(E4/4) L1 5×3 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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compare to 2.15.10
Assistance Work
4 Rounds NFT of:
10 Weighted walking lunges, each leg
10 Sit-up Medball Throws
1 Rope Climb, 18'
Jess F at the top of the Rope.
Digitally explore the cave paintings at Lascaux
Crazy cool video.
If you’re unsure how long to cook your eggs:
great class this morning, excellent we get another cycle of power snatching.i finally feel it’s getting better. thanks d.o.
WU1000m rowdroms
Power Snatch45lbx5x575lbx5x395lbx3x3105x3x3110x3x2
ACC WkRope climb 15’x2 plus skill wk
CDfoam roller
snatches for lunch. hehe.
(52×4, 72×2)77(F), 77, 82, 87(F), 87(F)back down to 72 and did a few reps. did 82×3 last week but for some reason felt really heavy today. still need to lose the fear of getting under the bar.
acc workOH lunges w 35# platejesus sit upsrope climbs
first time doing more than just one rope climb and they are fun! don’t forget your high socks!
Ha! The caption calls me Jess F at. What are you trying to say David? 😉
I’m still pretty badly scarred from that rope climb, so it looks like I’ll have to pass on that tonight.
I can’t believe Chris Fox hasn’t commented on the phrase “digitally explore” used in the cave paintings link above.Fox are you feeling okay?
This is a family blog, Nino. You should really be ashamed of yourself.
Snatch work w/ the 45 lb bar.35 lb. dumbells on the lunges.8 lb. ball on the partner toss.Only 15′ short of 18′ mark on the rope.
Snatches: (33lbs high pull/power snatches couplet x 6) 53×3,63×3,73×3,83×3,93×3,103×3,108×2
Accessory: lunges @ 25lb plate overhead. Only 3 rope climbs.
Snatch work – it’s finally feeling a little better but still a long way to go on the flexibility side of things.65lbx3x6
Accessory work: 8lb medball, 40lb dumbells on the lunges and all rope climbs all the way to the top arms only (x4)
Snatches! Drills with 22lb bar, Then warmup at 42 and 52lbs.Work: 57x3x2, 62x3x3, 67x3x2
I’m still pulling too fast off the floor and need to think more about getting under the bar much much quicker. I’m glad we’ll continue this lift in the next cycle!
Assistance work: 6lb med ball, 25lb overhead lunges, 2 full rope climbs, 6 modified climbs from lying position because my leg was starting to burn. Fun pretending to be pirates on the rope! Arg!
Did about 15-20 minutes of mat-based mobility work. Nothing too scientific, just sort of rolled around in different positions, felt great.
Snatch(45×3, 75×3, 95×3, 105×2)115x3x5
Did a “re-do” from last week since I wasn’t feeling my mojo. today 115 went up real easy.
Found time for snatches today, and intend to make up the PP/Run wod tomorrow.
Power Snatch:(45, 65, 85)105x3x5, felt much better than last week.
Laurel snatched more than me today…
The Good:
The 80 lbs I did last week felt light (not sure if its just cause Ive been getting stronger overall or if its because Im getting more comfy with the Snatch).
Had some really good pulls in my 1-3rd set.
The Bad:Had some awkward pulls and failures on the 4th and 5th set.
I actually tried my 5th set at 90 lbs and things weren’t as good–dumb mistake I know.
Acc Work.Lunges, Rope Climb, and Sit ups.Lunges with the 25kg is really a test of willpower keeping that thing overhead. Rope climb–want to get better–was a little awkward with Vibrams today.
Snatches were fun. This was my first exposure in the set so I kept it fairly light and drilled technique (thanks Fox for the advice). Starting to feel a little better with this movement.
65×3, 85×3, 95×3, 105x3x5. So glad there is another cycle for this so I get more exposures.
Accessory work with 6lb med ball situps for the first 2 rounds and then 8lb for the last 2. Lunges were with a pair of 35lb dumbells. Rope climbs were all arms for the first half and then arms and legs for the second half.
Was all over the place during foundations class, was a totally off day for me.
HOWEVERM, Did my first “girl”: Helen. 12:55. Complained a lot and got sloppy in my last round of kettleballs and pull ups. But, am proud to have finished! Hope to be better next time….
from Team lululemon class w/ David Monday morning:
warm-up:500m row @ 23 s/minchworms, bearcrawls
Skill: kipping pull-up 101
WOD: 3 rounds for time30 sit-ups, anchored12 squat thrusts270m run
my time was 10:00(Jessy kicked butt at 9:32, Christina at 11:09, Sam at 11:23)
Skill: kettle bell swings
(finished the day with a 30 minute swim last night!)
Mobility work: 15 minutesWarmup: 10 minutes of the usual dirty dozen sans the run as I forgot my pants…
Powersnatch:5×3 @ 1355×1 @145
145 is ugly, am getting the weight plenty high enough, problem is aggressively getting under the bar. Noticed that attempt 0 failed, 145 was ugly and felt difficult, but once it went up the mental barrier to it being difficult dissipated. Feels good, and will make it pretty next time.