For Time:
60 Double-Unders
500m Row
40 Box Jumps, 20"
30 Pull-Ups
20 Overhead Walking Lunges, each leg 45/25
10 Handstand Push-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Skill Work
Ring Inversions
Deb P Front Squatting at SBK
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Sean Carroll on the arrow of time TED
pull ups with the white band, 25# lunges almost all unbroken. HSPU with the assistance of the wall.
That last handstand push-up was a bitch. Thanks for your encouragement, Fox, despite my brattiness (“I can’t! I can’t do it!). Not one of my prouder moments, but at least I did it.
PS I love ring inversions. They feel delightful.
-Subbed 25 Burpees for the DUs-Green Band for the pullups-25lb dumbells for the lunges-25lb dumbells for presses instead of handstand pushups.
Happy Birthday Chris J.!
Subbed 20 strict pull-upsSubbed 30 lb DB presses for the HSPUs
Rest was Rx’ed (yeah, what’s left?)
This little chipper became very tough during the lunges because my shoulders were a little beat after the pullups. I slowed down a lot at that stage.
Excellent class today with Chris and Margie coaching. Great fun being inverted on the rings. I think my front lever has improved by a couple of degrees off the vertical (I think). It’s still a lot of stress on the back.
subbed 35# plate for lunges and asst HSPU, heels on ledgestruggled with DUs for a long time then started stringing them.
great crew as usual
14:19did 30 double unders instead of 60 and used white band for the kipping pull ups. 25# plate for lunges and more like an elbow break and straighten instead of an actual push up for the handstand PUs.row felt easy and all felt really doable. Box jumps were the most difficult today. Legs felt heavy and cold going in. I am committing myself to no more white band!!I’m with Tam, inversions are delightful!
13:34. everything as Rx’d except for the handstand push-ups, where I did the first two strict and then did the negatives strict and used my heels on the little ledge to help me up.
The lunges were the worst part for me. Everything else was pretty quick and steady, but the lunges were choppy and horrible. As soon as I felt my form slipping I threw my weight on the floor and gasped for awhile.
Terrific to see Andy back!
Happy Birthday Chris J. and Happy Late-one-Day Birthday Collette!
From yesterday;
Warm-Up2.5 Hours gym Cleaning500m RowFoam Roll
Front Squats(45x5x2, 95×5, 115×5, 135×3, 155×1)165x3x5
1.5xBWDL/Ring Dip WOD10:24
Scaled the Deadlifts up to 225. Ring Dips were tougher than expected. No Kip on them
samir, your front lever looked great.
chipper: straight through to the first ten pullups then had to break em up into fives and threes. 45 lb plate. first couple of hspu were strict and then i used a little heel hook to help me out of the bottom. 10:08
8 strict hspu afterwords.
Today was fun. Back levers are interesting–look forward to practicing them some more.
WOD-Doubles-Subbed Whatever I could get in an ample time. I got about 9, countless attempts, then did the last 30 seconds with a really high bounce single. Finished at 1:45.-Row as Rxd-Box Jumps, scaled up tp the 24″ box-Pullups Rx’d broken up into about 7-8 sets.-Lunges as Rx’d-Handstands pushups, used the wall ledge as support
I hate the new “don’t lie on your back after the wod” policy.
17:36green band pullups, 3 abmats on the HSPU
First attempt at HSPUs, better than expected.
Liked the inversions as well. Didn’t know if I was going to make it to class today, but was glad I did.
I always enjoy the ring inversions.
Workout. Everything Rx’d (on floor not parallettes, someday).
Took 15:50. Walking lunges were brutal.
After did 3 sets of 5 pushups with the 45lb vest. Full setting myself on the ground on the bottom and doing a dead start pushup. These were neat.
Shawn: What was your real time? You’ve got a typo in there somewhere! Unless you’ve had a sip or two of Asterix’s magic potion.
60 Double-Unders (scaled to 30)500m Row40 Box Jumps, 20″30 Pull-Ups (blue band)20 Overhead Walking Lunges, each leg (15#)10 Handstand Push-Ups (Put 3 ab mats under my head)
I felt OK afterwards, which maybe means I shouldn’t have scaled so much.
Inversions were good. I haven’t attempted these since the Lyceum and I was surprised to find that a) I could get up on my own, and b) I was able to take my feet off the straps. Hooray!
I really enjoyed today…thank you coaches Margie and Fox!
Agree with everyone else that Inversions are fun.
Chipper WOD: 12:48-Everything rx’d except the handstand pushups using the wall and one abmat.-The boxjumps (usually a strength of mine) were the hardest for me as I thought “No way are my quads going to let me jump right now”. Pullups were in my usual sets of 2. DU’s and the row were great. Lunges always blow, especially holding a plate overhead.-It was so awesome to even attempt a handstand pushup and I’m really looking forward to working on these more!
Happy birthday to Chris and a very happy belated to Colette!
Affiliate team! I’m in for try-outs. Which other ladies are in?
Chipper WOD: 18:38
Because it took 4:55 to do 60 DUs. Last 10 were the best though, so maybe there is hope. Also, did only 20 lunges, honestly did not see the “each leg” part.
Thanks Peter and Jess for the birthday wishes.
Happy BDay, Jesinsky!
Great classes today!Loved the EDUCATORS 9am class.
WOD RXd12:46I should never have gotten off the pullup bar. Thanks, Ryan, for sticking around with me.
60 dus500m row40 box jumps30 pullups – subbed bar body rows20 OH lunges @ 25lb bumper10 HSPU done with with 3 abmats
13:45 & way more fun than I expected it to be.
I forgot my time but it was a fantastic WOD. And it was really great to see my CF friends again. Happy to be back.
Samir, youre right I forgot the main part of the post, my time.