As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Double Unders
10 Kettlebell Swings, 2 pood/1 pood
Post rounds and weight to comments.
Skill Work
Free Standing Handstand Practice
Same Cost, Different Price
Our new payment software, Volusion, runs off a monthly billing cycle rather than the four-week billing cycle that Mind Body used. What this means, is that in order to keep the cost per class the same, we have to adjust our billing rates. Starting in March, the monthly rates will be as follows:
2x/week: $18/class, $157/month
3x/week: $15/class, $195/month
5x/week: $10/class, $216/month
While this looks like a price increase, it's most certainly not. You'll be paying for the same amount per class on a slightly longer contract. Over the course of a year, a CFSBK member would be paying 12 billing cycles on Volusion as opposed to 13 on our old system.
By not adjusting our rates, we'd experience about an 8%-10% drop in revenue which, with all the new costs of our new space and program is simply not feasible.
If you're paying by cash or check for a monthly contract, we're going to update you guys to the same price structure as well. This means that you'll now be able to pay on the same day every month as opposed to adjusting your payment date every time.
If you have any questions, please contact David in person or via email David(at)
Hey David,
Is the only way to pay via credit card on Volusion to do the recurring charge?
WorkoutSome good stretching with foxHandstand work–today was the 1st time i really felt hollowing out–and felt like I could hold it.
The WODAMRAP in 10 minutes. 10 Kettlebell swings, and 30 double unders.
I got 4 rounds of KB swings at 2 pood and 3 rds of DUs.
Double unders were limiting and allowed me to get more rest than I should’ve– so I worked to get all my KB swings unbroken.
Afterwards spent some extra time on swings. Did 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,7, reps on the minute.
Shenanigans! (I kid, I kid.)
10:00 AMRAP10 kettlebell swings (2 pood)30 double unders4 rounds + 10 swings + 10 double unders. Double unders were a mess in round 1 but got better over time.
3 rounds, exactly. 20K
Pathetic, I know, but DUs are still 1/2 at a time mostly.
Good yoga class by Fox before the WOD.
Something near a handstand happened today.
3 rounds + 10 swings + 10 DUs1.5 pood
Protect Your Access to Dietary Supplements!!
5 rounds plus 20 DUs.
Handstands are coming along, let’s keep working them!
Accessory work: 5×6 knees to elbows, a 500m cooldown row, and some foam rolling.
WU600M rowmobility work with mr fox. good stuff.hand stand practice. always like the handstand practice.
WODrx’d 8 rnd + 10kb swings 10 DU’sKB swings unbrokenDU’s 1st round unbroken, rest 18/12 or around that.this was a good one.
CDfoam roll work1000m row
When can I make up handstand practice? 🙂
Also, stealing this from Kira. She mentioned the article yesterday:
A highlight, “the body interprets a supportive touch as ‘I’ll share the load.'” Could be useful during heavy lifts/strenuous workouts. Although if you can’t tell the difference between “creepy touch” and “supportive touch,” it’s probably best just not to touch…
Epic fail. DUs did not co-operate today.
5 rounds plus 1 one-handed frontsquat with 1 pood KB (subbed five with each arm instead of swings, which my back does not like).
Great mobility class today with Mr. Fox. After class, Chris and I worked handstands and then tackled the wod.
7 rounds plus 9 kb swings. Scaled up to 20kg and all rounds of kb swings were unbroken. My double unders could have been better, but my arms were just so tired today.
Great Suday classes!Mobility seminar with Starrett was pretty great, and I was happy to put some of it to use on all your hips.
Handstand practice and then WOD as RX’d
9 Rnds + 10 swings + 20 DUI really dug this.
All swings unbroken. I had a few unbroken rounds of DUs as well. The last few sets of DU I rested too much and it cost me. I really wanted to stay on track for 10 rounds.
I’ve been keeping an iPhone charger at the gym (so classes I teach can have tunes), and the usb cable has gone missing. I’m thinking someone used it and forgot to leave it. Anyone know where it is? I’d love to have it back.
1.5 pood
6 rounds + 15 du’s
I really needed this workout. It felt great (even though it sucked).
What day is suday?
This one was pretty rough on me with my ugly ass double unders. 4 rounds + 10 swings and 7 doubles as Rx’d.
After David helped me calm down my double under jump. I am hoping it stuck because I am doing way too much work with these.
1.5 pood Russian style swing.
7 rounds + 10 swings + 7 du.
I thought the 1.5 would kill me but all swings were unbroken. It was the DU’s that slowed me down.
Accessory:10 swings @ 2 poods. Smug pumpkin that I can do these at all, let alone 10 unbroken.
DB strict press: 20, 25, 30. Remedial work to get my left arm closer to my right.
Warm-up5 minute row10 cartwheels each sidefwd roll>straddle>bkwd roll>rev bridgecomplex x10kb and jr warm-up
KB/DU amrap6 rounds +7 swings
2 pood all overhead and unbrokendoubles in 10s, kinda too slow
nice burner
Fun. I find AMRAPs mentally challenging. For me, it’s easier to get through a finite amount of work then to do max work within a set time domain.
anyway, i used a 1.5 pood bell and got 8 rounds, 10 swings, and 24 or 25 double unders. my arms turned to spaghetti and my double unders disappeared on the ninth round. other than that it felt good.
thanks to laurel and david for the handstand pointers and for yelling at me during the workout.
Mr. Fox, my hips and joints thank you.
Tge photo of the day should also read “…OR ELSE”
Doh!Go ahead Tam, call out that one too.