5 Sets Across
(E1/4) L1 Ring Dips/L2 Ring Dips
Post reps and Dip variation to comments.
Metabolic Conditioning
Partner Relay Race
3 Rounds of:
Row 500m
35, 25 or 15 Push-ups
The workout is complete when both partners finish all three rounds. Only one partner may be working at a time.
2 x (4 x 500m / 2 min.) / 5 min. @ 2000m pace. No rating cap
Jessy and Whitney from Team Lululemon hit the 08 Games Deadlift/Burpee Couplet
We do not have morning classes on Wednesdays. Only 12pm, 5pm, 6pm and 7pm
Happy Birthday, Chris A, Anne W and Felix D AND Leonid R!
Self Serve Espresso Guidelines
– Each capsule is a $1 "mandatory donation" which can be paid in the marked cup. Sorry, we wont be able to make change.
– Feel free to use one of our cups or mugs for your espresso/coffee. Please wash your cup and put it back immediately after finishing your drink.
– Directions on how to use the Nespresso can be found on the table. Otherwise you can ask a Coach.
– Please treat the machine and coffee station with care and respect. If you see a something out of place or messy, please clean it up. We want this to be a service everyone can enjoy responsibly.
Until we get the coat rack/cubbies installed, please try to put you coats and bags on the benches by the pull-up bar parts. If the couches are covered in bags, no one can enjoy them!
Thank you to whoever brought in the Chess Board. Check the comments for some ideas on how we can get a game going.
I was thinking that we could do it one of two ways:
1. You’re allowed 1 move per day. Pick a side and stick with it until checkmate. This keeps things anonymous and open.
2. Folks who are interested in Chess can make two teams and play one move per day each.
We would need some easy way to track who’s turn it was.
Re: chess. Keep a little tab next to the board that is black on one side and white on the other. Every time someone moves, they flip it so that the side facing up indicates what color should move next.
8-6-5-4-6 bar dips (yesterday). Will try for a solid 6 across next iteration. On metcon Anne + I made 21:40.
Also, first successful double unders yesterday! Thanks Shane for help with form.
Thanks for the bday wish David!!! 🙂 Can’t wait to see SBK’s new home.
Happy Birthday day to Chris and Felix as well!
Good idea, Nick!
Congratulations to Malcolm, Laurel and Shawn for signing new leases and moving recently.
2 Clock Gone Bad times should be in house today.. assuming im there to pick up the package.
Now that the gym has a more permanent home there was no impediment to moving closer.
Sadly this really isn’t a joke.
At Brooklyn College, we have a little sign next to the milk and sugar at the coffee station: Clean up after yourself. Your mama don’t work at Brooklyn College!
David: Can I come in today to do the Crash B WOD? Or will that get in the way of the partner relays? I was thinking of doing it in the 6 or 7 PM slot.
Warm-up: 2 rds of 20 pulls on the erg, 25-sit-ups, and 30 DUs. I strung together 20+ DUs in both sets.
5 sets across of bar dips at 3 reps. Dips are definitely one of my weaker movements, so I’m looking forward to this cycle to really build some strength.
Did the partner WOD with Neil in 25:56 with me doing 25 push-ups. For anyone doing it today: be mindful of the lessons of Jackie — the energy you save by going 10 seconds slower on the row may save you a minute or more on the push-ups.
@Samir: I’ll be leading a rowing class tonight at 8:00. Can you come then? We’ll cover technique, strategy, &c.
Nick: Sounds good. I’ll be there. Thanks!
@Samir: Great!
I loved today! I like the more extended drom’s at the beginning.
Dips: 5×5 bar
3rounds of 500m row & 25 push-ups with Nicole: 26:56
Really nice to work out with you, Nicole!
nice sized lunchtime class today! cfsbk is taking over the planet, it is clear to me.
fun partner wod with my guest patri — 25 pushups, 22:50
ring dips, 5×5 — i didn’t get full lockout on the last rep of my last set though. =(
Bar dips: 5×5 with white band. Hoping for 5 unassisted bar dips by the end of this cycle.
Partner WOD with David & Dave: 500m row/15 pushups 3 rounds, forgot what time. We got a little confused about whose turn it was to do what.
I had this fantasy of being able to sneak out of work for midday classes on a regular basis, but the slow subway turned this into an almost 3 hour lunch break. Don’t think I’ll be able to do that too often, sadly.
Ring dips 4 4 4 4 4
Partner WOD with Tal: 20:42 (25 push-ups). 1st 2 rounds the row was under 1:50, last round 1:52ish. 1st round pushups 10-10-5, 2nd round 10-8-7, 3rd round 5-5-5-5-5
Annie in 17:24. Double unders remain a nemisis.
Ring Dips: 10-10-8-8-7
Partner WOD: 20:20 35PUs
great day at CFSBK today. extended droms, dips and a lovely metcon. great stuff.
WU1200m row incr speed by 10sec every 300m3 rnds nft5 fwd rolls, 20 pulls on erg 20s/m, 30 dbl unders.double unders felt pretty solid today.
WOD5x4 ring dips
METCON3 rnds 500m – 1:34.8, 1:39.7, 1:46.53×35 push ups, 15-10-5-5, 10-5’s, 5’s-3’sgood working with bjorn and dave. we screwed up our rest. push ups were a beeeatch!!
WOD5x5 bar dips w/ white band. These went well…maybe a real bar dip by the end of this cycle??
METCON3 rnds 500 m – stayed in the 2:30/2:40 range, blah15 push ups using the parallettes (sp?)
Finished in 24:35 w/Julie
Bar dips and push ups felt strong today. Paleo effect? Still need to get more power behind my rowing.
Bar dips – 3 3 3 2 2
David and Fox apparently missed the coaching class on NOT laughing at the clients.
Whatever… I was surprised to do one.
Loved the metcon. 18:21 – 15 PUs
Nice little warm up with the forward rolls and pulls on the erg.Did the CRASHB WOD today: 2 x (4 x 500m / 2 min.) / 5 min1:40.41:41.31:42.11:43.41:44.41:45.21:46.41:43.3All at about a 25 s/m rate except the last rnd went up to about 27. By the numbers it seems like I was sandbagging but it’s very mental.
Saw McG on the street yesterday lookin’ all Gangsta, you go brother.
Bar Dips: 5 sets at 4 reps with the white band. (I don’t remember if it’s written 4×5 or 5×4…help!)
Partner WOD with Brian: 17:30ish with 15 pushups. Didn’t get the exact times on my rows, but they were right around 2:00. I definitely felt gassed at the 250 mark each round. Pushups were harder than expected. Mostly in sets of 2 and 3, with singles for the last 5.
Then I climbed the rope! Well only halfway before I got scared and realized I was really fatigued. Thanks to Fox, Malcolm, Brian, Dan R for the pointers and for teaching me how to use my legs for support. My bare legs also taught me to wear pants or tall socks before playing next time.
Boo for super-loud screeching noises, but hooray for pullup bars!
Ring Dips5x8Tougher than I expected to maintain 8.
Row 500m/PushUp (35) with Dave19:39Also, tougher than expected.
Happy Bday to all the celebrants!
Chris J- sorry, it was the “stir the pot” comment that got me…good job though, despite our heckling.
Starting Strength Day 8.
Squat 250x5x3 PR (Old PR was one set of 5 at 245!).
Bench Press. 150x5x3.Power Clean. 155x3x5.
Did some toes to bar afterwards.
Ring Dips5x5Pretty easy, gonna bump it to 5×7 next time
MetCon with Chris @ 35 Push-ups19:39, I really enjoyed it.
When the weight or % is specified, it goes
When no weight is specified, it goes
SetsxRepsBack Squat x3x5
Makes perfect sense, right.
Ring Dips7.
I went hard on my 1st set and burned out. Didnt get Fox’s advice til I had done that –so next week Ill shoot for sets accross of 4.
Accesory WOD, I did alone. I tried to pace myself with Joe and Tal and finished right after them. Did the 15 pushup version.
Its kind of disappointing to have to start back over, but I did it to myself by being out so long. All the strength gains I had made seem to be long gone. I feel weaker and slower at everything. I can only hope things start to get back to where they were relatively quickly–and it doesnt take another 6-7 mos. to get there. 🙁
Got out of work late, rather stressful day combined with my headache’s returning with a vengence. Tried to jump rope the other day, too painful to even do singles.
Was really good to make it to SBK, felt like coming home.was really great tinder everyone again. Quickly I felt in a much better mood, and since I missed our grand opening, wanted to take a shot at Grace.
3:14 as RX’d. Head was pounding.
Mostly push-pressed the weight overhead. In reflection I think jerking was actually painful since there’s the stomp and that violent movement add to the pain.
Sorry for not putting my toys away, totally slipped my mind (or whatever was left of it).
Ringdips–alternated from just lowering myself on the bars to going up and down with the white band.4,5,4,6,5Partnered w. Chris J. we did 15 pushups18:21
bar dips5xlets see how this goes
5,3,3,3,3(well, 2 then one, lost my grip)
thanks fox for making me scale back. wouldn’t have made it through all 5 @ 5 reps. my shoulders are still yelling at me 2 days later.
did the crash B rowing. all 500s were at 1:52-2:00 pace. was really happy i could keep it there the whole time.