This is Anne I's second exposure to Power Snatches. Relative to last week, her technique has improved and she was able to move a little more weight. Patience, practice, patience, practice. Good work, Anne!
Tonight's Line Up
5pm Wed's WOD (Dips etc)
6pm Wed's WOD (Dips etc)
7pm Mon's WOD (Snatch etc)
Mobility and Recovery at CrossFit South Brooklyn
Want to be more flexible? Move better? Perform better? Just feel better? Have you been "kinda stretching sometimes, sorta", but making little if any progress? Many folks recognize that they have range of motion deficits but are not sure how to go about getting results in reducing them.
…We can help!
We're rolling our next Mobility and Recovery Intensive. It will be held at 12pm on the following days:
Sat 2/20, Sun 2/28, Sat 3/6 and Sat 3/13
We're excited about the new format for the MRI which now also includes a Foam Roller and Self Myofacial release ball for all attendants. For more information on the cycle, click here or Register Here!
Have you taken the Mobility and Recovery Intensive before? What did you think of it?
Russian Nursery has Really Cool Kids Reuters
Would you send your children to this school?
Holy cow. I need a haircut. I look like John Denver.
Oh, man, I want a Self Myofacial release ball!
The class was great. Anyone who wants to learn their way around a foam roller or gain some mad anatomy skillz should sign up post-haste.
Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy…and so does watching Anne do snatches. Damn girl, you sure this is only your second exposure?
david- what do you do on rest days? your open right?
Yeah – David – what is on the menu for tonight?
Ourbasketball game also got cancelled–so Im gonna try to swing in and do some make up work.
What seems to make the most sense is to run dedicated classes at specific times.
Tonight, were going to run
5pm Wednesdays WOD (Dips etc)6pm Wednesdays WOD (Dips etc)7pm Mondays WOD (Snatches etc)
Unfortunately It will be impossible to accommodate everyone’s schedule. Hope you can all make it to the class you want
Fox’s class rocks, seriously.He knows his stuff. I felt a lot better after taking the class, as well as lighter(by $100):)
Do you recommend signing up for the mobility and recovery if I know I can’t make it to at least one of the sessions? I think I’d definitely really benefit from the class, but I’ll be out of town for at least the Sunday session.
Went to Practice Crossfit in Troy.
W/U: tabata jump rope, overhead wall squats, knee med ball toss/pushup combo, knee to feet jumps
WOD–5 Rounds for time of:21 Double unders15 Thrusters 85/55TIME=12:08
The double unders were easy but the thrusters were hard. I really need to learn how to push past the misery of thrusters and just get them done.
Post WOD: self myofascial release ball therapy. ouch!
Also realized that I did too many snatches yesterday. Did 5’s instead of 3’s which perhaps explains my exhaustion. Oh well. Loved the snatch videos with Anne and Shane!
I took the mobility class. It was great. When I started it I had almost no overhead squat, I tipped forward like the little teapot. Now I’m much more comfortable with weight over my head.
Sign up!
Bar dips: two sets of 1 rep, 3 sets of 8 with the white band. A terrible step backward from last week when I did 5 sets of three with ease. I guess all the chest/shoulder work and yoga on my rest days has fatigued me more than I realized. Gonna take arest until Friday, I think.
Accessory WOD: 7 rounds of 25 DUs and 5 knees-to-elbows in 8:39. Felt pretty good. Doing Annie a couple times a month has really boosted my double-under capabilities.
Uh oh, does the no posting for today mean class may be snowed out?
Awesome working with Shane today in a small class with Willy.
Really got to continue tweaking my snatch form.
This week I worked at 75 and overall felt a lot more comfortable.
I think I actually did 6 sets.
Accessor WOD was nice. Lunges have my legs feeling sore. Need to work on my strict pull ups again.