+ Sore?
+ Breakfast?
+ Photos?
Mat Series A
+ Samson
+ Calve Walk > Inch Worm
+ Pigeon Pose
+ Mountain Climber
+ Triangle Pose
+ OH Reach L-Sit to Bridge walk out
5 Rounds NFT of:
10-15 Squats
5-10 Push-ups
10 Body Rows
Lead the First two rounds as a group and have them DIY the following three rounds. This will be their primary conditioning stimulus today
Focus Movements
+ PVC Intro: Reverse DL, HIPS then KNEES, KNEES then HIPS, 8 reps
+ Barbell 5×5
Set up 4 Barbells and have the group partner up and perform 5 sets of 5 reps on your count. Increase weight on 3rd and 5th sets.
Jump Rope
+ Intro Single Under: upright body, elbows in wrists around, light bounce
+ 3 Rounds of 30 on :15 off Basic Bounce Practice
+ Intro Double Under: Same mechanics, Aggressive double pass
+ Double Under, one arm only, single under with bigger hops
+ 2 Rounds :45 on :15 off Practice
Understanding CrossFit
+ Constantly Varied: Non-specialist program, we vary the time and modal domains
+ Functional Movements: Emphasis on tried and true potent movements, large loads, long distance, quickly
+ Relatively High Intensity: Need to train with enough intensity to stimulate an organic adaptation