3 Rounds For Time
25 Deadlifts, 135/95
15 Hang Power Cleans, 135/95
10 Thrusters, 135/95
The thrusters in today's workout are Front Squat to Overhead anyhow.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Assistance Work
Strict Overhand Pull-ups 3×8
Foam Roll and Mat Based Mobility
Steph W during last week's Overhead Walking Lunges (35lbs)
Check out current Foundations student, Sarah D Boxing at Madison Square Garden
Spain Tackles Eating Disorders with Proposed Ban BBC
How Long Does it Take to See Improvements when Eating Real Foods? Fitness Spotlight
Pretty Sure that’s Steph P
Indeed, Jeremy. Ahem.
Yay, Sarah!!
“…showing some polish and punishment.”
Nice stuff Sarah! That’s a slick straight right when you put it behind the jab. There’s some mustard on that!
When I woke up this morning, I saw the picture and caption on my iPhone. I was like, “Damn, I look good!” but then I zoomed in and realized it was Steph P looking good, as usual:) I should have known; in all my lifting photos I look like a daddy-long-legs spider attempting to scale a drainpipe. Awkward!
Anyway, did the WOD at 42 lbs, which was probably too light, but I have no confidence in my cleans. It felt difficult enough though. Time: 22:02
This was kind of like the Bear, though I like Bear better. Dumbbells are less intimidating.
Is it possible to like the bear more than something?
Oof. Every time I look at this I scale it down further in my head. By the time I actually get to the gym I’ll be doing air thrusters.
Just wanted to added a comment on the question of rotating workout types among the days.
My schedule is pretty fixed so I’d like to vote in favor of rotation, at least during the weekdays. I know David would like to expose as many people as possible to squats on the weekend.
sometimes i think david likes mixing up and messin’ with my name (i was ‘stef’ for awhile..)
Death (Or Wimp Thursdays if you ask the Stephs) Thursdays at CFSBK!
I think Ill be making this up tomorrow.
Apparently daddy-long-legs are gorgeous gorgeous creatures.
@Joe – we can scale those air thrusters with some big helium baloons. Sounds pretty fun no?
@Laurel – Nice. I was thinking some strategically-mounted springs as well.
very cool boxing video. I realized halfway through that I have seen it before, on “do the math”. big fan of your husband’s music, sarah :).
Hookay, I was in awe of Sarah Deming already. You rule Sarah! I saw your blog too, I will loan you the book of LTROI if you want!
Hold on! That “study” cited in the article above cites *9* individuals. Nine! I love my paleo diet as much as the next cavewoman, but NINE?! That is not a scientific sampling my friends! That’s a pittance.
@Tam welcome to nutrition and exercise “science”. I hate to bash it but most nutrition studies use a depressingly small number of people due to the enormous cost of a study with a decent sample size.
Wod tonight with 105lbs. These were the heaviest thrusters I have ever done. Ick. All strictly traditional thrusters, no jerks. 18:34. Actually a little better than I was afraid of.
After 3 sets of 8 strict pullups.
Finally the character builder “walk home in soaked canvas shoes and try to keep all toes attached for time”.
95#, 17:06
yeah a buddy on facebook just posted a study that says that drinking chocolate milk after a workout is better than drinking gatorade. (duh)
3 sets of 8 strict pullups
what is do the math?
WOD@85lbs – 17:23. Modified thrusters to jerks for the hip. Very hard, grip fried before anything else… Started thwacking colar bones… But boy did it feel good to be done.
Evil Accesory: three sets of 8 pull-ups. Grip/forearm exhaustion made this very hard. Glad tomorrow is a rest day.
Post wod slush speed walking to get Malcolm’s feet out of the cold.
Hot bath and the world seems much friendlier.
Warm up: IT foam rolling and mat mobility.
Wod: 11:58 at 65lbs.
If the thrusters hadn’t been thrown into the mix, I would have gone heavier…but still not 95lbs. That’s just crazy talk. Deadlifts were easy to start, but got harder as my grip began to fail (rounds 2&3 were broken to switch grip). All round of cleans and those horrible thrusters were very broken. Funny thing about this wod is that everytime you drop the damn bar, you tack on additional dl’s and cleans. How clever.
Finished with 3×8 blue band strict pullups. Even harder when my arms and hands were still shaking.
Do The Math is Ethan Iverson’s blog. Ethan is in The Bad Plus.http://thebadplus.typepad.com/dothemath/
16:16 @ 85#
deadlifts were a good rest. cleans were in sets of 4&5 by round 2. “thrusters” – if you could call them that – were super broken. mostly a squat/push press or jerk combo. i have some SWEET collarbone barbell hickeys.
3×8 pull upsstrict/white band4/42/63/5
Rest. Day. Tomorrow.
Dear 135 lb Thruster,
Yeah…uh…I foam rolled, batting practice balled, stretched, and did kettlebell based mobility work. I’ll meet you, you monster, tomorrow…maybe.
Warm-up500m rowrotational medball throws to the wallforward rolls to handstandslay on mat for ten minutes, almost fall asleepthen barbell warm-ups
WOD: 19:40 at 115#strict thrusters, mostly in twosdidn’t go anywhere near red line on this but still felt good. kept form as perfect as possible on everything. Happy with 115 thusters, 135 would have crushed me. Literally.
Which Steph is which again?
Steph who?
You know, I hear there’s another CrossFit in Brooklyn where everyone hugs and stuff. Maybe I’ll go THERE.
17:06 at 95#Rough WOD,glad to get thru it. pullups 4x24x22x42x4 I still find these difficult, but it’s coming along. Foam roll afterward.Good luck Jeremy and Margie at the lifting meet this weekend.
Ok that kind of sucked. 17:24 at 115#. I tried to keep form as tight as possible but started to go somewhere in the middle – couldn’t stay on my damn heels.
3 rnds of 8 strict pull ups afterward with smokin’ forearms.
CSBK, I love you.
thanks for your nice comments about the video, everyone!
@regan that’s cool you like DTM! i liked the book of LTROI but i liked the film more. do you like the night watch films/books?
If I can find a way to navigate this Ocean of Snow–maybe I can make an early class….Is there still early class?
Shawn, thats really bad spelling dude. Shouldn’t it be M*(***F**(ERS!!
17:55 as RX’d.
I think the deadlifts in the third round is where I spent the most time.
After seeing everyone else’s times, I guess I should have gone heavier!
@Jess – Or that we all should have gone lighter. I think light and fast can be harder than heavy and slow.
It’s been awhile since I posted so maybe it’s time to get back in the habit.
17:42 @ 52#
Believe it or not, the cleans were just as bad as the thrusters for me – maybe even worse! There must be some cue that will finally get me to stop pulling with my arms. I haven’t found it yet.
3 rounds of strict blue band pullups after.
I, too, have a huge bruise on my collarbone. Paulie goes away, I get a suspicious mark. Just perfect.
Did this last night at 105#. Deadlifts were fine, cleans were steady (although progressively slower). “Thrusters” were definitely the limiting factor. Front squat + push press from start to finish.21:14
Had to break the pull-ups into split sets of 5+3.
Snip – Noooooo!!!We’ll hug it out next class.No body shots, though.
Fox, will you hug it out with this Steph too? I think its only fair.
Fox’s next tattoo is the words “Hug Life” in large old English script across his stomach
Laurel gets hugs too.
P.s. snowball fight in the park??
Laurel I may be down.
I think im going to 12 oclock with kamau and bringing the sled.
Laurel and Steph P get hugs for sure!
I am so down with snowball fights and turning my baking sheets into makeshift sleds. Why am I at work right now?!?
I want a hug and a snowball fight.
Snow ball fight!
I will be out of work in an hour or so and heading to buy new boots. Then I put on a bib and go to the park and play in the snowpocalypse.
Well, fine! If no one else is going to do body shots off of Snip, I’ll volunteer. But I’m only doing it for the booze!
I’m still at work, but might get out early – if I do – playing in the park is my plan. If anyone is going over there, post and let us know when you head out.
Ok, I’m getting out of work soon (to go see an apartment) and I’m not planning on going back. I’d like to take Tucker to the park and play. Say around 2pm? Need to get him a longer leash though. And being a new “mom”, I’m not sure how long his little paws can take the snow.
this is when i wish i was a teacher…. i’ll be at my desk all day ๐
3 RFT25 dead lifts15 midhang power cleans10 thrusters
75 pounds : 11:18
In retrospect, I might have done slightly more weight, but I was scared by the thrusters before starting. They are definitely an area of improvement for me. I don’t think I’ve done any thrusters >85 lbs.
I’d like to try this again in a few weeks or months with a little more weight, but likely won’t be able to do this at my “gym where I can’t drop stuff”.
Good day for a walk in Bay Ridge. Thanks to Regan for telling me about that Hawaiian place.
Hey, peeps playing in the snow, be careful. A dude died in Central Park when a tree limb fell on him this morning.
Hey Becca – one thing that helps me stop pulling cleans with my arms is to go heavier. That way I’m forced to use my hips and shrug to get the bar up. ๐ ๐
Super jealz of everyone with the day off!