E3/4 Sets Across
Experiment with a slightly higher load today than your previous successful 5×3. If you're having trouble power snatching the weight, try squat snatching it. Consistency this week, next week you'll go for a true max.
Assistance Work
Strict Pull-Ups 3×10
add or reduce weight to make 10 reps a max rep range
Coach Laurel Does mainsite WOD 100319
Check out Jessy H as the lead actress in this mock "Academy Award Winning Movie Trailer"
Also, check out Whitney H as one of the supermarket dancers in the real trailer for "Leading Ladies"
Feeling Sore?.. Tight? Don't forget about our Active Recovery Class every Tuesday at 8pm. Coach Fox will take you through one hour of stretching, myofacial release and movement therapy. Good for what ails ya!
Fed Up With Lunch: The School Lunch Project
Anyone else having a problem with the store loading really slow the past 2 days?
Jess & Sameer – terrifyingly, I’m signed up to compete. What with my hip, the total lack of info from Montclair (other than one email saying “show up at 7:30 Friday”), the silence on the home front about it and the nasty 2 hour public transit component, I had been thinking about not going… but if you guys are going and if I can get a space in your car Jess, I guess I’m competing. AAAAAAAH.
now I want to hide. Please please please let it not be rowing + thrusters + running + wallball.. especially in a 20 minute time domain. I’ll be DFL.
I’ve never competed like this before so advice is very welcome – how to recover, what to take with me, how not to panic, how to be okay with coming in last etc.
laurel –
the best thing about competition is the thrill of the ride. if you go with an open mind and just look at it as “another workout” – which it is – you’ll do fine. you need to stop second guessing your abilities! seriously!!! you are strong, you are fit and you are going to do great. will you win each event? maybe, maybe not. but you’ll be there. you’ll be doing it. and thats the best part of it all. looking back, i wish i signed up to compete – even though i know i can’t do HSPUs (umm, you can girl!) or ring dips or run the fastest, etc. i wish i had signed up to give it a shot – to push myself and challenge myself.
you’ll hear the “3,2,1, GO…” and you’ll start just another workout on just another day at just another gym. AND YOU’LL ROCK IT.
ok, maybe i’m still riding on an endorphin high from yesterday but thats my two cents.
Store just loaded much more quickly! ๐
Hey Laurel, not that I’m the expert but it’s natural to be nervous for a competition like this–On the health front, you’re hip still has good time to heal before the date. So hopefully it will be better by then. I know a massage therapist who may be able to help with the healing process if you’re interested.
On not to panic and how to deal with finishing last: I’m a betting man, so I’ll bet you’re gonna do fine. You’re an amazing athlete and just an amazing person to have at CFSBK. The positive energy and excitement you bring with you everyday will go a long way in the competition. Just bring that with you and add a touch of mean killer instinct–and you will rock it.As far as recovery–I don’t know anything about that. Maybe you can bring the Foxster along for some real active recovery.
And you still have 2 months to really tighten up rowing + thrusters + running + wallball. ๐
Oh wait! Sectionals are this weekend! Scratch all that other nonsense…Just bring your energy and enthusiasm with some killer instinct! Go Laurel!
AM solo workout. Dragging/carrying/wearing heavy stuff and walking around the gym. Some stuff to improve my posture. If you ever see me slouching, inside or outside the gym, please yell at me. If you see me and I have good posture, pat me on the head and give me one of Tucker’s treats.
Borrowed a pink umbrella from the coatroom, will return it tonight.
Laurel – While I have no experience with CrossFit meets, I have done a few races. My first half marathon and marathon I just wanted to finish, and see how it felt. Why not consider this first competition a practice of sorts? Feel things out. Then next time, just work on improving. You are your only competitor. That’s the beauty of individual sports like running and weightlifting; the other people aren’t really opponents, but fellow athletes who can push you further than you think. Since I’m afraid this all might sound corny, I’ll finish by saying: Suck it up, Cupcake!
Freaky stuff about long distance running.
Great advice all-especially Snip’s. I thought about competing but knew that at this point, there are too many things that I just can’t do. As a volunteer though, I’ll get a chance to see what the competition atmosphere is like and hopefully store that away for the future.
Laurel, you can and will do great at the comp. You are extremely skilled and strong and you’ve really got to give yourself more credit for all of the hardwork that you’ve put in. We all believe in you and I’m so excited that we’ll have an sbk athlete competing to cheer on! Oh, and you can definitely get a ride with me.
If their is room in the car I would like a ride too. Otherwise, anyone else driving to the event? Can pay for gas.
Thanks everyone. I’ll try to keep all this in mind.
Thanks Jess! Let’s talk tonight about timing etc.
Question –
the wods recently have been putting a lot of stress on my shoulder and, as most coaches know by now, my shoulder really bothers me. I haven’t been doing anything at full weight – keeping it light and working on form.
since, we’re doing snatches today – should i take the day off to rest or continue working light loads for form??
Re: The Regionals this weekend.
Paul and I had signed up to be volunteers, too. However, I’m waiting to hear back from Gregg A. about a few questions that I had. (We need to try to go out of town on Sunday and I’m not sure if that disqualifies us from participating.)
Once I find out our status, I’ll let y’all know so we can talk about throwing some of you in the car with us if we’re going.
awesome am class with d.o.
wu750m easy rowlotso stretching and pnf! good times!
snatchwarm up movements.45×3 – pull, high pulls snatch balance
(75×3 95×3 115×2 125×2 135×2 140×2)
felt good. driving up and getting under the bar FAST is the key. never get tired of this movement.
acc wk3x10 strict pull ups. 3rd set hard.
oh and that peaches song is a doozie!
high bar back squat 5×5 and some ring rows.
These guys need to learn how to spot a handstand..sheesh.
Hey Steph P. Just read your post from yesterday about the 1/2 marathon. Nice job! 4 minutes is significant, no?
Power snatches:
Drills at 45 with David and the rest of the class.
WU: 65×3, 75×3, 85×3
Work: 95×3, 95×3, 105×1 (ugly, fail?), 100×1 (ugly), 95×3, 95×3, 95×3 (last rep ugly), 95×1 (for luck).
Accessory work was a bit strange. First set pulled 9 strict, then 8 strict, and then on the third set fell sharply to 4! Dunno what happened.
Had a great lifting partner in Dave – great support throughout!
Workout part II:
Skin-the-cat practice
Snatches are still bad. Got up to 47# then dropped back down to 42#
Did 4 pullups with the blue band, then traded up to green. The second two sets were unbroken.
Re: pink umbrella. It was kind of busted when I took it this morning, and it somehow got more busted on my way to work. Whoever it belongs to, I’m sorry, I don’t know what I did. I’ll replace it!
Busy night at sbk! And I love that we still had the gate up even though it was raining out.
-Cleans: (instead of snatches because of an aching shoulder)(45×5, 55×5, 65×3)work: 75×3, 85×3, 90×3, 95×3, 100×3
Thank you Fox and David for the coaching. Need to focus more on getting under the bar, instead of muscle-ing it up. Also need much quicker elbows.
-Stict Pullups: 3x10First round with the blue band. Last two rounds with white and blue. I feel like I’ve lost my strength. Or it just confirms that I was using too much arm on my cleans.
-Skill work: Ring inversions, skin the cat, and tuck back lever practice.
I LooooOOO000oove throwing half my weight into the air.
Snatch:22 x What felt like a long time(42×5)2(52×3)4(57×3)1
Also: Back lever practice and 3 sh*tty rounds of 10 “strict” pull-ups first with the blue band then with green. I swear at one point a few weeks ago I was easily doing pull-ups with the white band but I was zonked today. Will be less tired next time. Thanks, Luisa, for the extra hand and moral support. Swear that’s all it takes to get those last sticky movements sometimes.
Laurel: You are not allowed to be this nervous about competing. You’re friggin’ STRONG.
Earlier this weekendWorked up to a 155lb Snatch
Then a whole bunch of sled drags, hand stand push-ups and kettlebell swings. Also played with the Keg for a while. Just good clean fun.
Today;Warm-upRow 800mFoam Roll 10 minuted
Front Squat(45x5x2, 95×5, 115×5, 135×3, 155×1)170x3x5
6 Rounds for Time of:400m Run20 Wall Ball Shots, 10ft27:30
Felt great to be running in the rain. Very liberating
Sorry for the inappropriate music, some of you are not ready for the teaches of peaches.
GREAT Day at CrossFit today!
I agree great day. Big classes despite the rain!
Lever practice with big Dmak:These were fun, I think with a bit more work I can hold part of one untucked. Today I did mostly tucked levers (about 7).
Then it was onto snatching.Today was the best snatch day I had yet. The weight felt really light and form was the most consistent it has been. Was so excited I didnt really count all my reps. Just wanted to gran the bar and go.
Warm up: 3 sets of pull and snatch complex with 45#.65×3,85×5
Work sets all estimates.95 x 7-10. These felt really good so I moved the weight up.105x 7-10.These felt good so I tried to get up to 110.110 (fail). Maybe couldve done it but after ll those reps decided to move back down to 105 and do about 6 more reps.
Its amazing how light the bar feels when you start to get it right. Last week I failed several times at 95#s. Also, on the first exposures, Id just pull and not really feel gassed. Today after every pull my heart rate seemed to go up and there seemed to be more of a metabolic effect with snatching. Look forward to snatching some more next week.
Pullups.10, 6, 4, 3, Did negative holds for 10-15 seconds at failure.
P.S. I wore my CFSBK t-shirt which the store says “will make you stronger” today. It really worked–go get you one. Too bad you can’t have the limited edition like me Fox.
David, do you still have any gymnastic grips left?
I lost my last pair with my shorts that walked away on Saturday. ๐
i need to tell people – i back squatted 200 tonight! yay!
Snatching was an ugly mess. Somehow I got freaked out last week and my body started trying to duck under the bar. Massive head tilt to the right. I think some part of my brain is afraid of hitting myself in the face with the bar and ducks.
Was planning on doing 125 across. Opened their but the head duck was horrible, dropped it to 115 and then 95 in later sets. At 95 I got it to go away once, but when I wasn’t focusing everything on looking straight forward it crept back in even at that weight.
Pullups were okay only. Did them unweighted, 10, 10, 9.
snatches were not happening last night. was trying for singles.
(65xlots)75, 80xlots, 85xfew w/ numerous failed attempts, 90(failed)
i’m very precise, huh?
3×10 pull ups w/ white band
glorious foam rolling
Lever practice, skin the cats – tucked back levers fry my arms like nothing else.
Snatches: Warm-ups with 33lbs.(53×3,73×3,93×3)113x1xwho knows – lots of failed attempts mixed in there. I did get a few that went up nicely. I get the weight nice and high but I don’t drop down fast enough nor deep enough.
Accessory: 10,10,8 consecutive pull-ups.
Power Snatch
Group warm ups with 22# bar
(42×5, 52×3)62×1 (f), 62×1 (f), 52×3, 62×1, 62×1, 62×1(f), 52×1, 62×1, 62×1…or something like that.
There was a shortage of plates so I jumped from 52 up to 62 and when I needed to regroup I’d drop back down to 52. Last week I was working my sets of three consistently at 57.
Pullups: 3×10 strict blueband. The last couple were a struggle but I managed to do them all without any “hawk(ing)”.
62, 67(F), 62(Fx2), 62, 62, 52No blood or tears shed so that was a success. ๐
Pullups – 3×10, first set on the blue band that masquerades as a white band, second two sets on the real white band with much ham hock assist from Jessica & Becca on the last few reps. ๐