(E1/4) L1 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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Assistance Work
4 Rounds NFT of:
Overhead Walking Lunges, 20 Steps
Russian Twist, 20 Taps
Power Snatch Demo
Although CFSBK is now open 7 days a week, we're still going to follow our 2 on, 1 off, 3 on, 1 off programming template. Tuesdays and Fridays will still be posted Rest Days and programming will follow the previous or upcoming days workout.
Our "Unlimited Membership" is now a "5 classes per week" membership. We don't want to see anyone overtraining 6 or 7 days per week.
The focus exercises for this cycle are as follows:
Squat Variant
High Bar Back Squats
Day: Saturdays
Level 2: 5×5, 5×5, 5×3, 5×1
Level 1: 5×5 across for all 4 exposures, increase 5-10 lbs each week
Power Snatch
Day: Mondays
Level 2: 5×3, 5×3, 5×1, 5×1
Level 1: 5×3 across for all 4 exposures, increase 5 lbs each week
Upper Body
Ring Dips
Day: Wednesday
Level 2: 5 sets across of +1 rep every week. Keep rest periods under 2 minutes.
Level 1: Ring Supports and 5×3's with decreasing assistance each week.
As usual, if you'll be missing any exposures, it's your responsibility to come in early or stay late if you'd like to make up a lift. If you're training with us 2x per week, we recommend focusing on the Squat Variant.
Sameer Parekh says
hooray for bailing!
stephaniep says
snatches!warm up w/ 22# bar42x3, 52×3, 62×3, 72×3, 72×3 (extra 72×2)
i really like o-lifting
3 rounds of accessory work before leaving for work. used 25# bumper for first set of lunges, then 35# bumper (thank you david); subbed abmat sit ups for twists.
tam says
warm-up with 22# bar
42x3x4, 52×3
I really like this movement…in theory. But not in practice. Or at least not in my practice…so far. Lots of work needed here.
4 rounds of lunges (I did 40 steps the first round by accident) & Russian twists. 3 with 25# plate, last round with 35# plate.
Nino says
Warmup w/ 45lb bar
Work: 75x3x5? I kind of lost count of sets and reps. Just really trying to learn the movement. Tried 85lbs but my form was awful.
Still can’t get over how awesome the new space is! So glad to be back.
David Osorio says
warm-up3? minute row on “old ironsides”some mat-based movement prep
Power Snatch(45×5 OHS, 75×3, 95×2)105x3x5
The power snatch (v Squat snatch) still seems somewhat foreign to me. Gonna play this cycle conservative.
4 rounds nft of:20 OH walking lunges, 45lb plate for first set, 55lb plate for latter 310e Russian twists, 35lb plate.
2 legless rope climb ascents, just cause
Fox says
Power SnatchBurgenger Warm Up then(45×3, 75×3)95, 95, 105, 95, 95
Humble Pie…Lots on this lift that I’m looking to improve upon, hence the light weights.
4 Rounds NFT of:20 OH Walking Lunges 45lb10 ea Russian Twists 35lb 1st rnd, then 45lb
Fun coaching the inaugural noontime class today!
Malcolm says
Starting Strength day 7.
Squat 245x5x3 (Last post was a typo for those scoring at home).Press 105x5x3Deadlift 255x5x1.
Then hip extensions with a PVC to enforce straight back.
Sameer Parekh says
tasty snatches
a/w at 45#
yay for the new space.
Margie says
DL 85%x3x4183x3x4
Grace at 63#3:08 PR
Leg Band curls 3×12 slow
3 sets Russian twists with 20# med ball16,16,20
Margie says
And because I don’t want this to get lost in the mix,my post from yesterday:
Quick comment regarding Grace:
This is meant to be a fast WOD. Under 5 minutes. It is a true metabolic conditioning workout, ie bust your butt for a few minutes and then lay down on the floor for 10. If you are working at a weight that takes you much longer than that, then it’s a different workout. It becomes about strength endurance.
Take home point: don’t worry so much about getting to an rx’d weight. It’s more important to find YOUR Grace weight.
I do Grace at 60# and it takes me about 3:30-3:45. I can clean and jerk 85#, but then I’d probably be working in the 8-10 minute range and somewhat negating the spirit of this WOD.
So, first get damned fast at the appropriate weight for your current conditioning/skill level/bodyweight and then add a few pounds.
(Also there is much debate over whether the women’s weight is 85 or 95.)
Laurel says
Starting Strength Day 7:
Backsquat: (45×5, 95×5, 125×5) 155x5x3 (this was my previous 5 rep max.)
Press: (22×5, 45×5, 65×3) 77.5x5x3
Deadlift: (65×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×1) 175×5
Weighted Chins: +15x5x3
Today things were tough. My squat seems to have developed an interesting kink – I place my hands evenly, get the bar on my back evenly and then somewhere in the lift I scoot myself to the left without changing my grip, just collapsing the space on the left and lengthening the space on the right. Not good at all! GAH. Need to sit back more too. My left hip is quite sore ta boot! grump grump grump. Ice tonight. In contrast, pressing felt great – heavy on the first set but lighter and lighter as I went. Deadlifts were still quick and felt great. Chins were ok – definitely getting heavy.
Great to see everyone again! I missed you all.
.DMG says
love the power snatch. it’s been a while since i did it, but really like the movement and looking forward to this cycle.
WUdroms, lots of cool movement prep on the mat incl. samson stretches, calf walk, inchworms, mountain climbs, oh L sit to bridge walkout.
POWER SNATCHstayed light and worked on technique. felt good as i progressed.
65x3x4 85x3x2
ACC WK4 rnds NFT20 step ups 24″box10e russian twists 35lb plate
David Osorio says
Attention South Brooklynites, due to a DOB re-inspection tomorrow, the 6am and 7am classes will be consolidated to a single 6:30 class!
All other classes are on as usual
David Mak says
Man, great to be back!! And how jazzed am I about the new space? Enough to use the term “jazzed”.
Needless to say, my mobility kind of messes with my ability to do this movement but it’s good to see where I need to focus my mobility work. This movement was a bit more fun than I though it would be.Acc work – 4 rnds NFT20 step with 2x35lb dumbells (not overhead)Russian twist 20 taps with 35lb dumbell2000m row, slow and steady to get back into it (7:48 or something like that) and then climbed to the top of the rope (only hands) because it’s there!
So, so good to see everyone.
Bjorn says
Power Snatch 85x3x5
Snatches were fun, very complicated movement, looking forward to practicing more.
Acc work was very hard: 4 rds of 20 walking lunges and 20 russian twists, 45# plate
Snip says
Power Snatch:first time doing this movement, 35#did more than 5 sets of 3…though some were just jump-and-shrugsthis could be fun once I get the hang of it
5 rounds nft of Russian twists and lunges. 15# was easy; should have done 25#
Jessica Fox says
Hooray for snatches! Warmed up with the 22lb bar.42×3, 52×3, 62×3, 52×3
I did a few sets at each weight. Got to 62 and knew my form wasn’t hot so I dropped back down to work on form. So many things to think about during this movement but it’s really alot of fun.
Accessory work at 25lbs. 4 rounds was tough!
Margie says
Just realized that was 53# not 63# for my Grace. DAMN.
Anne Ishii says
Thanks for the tips on Grace, Margie. Makes more sense to me now.
i like this thing, power snatch, but hate this word… really? snatch?Did a bunch in the tutorial with 42 pounds, but not actual WOD with it.
Did the accessories workout with a 15Lb. plate and then 25Lb. plate, and then ran to a 7o’clock meeting in the city. Looks like I missed a lot. 🙁
ShawnS says
First time doing snatches, heh.
Had fun adn didnt want to stop, the 7PL did sets of 3, I snuck in a 4th.
I did my 1st set at 65 and the rest at 75.
When you get the snatch wrong its heavy and sucks, but when you get it kin d of right, its pretty easy to get the weight up. I’ll have to keep working at these on Mondays.
ShawnS says
The Lunge/Russian Twist WOD was nice.
45lb lunges 35# Russian twists.
Those Russian Twists suck with a lot of weight.
Vincent Dugan says
Snatch is a pretty new movement to me. Was great doing them. I definitely need some work on my form.4×385-105-95-85
Thanks to Chris for the pointers
Bethany says
Snatch – 5×352, 52, 57, 57, 62×1
Then Lunge/Twist at 25#. Love the new space, especially the presence of dogs. 🙂