As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
compare to 8.05.09
Assistance Work
Brian D christens one of our new platforms
Thanks to Jeremy, Yoon, Brian, Xuan Mai, Shane, Paul and Becca for lending a hand with the platform construction
Happy Birthday, Erik K!
15 full rounds + 5 pull-ups & 2 push-ups. PR by nearly 3 full rounds.
First three rounds were all under a minute. Realized it was crazy to try to keep up with Paul and John so focused less on the clock the rest of the way.
Pullups and squats were all unbroken. First two rounds of pushups were unbroken, then two or three rounds at 5-5, and the remainder in varying 3 set breakdowns.
This felt pretty good. Especially after some time on the foam roller.
Oh, and the new platforms look great! Did a few invisible snatches to get a feel for them. No splinters yet…
20 rounds + 4 pullups. not a PR for me, but it was a lot more consistent than last time, especially pushups.
Still don’t have a kip so did this with strict pull-ups. Got 11 rounds plus 5 pullups. Last time it was 11 rounds with green band pullups, so this is an improvement.
Nice Samir! Huge jump.
Hmmm 17 rounds + 4 pullups or 16 rounds +4 pullups?I counted 17, but feel it maybe was 16 cause I should’ve been further behind Ryan who did 18rounds +.
Not sure. Didnt use a whiteboard and got a bit distracted a couple times when I had to sprint 10 yards to make sure Kamau didnt run into traffic on Degraw.
This really felt good though–all my squats were unbroken, and more surprisingly all pullups were unbroken. I guess 5 is the perfect rep scheme for me to not gas myself. I really felt like I was flying up that pull up bar today–it just really felt good.
Pushups did 1st set unbroken, then 6/4 or 5/5 for a few sets before doing 3,3,3,1 get up right into a squat rep scheme.
Im looking forward to trying this again in an open gym in about a month with no chasing after Kamau.
Thanks again Fox for holding him.
Oops… stayed out to late and didn’t wake up until 11:40 today. Bummer, I’ve never done Cindy.
14 rounds 5 pull ups 8 push ups. this was all about the push ups for me. I never do them except in wods. Oh, also i did this barefoot and my lost kip came back. Roll door open is awesome. My niece Andrea says CF looks fun and everyone is super nice. Christine finished marathon not sure of time yet. Grandpa bought Joaqin cowboy boots and all things camo. Welcome to Texas!
17 rounds, 5 pullups and 7 pushups. exactly one more push up then my last cindy. Push-ups are the limiting factor here. I’d like to get 20 rounds on my next attempt.
First time with Cindy today I used a blue band and finished with 9 rounds plus five pullups and 2 pushups.
My band was disguised as a white band so I had more assistance from it than intended. Through the WOD I did feel the pullup work was easier than I expected.
It turned out that pushups were definitely the limiting factor for me just as coach fox said so ๐
The pullups and squats all went unbroken. I broke the pushups down into sets of 2 or 3 as I could sustain them and avoid going into my failure wall.
Charmel, hey good to meet you and hang out and chat for a bit. See you next time.
Also, today was the first time Arlene and I did a class together with the kid around. Eli spent some time playing on the erg but quickly moved back onto the couch to cuddle with his ipod. ๐
And ooh the windmills are tricky. I didn’t quite get the right feel for where my weight should be. Mmmm, need more practice.
Enjoyed the windmill work. Did sets of three each arm starting with 15lb dumbbells, then 12kg kettlebell, then moved on to barbells to do a set each at: 22, 33, and 40. Fun stuff!
“Cindy”- rx’d11 rounds plus 5 pullups and 2 pushups.
I know the link above says we last did this in August, but many of us also did it on 12/21 or 12/22. That was my first fully rx’d Cindy and I got just under 9 rounds. I definitely felt stronger today and am happy with my improvement. My goal is to get 15 rounds, but I’ve really got to get better at pushups. My pullups were pretty good, but I need to get better at linking them together. After 2-3, my kipping rhythm gets all wonky and I have to reset.
8 rounds + 5 pullups + 10 pushups + 3 squats. (green band)Gotta get me some pullups.
12 rounds (5 pull ups 8 push ups)Little disappointed with this, push ups were the limiting factor, but did not feel like i had much “zip” about be in general this weekend..
Rx’d 14 rounds + 5 pull-ups + 4 pushups. Pull- ups and squats unbroken. Push-ups were: 10,7/3,7/3,5/3/2 for awhile and then 4/3/2/1 for the rest. Took the squats slow and careful with the hip. All seems well so that makes me happy.
Windmills were fun – Jess’ barbell windmills were inspiring. I want to be able to do that!
Made up 5×3 Front Squats today.(45×5, 95×3, 145×3)175, 185, 195, 205, 210Next week after warm-ups I’ll attempt 215 on my 2nd set.
It’s sure been a while since I front squatted (I loathe them) so I wanted to see where I was at. Felt better than I expected. Got a bit sloppy at 210.
The new Rouges are awesome.
11 rounds + 5 PUs (Blue Band) and 4 Push Ups
Have a bad elbow and Dr Fox said 5 push ups. Glad, three hours of ice made it feel only slightly less painful. I’m afraid the old connective tissue is not happy.. Good advice.
Pull ups felt good. Think it is time for the white band.
Those are some mighty fine-looking platforms ๐
Cindy 16 rounds plus 2 pullups as Rx’d. My hands were about 1 pullup from tearing, but didn’t.
All pullups unbroken, pushups were 5/5 for the first 8 rounds then 4/3/3 for the next 8 rounds. Squats were unbroken but slightly slow for active rest. Next time 17 rounds at least.
Didn’t have internet over the weekend so didn’t post for the front squat/thruster double under monster.
For completeness here it is.
Front squats 3×5. 185, 205, 210, 185, 185. Knees got funky at 210, dropped down to keep form good.
Thruster/Double unders. Done at 35lbs per arm, 13:10. Was trying to keep my double unders small bounce only. Slowed me down a lot. Near the end I did a few fast but inefficient doubles. Need to put some time into calming these guys down.
5.5 mile run with steph w53ish minutes
my hip flexors and my back are hating me now. sigh.
hoping to do cindy during tuesday’s open gym!
Made this up today with David and Sameer. Fun being lapped umpteen times by David and his butterfly pullup madness.
13 rounds plus 4 pullups. I need to get better at kipping–came off the bar before completing 5 pullups a couple times, that was annoying. Did pushups unbroken thru round 4, then switched to 5-3-2. Definitely the limiting factor.Now I can no longer lift Linus (18.5lbs) overhead…