(E2/4) L1 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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compare to 2.6.10
Skill Work
Snatch Drills
4 Rounds NFT
7 Strict Pull-Ups
:10-:15 L-Hang
7 Bulgarian Split Squats, each leg
Chris J Improves his Dip Strength
Where do we need adequate mobility for Overhead Squats and Snatches?
Food, From Field to Fork! A Growing Chef's Fundraiser in Brooklyn
That would be the shoulder joint and hamstrings coach.I used to have trouble with both. was especially prone to pulled hamstrings, but since crossfitting for the past 2 years, this has gone away.Thanks coach!
Great working with Richard!
One year in Crossfit! Like the Khmer Rouge, I’ll count the years from the beginning. Last year was Year Zero. This year is Year One.
WOD Back Squat 5×5 (across)Warmup: 45-5 75-5 95-5 115-5Work: 135-5-5 (PR)
Accessory:4 Rounds NFTBulgarian Split Squats 20# dumbbells 7/leg7 dead hang pull-ups:15 L hang
Annie???(timer didn’t work)it seemed to be an improvement, at least
HBBSq(22×5, 42×5, 50×3, 55×2)65x5x5These continue to feel tough but good. Nice to work with Ariel again!
Acc Work:Did about 4 pull ups w/ the white band before Shane switched me to blue. Boo.Did the 1st round of lunges w/ nothing, 2nd round with someone pressing on my shoulders, 3rd and 4th w/ 10# dumbbells.
HB Back Squat(45×5 75×5 95×3)105x5x5
acc:split squats w/10# dbspull ups w/blue bandL hangs w/knees bent
HBBSq 195#x5x5up 10# from last wk
I know its dark, cold and treacherous out but if weekday a.m. attendance doesn’t improve i suspect those classes will be cut. Pry your butt from that warm bed please!
Going to Camelback for the day tomorrow and have plenty of room in the blue bus if u r interested. 917 533 7225
Good luck to CRASH B ers!
Good start, Brian.
To execute the Snatch or OH Squat properly requires a good amount of mobility (and strength) from most of the major joints in your body.
From bottom to top:Ankle, knee, hip, thoracic spine, and shoulder.
Limited mobility in any of these areas will result in either compensation or a missed lift. For exanmple, if you have limited ankle mobility you will compensate at the hip, leaning further forward, thus forcing a need for more range of motion (and strength) at the shoulder to keep the barbell balanced over mid foot.
Can anyone relate problems they’re having in this cycle of the Power Snatch to limited mobility in any of these areas?
45# Barbell Snatch Warm-Up:
2 sets of:Mid Hang Muscle Snatch x3Mid Hang Power Snatch x3Overhead Squat x3
2 Sets of:Snatch Balance x3Sotts Press x3Overhead Squat x3
High Bar Back Squats(45×5, 95×5, 115×5, 135×3, 155×1)165x5x5 (10# Jump from last week)
Assistance Work4RNFT7 Strict pull-ups, unbrokenL-Hang, mostly in :10 and :05 SplitsBlSpSq 7 Each leg with a 65# Barbell on my back. 12″ box.
Quads feel fine from the WB/BJ couplet. Not looking forward to tomorrow. at all
Are we really thinking about cutting weekday morning classes? If so, please don’t! I was planning to go 3-4 weekday mornings each week.
Played around with different weights today because not only was it my 1st exposure in this cycle, but I haven’t squatted weight in over 2 months. So today I started at 145, it seemed heavy so I went back to 135, then that felt light so I went to 140, and then went back up to 145 for my last 2.
So in summarywarmup 45,45,75,95,125Work set 145,135,140,145,145,125
I went shopping afterwards so I didnt eat til 430 PM—Squatting and not eating = SUCKS
HBBSQ: (45×5, 75×5, 95×5, 115×3, 125×1)Work: 135x5x5Really needed Shane’s cueing on these lifts. Thank you sir!
AW: all 4 rounds with blue band strict pullups, ~:10 sec bent knee hang, 15lb db split squats on 45lb plate.
Highbar Backsquat 5×5:(45×5, 65×5, 95×3)120, 116, 116, 116, 116
Great coaching today Shane and Laurel. Love squat Saturdays!
there are not plans to cut weekday morning classes. Only plans to cut Nino and Carlos.
Actually, we’ll see how things go. the 6am attendance is quite low right now. There was some talk to drop 1-2 6am classes or converge 6 and 7am to a 6:30 class.
Now we’re talkin! 6:30 classes would be great for me all four days. reducing 6am classes to 2xweek, while keeping 7am classes 4xweek is another fine option for my schedule too.
Interested to hear what the other early birds think…