got fixated on getting 155…. But the rest of the 155’s didn’t have enough hip pop, and by the time my ego subsided enough to allow me to attempt 150, I was done.
No worries, there’s always E4.
Then did the accessory workout with a 2 pood KB American style.
KB: 74, DU: 179Total: 253
Can’t turn on the turbo yet with my DU’s, maybe another month so as to avoid triggering a headache.
Nice seeing everyone tonight!
Frustrating day today. I was pretty excited to get into snatch all day today, but alas it didnt happen like I had hoped.
Maybe some of it could be attributed to sore lower back and hamstrings from Sunday’s WOD, but eh.
Snatch Warmup45x375x595x5105x3
Work110110 (f)110110115 (f)115 (f)110 (f)110105105105
I didnt really progress from last week. Matter of fact maybe a little bit worse. However I will say that 2 weeks ago I could barely get 95#s.
Overall I am extremely pleased with my progress through the cycle and will try to find time to keep working these things.
Did the Tabata mashup WOD with 1.5 KB swings American and situps.KB 13, 12,11,10,10,10, 9,10Situps 15,14,12,11,10,9,10,10
pullups werent there today.6,6,6,4,4
Push press tomorrow before I head off to Cali
Snatch from mid-hang:45×3, 65×3, 75x3x5
Some failures in there toward the end. Not great, but not bad considering I only got two exposures in over eight weeks. Glad I got one last series in.
KB/DU tabata:
KB swings at 1.5 pood: 10 or 11 every round for a total of 82. Sorry about the grunting/yelling.DU total: 142. Ranged from 28 in the first set down to a low of 7; all other sets in the high teens and low 20s.Total: 224.
Congrats foxy CFSBK ladies and Mike on an awesome job at sectionals!
I love the noon class. This was exposure 3 for me on snatches, and I finally felt like I started to put something together that resembled a lift. Used the 33# bar, which I lurve.(33×5, 53×3, 63×3) 70×3, 70×3, 75×3, 75×3, 77×3.77lbs is about 50% BW so I find that humorous.
Burpee/KB tabata mashup with 20kg bell, Russian swings:49 burpees, 90 swings, 138 total.
Pullups were a disaster. Could not complete 10 reps with the white band. Need to do those more.8xwhite band8xblue band5xblue, 5xgreen. Disgraceful.
This Friday night at Brooklyn Masonic Temple O’Shea Boxing is hosting a card. $50 general admission. These events are great. Old friend, former trainer, Ronson Frank, undefeated light heavy pro boxing. I can get tickets, if anybody wants to go, please let me know by end of day today and I will add to the order. He’s a great fighter and nights like this tend to be a blast. It’s in Fort Greene, small venue, great stuff.