(E3/4) L1 5×5 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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compare to 2.13.10
Skill Work
Freestanding Handstand Practice
Assistance Work
Hip Extensions 5×5
Joe on his 3rd exposure of Rips Dips
Our Primal Quest wrap-up and raffle will be held on Monday, March 1st at 7:30pm at CFSBK
In Vietnam, Traveling an Unlikely Beer Trail NY Times
Does Red Meat Give you Bowel Caner? BBC
These BBC articles leave out too much info. If you want the facts of what the WCRF believes then check out their website.
They state, “1 ‘Red meat’ refers to beef, pork, lamb, and goat from domesticated animals including that contained in processed foods”
For more info read http://www.thebloomagency.com/…/NutritionalandHealthBenefitsOfGrassFedBeef.pdf
Bowel Caning sounds painful.
Back Squat 5x5Warm up: 45x5x2 95×5 125x2Work: 140x5x5
Hip Extensions 5×5
High Bar back Squat
warmup 45x45x65x95x115work 155 (felt a little heavy), 150, 150 , 150, 150.
Seems like even with warmups it takes me a little bit to get warmed up to the heavier weight.
My 3rd 4th, and 5th set felt really good and I probably couldve hit 155 on those.
did the thursday metcon. great idea!!
WUdromsfreestanding hand stand practice. hadnt done this in a while. my dominant side felt good, non dominant, terrible.
WOD5 rounds500m row12 dumbbell push press 45lb right arm12 dumbbell push press 45lb left arm15 pull ups
that was fun!!
5×5 hip extensions
4 rounds – NFT50 squats (40 lb weighted vest)50 forward lunges (40 lb weighted vest)100 sit-ups
First round of sit-ups were unbroken, then went 50/30/20, 70/30, 70/30. The first round of squats started with a set of 30, then all other squats were done in sets of 10. Lunges were all sets of 10 (5 each leg). The lunges were the toughest part.
Back Squat 5×5(45×5, 65×5, 95×3)Work: 118x5x5
Hip extensions 5x5Lego chases 1×3
DMG- nice!EK- good to see you in again.
HBBSq = suckfest for me today…45, 115, 165, 215, all x5255x5x3Starting on my 4th set I was shallow on some reps and not feeling it so I backed off.
I’ve been wanting to do a 20 rep heavyish squat and figured 185 would be doable. After waiting 5 min or so…Got 14.
Handstands! I love handstands! I even held one for like .3 seconds today.
SquatsW/up (45×5, 50×5, 55×3, 65×3)70x5x5Happy with this. Have added 5 lbs each week.
Hip extensions 3×5 (whoops)
Kipping practice w/ white band
Then, after lunch I still had a lot of energy, so I went for a 3 mi run. I hope we don’t use our legs tomorrow.
First Mobility class today! So far so good Mr. Fox!
HBBSQ’s:(45×5, 75×5, 95×5, 125×2)Work: 135x5x5
This is the same weight as last week, but wanted to work more on form. Feeling better, but my knees are still caving in a little. Will probably go up 5lbs next week…although I’m really not digging hbbsq this cycle.
Did some handstand practice on my own, and then hip extensions after squatting.
Wow was the gym busy at noon! Really wish I could have said hi to more of you! So glad to see so many smiling faces.
HBBSQ 5×5(45×5,65×5,75×3) 90x5x5
First time back squatting since december. Felt really good to get back to lifting. Nice lifting with Asta and Juliana. (It was a quick rotation despite what David said)
Actually held a handstand for a blink! Psyched to work more gymnasticky skills. Finished with 3 sets of 5 white band pull ups.
Thanks for class Laurel and Shane!
hbbsq 200x5x5. 5# increase from last week.
mobility class with Fox which was fun.
sorry about all the barking. Smudge is a big baby. thanks Shane for helping
Subbed deadlifts for squats because ofthe friendly hip.DL: (65×5,95×5,135×3,165×3)195×3,205×3,215×2,215×1
My last 1 rep max, prior to SS, was 205… So this was very exciting.
Happy Birthday Nick!
To celebrate, I repeated the wod I made up Saturday, cause I liked the way it left me sore.
4 rounds50 squats (40 lb weighted vest)50 lunges (40 lb weighted vest)100 sit-ups
Not really for time, plenty of pauses, took 45:30.
The sit-ups I managed to break up in sets of 100, 70/30, 80/20, 100. Squats and lunges were almost all sets of 10. My right knee started to feel a little tweaked by the last round of lunges and is a bit sore now. I’m sure the form wasn’t great. Once again, the lunges were the hard part. I kind of like this wod.