5 Rounds for time of:
500m Row
12 Dumbbell Thrusters, left arm 40/25
12 Dumbbell Thrusters, right arm 40/25
15 Pull-ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Foam Roll and mat based-movement prep
Steph P and Coach Nick at CRASH-B's
Happy Birthday, Bethany B!
King Tut was Disabled, Malarial and Inbred, DNA Shows National Geographic
So Thursday pretty much = Death Day?
Okay, Thanks.
Really looking forward to this. 4 athletes went through it today. Average time was about 25 minutes.
Have to go to school tonight (*shakes fist at Presidents’ Day*). Looking forward to making this up tomorrow.
shawn – death? nahhhhh!
did this wod this morning. it was a class of two stephs!
24:39average split was 2:05-2:06 for the 500s25# dbs10 pull ups
definitely a tough wod, but doable. pace yourself out of the gate – i typically go balls out on the erg with rowing wods but kept myself at about 80% (as per david’s advice) which definitely helped me to not gas out. thrusters were mostly 6-6, pull ups were a mix of anywhere from 1 to 5 strung together, mostly 3s and 4s.
Oh jeez. I’m chipped already.
thursday sounds like death day.
i think i will be sick thursdays.
You guys are wimps! It’s a great, balanced workout. We rocked it in 7 am “Steph Class”
25:37 ? (not sure about the seconds)15# dumbbell10 pullups with blue band (and help from Coach, so I didn’t swing too wildly)
you tell ’em Steph!!
S T E P H A N A T O R S ! ! !
Now this is just the kind of abuse i love. STUPID hip flexor!
we are so trendy:
I see the picture of the milk up there, and heard all about the milk. I am finally putting it together, this is basically GOMAD, right? I’ve done a little research on it, read the discussion boards. Seems like it’s difficult to replicate the benefit/cost arrangement, saturated fats, etc. I also have looked at paleo/primal nutrition self-annointed experts, they all seem to shy away from dairy. Is this just massive cognitive dissonance? Is this mainly for hard gainers? do you recommend a progressive increase of milk, aka building up to it? Also, from what I have read, it seems that it’s a temporary thing. (2 months, bulk up, and back off type of thing.) With all the milk floating around the gym, I’d love to hear peoples’ thoughts on this. I am open to ideas, I am viewing this one with a little caution, but have not ruled it out. Thanks!
Also yum: (minus peas):http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/21/magazine/21food-t-000.html?ref=dining
thank you so much for posting the king tut article! i am writing something about him and hadn’t heard of these new discoveries about the family tree. very exciting!
Jim: I think people at SBK who are on the milk tip are doing more like half a gallon a day. Jeremy might be doing the full gallon… but I think everyone else is only at half gallon. Yeah there is a bit of dissonance between dairy and paleo, but I think dogma is bad, people should do what bruce lee suggests.(absorb what is useful, discard what is useless, and add what is essentially your own)
if i had self-control my diet would be paleo plus dairy.
On the Brazilian Fish Stew Recipe–My dad just made me some when he was in town last weekend- it’s one of his delicious specialties, and I have tons frozen right now! His version has no fish stock; instead, he uses about half a cup of tomato sauce. We couldn’t find any dende oil around here, so he added some red pepper for an extra kick. If anyone’s interested in the dende oil, I can try and pick some up when I go to Brazil next weekend.
jim, in my opinion the milk thing is totally dependent upon your goals and body type. for someone like me who has a very hard time gaining weight without major effort. the milk is really helpful. i just reached 180lbs today thanks to about 1/2 gallon a day and a pretty unrestricted diet (outside of sugar). i had to slowwwwwwwly increase the amount because of my lactose intolerance. it hasn’t been as bad as i thought it would be (still not a picnic either). so its worked for me in terms of weight gain and helping my recovery.
however i have seen people on gomad who because of their body composition to begin with have no business drinking that much milk. they just end up with high levels of body fat without the benefit. if i were you, i would talk to jeremy and margie before i embarked on that mission. and if you do decide to do this, be prepared with lots of reading material for the bathroom and money for a new wardrobe. oh and people will start telling you that you’re getting fat.
thursday torture: 27:44, 25 pounds.
david == evil
dude cloyde, 180. i haven’t seen you in ages. you must be jacked! =]
29:07 with 20lb DBs and 5 pullups. Maybe next year the birthday WOD gods will smile upon me! 😉 😛
29:40 or 29:50 at 30#.
Not quite Death but prolonged torture.
I could probably do it faster, but my pullup form is so inefficient that my muscles get taxed.I dont feel too gassed cardio wise, but just cant do another pullup.
lol, sameer i honestly dont think i look that much different. although my little brother thinks i look big and ive had to buy new pants. ive been doing starting strength for the last few weeks so that has definitely helped with the weight gain.
it really has been to long since ive been to sbk. once im more comfortable on this program ill start to come in once a week for some metcons and then switch back over fully in a month or two. i miss sbk.
Jim –
So the story with milk is that it is not paleo, however it is a staple of the “get big and strong” proponents – ie most weightlifters. It just makes the body grow like nothing else. For that specific purpose, it is certainly the best “natural” way to go. However, for long term use it has lots of negative consequences ie highly insulinogenic (think sugar spikes), could promote more growth than you want (think cancer), will definitely affect your gut health, skin health etc.
For limited and specific use, have at it, but it’s not a permanent lifestyle choice. It is best consumed post workout, so if you are interested in trying it, i’d say throw down a quart or half gallon after your lifting sessions.
25.19 with 25# Dbs, 10 pullups with blue band. Pullups kill me. How I wish I could get better by learning how to kip. I’ve been taught so many times and I can’t get it.
I suppose I gotta post the good with the bad. Today was a hot f**king mess. Left hamstring sore so modified thrusters to push press. Took it easy on the Erg. (Kipping sucks due to mobility issues. Fox, you gave me the tools, now I just gotta continue work it out.) But even with modifications I felt enough unhealthy pain in the hamstring to bail after 3+ rounds. Wah!!In my book, beer heals, so I consoled myself with a couple of road pops on the walk home. Feel better now and am renewing my commitment to resting this hammy and working on mobility.
33:34 as RX’d
haven’t done that long of a WOD in a long time. It kicked my ass, I also squatted and benched before.
It was great to be in a group class though, miss everyone. Even Ryan.
26:08 as RX’d. Burn baby, burn…
Me (after picking Jess up fron LGA): ” I have to run to the gym real quik to pick up a cd of photos for the mobility intensive from Malcolm.”
Jess: “Today’s WOD sure looks fun…”
24:58 Rx’d
Nice hand tear on the last set of pull-ups, youch! Thanks, everyone for yelling at me to finish under 25:00.
Luisa, have fun in Brasil! Dende oil is available a Fairway in Red Hook!
So good to be back home. Flight landed at 5:45 so just enough time to make the 7pm class.
29:15 as rx’d.
I really needed this and loved it. Pullups slowed me down as usual…sets of 2 mostly then singles at the end. My left arm thrusters also had to be broken up whereas my right arm was mostly unbroken. How do you even this out?
this one had me feeling lightly nauseus about ten minutes after finishing. 23:38 with 25 lbs. havent been doing any pull ups lately. definetely the weak link. also a real imbalance between left and right arm thrusters.
chocolate milk is delicious. i stopped any further research after first reading that it works well as a recovery drink and have avoided any opinions to the contrary ever since.
Thanks for all of the posts! Pretty much what I’ve heard, I think I’ll try a little after the workouts, and see how that goes.
Hip is better but still tender, so I modified the rowing and thrusters:5 rounds40 20kg kb swings25lb db push press*15 pull-ups
29:47 – hello again metcons.
*last set of push press, my left arm was so ugly David made me drop to 15lbs to focus on controlling the descent. Huge discrepency in strength between my arms – right side was unbroken and didn’t feel particularly challenging.
Very nice to have Jess back – Welcome Home!
Belated Happy Birthday Bethany!
On the milk thing. If you are drinking a half gallon a day it won’t just be post wod unless you are a champ milk drinker. That much in one sitting for most people will be impossible. I am now done with the half gallon a day but when I was doing it, I was drinking a pint or two before work, a pint or two after work and the balance after working out. Plus if you are doing a lifting schedule you will not be working out daily and you will definitely need the calories.
Also I want to say WOW to Cloyde. I tried to bulk and failed even with a half gallon of milk. (One month of starting strength caused me to lose 4 pounds).
I guess now we know how King Tut got so funky.
Made this up Sat 20 feb.
28.38Thrusters: 25lb for 3 rounds (20lb rounds 4 and 5 at Shane’s request as form was crap with left arm)15 PU