The Plyometric Boxes get a Fresh Coat of Paint
Although we've got our Certificate of Occupancy, much work needs to be done before we can start holding formal classes. We'll keep you updated on our progress and get things rolling as soon as possible.
Happy Birthday, Nicole B!
Who is in for The Epic #1 at CrossFit Metropolis this weekend?
Here are the times and WODs for the Epic 1:
I’m unavailable on Saturday but think it would be nice to come on Sunday. Snip.. Mike??
PS. The Sunday workouts look awful.
I was actually thInking of going Sunday, so, awesome. I just love horrible workouts full of stuff I can’t do (muscle ups?!). Should be fun!
I’m in hope to see everyone there this is going to be an awesome weekend!!!!!!!!!!!
Sgt Mike – what are you on? And can I have some?
All – anyone up for virtuosity tomorrow evening?
Grace today at CFv
big ups to DMG for a killer time
and big ups to birthday girl Nicole who posted the best woman’s time.
also, I did 8 unbroken pullups…Most ever!
Gabrus that rocks.
Laurel and I will be at Virtuosity late tomorrow for Starting Strength.
4:33 rx’d
don’t think i’d done this before. good stuff.
@Snip: I am likely to be at Virtuosity tomorrow, especially if someone smokes my Grace time…
SBK come soon…
Dear God, Epic #1 looks ugly.
Did some alternating sets of 5×5 dips and chins today at nysc.
dips: (bw) 25, 45, 70, 70, 70chins: (bw) 25, 45, 55, 45, 45
then 3 rounds of:10 1 arm db mhps 35# (each arm)10 push-ups
not sure of my time, all movements unbroken, went through as fast as possible.
Imagonna have to do a Grace soon…
I keep clicking the heels of my ruby slippers hoping I’ll be looking at the new CFSBK when I open my eyes. Gymless WOD is one thing, but using sister’s membership to Globogym to improvise WODs while traveling in Cali is a whole other tragedy.
In the meantime looking at SoCal boxes for the weekend. Place closest to me saying they’ll do WOD in this torrential pour, which actually sounds…awesome.
Improvised a workout yesterday:7 rounds of 12reps of swings+lunges with 25lb., then rowed 3k.
grace at CFV 7:00 (105)
really felt weak on the jerks so dropped down to 105. the layoff showing its head again. dont worry anne we’ll be here waiting when you wake up.
Work to be done? You need help? Put out a work day schedule and we’ll come down there and bang it together! We need our cult back!!!
AMRAP in 12 min
1 TGU R, 1 TGU L with 35#8 russian swings, 20kg2 laps around the gym with 45 pound bag
5 rounds plus TGUs, plus 8 swings
This was kind of fun in an awful sort of way. Thanks for taking care of me Malcolm!
DeadliftDefecit Pulls standing on 3 1/2″ Box350x5365x4380x3395x2410x1
Power Shrugs300x5x3
Skipped the ham and quad accessory work, fried from lack of sleep.
Pretty interesting read.
I did “Grace” yesterday too.
5:22 at 75lbs.
My first Grace was so much harder than I thought it would be. I can’t imagine doing this at 95lbs for quite some time. Clearly, I need to work on my cleans. I kept jerking the bar up of the floor and was using too much arms.
I also tried to sneak in a few sets of strict presses:45×5, 55×5, 65×5
Then the hubby made me leave.
Last night…
Grace rx’d: 6:32
I need to just get better at that movement. The cleans aren’t so bad, the jerks are probably more problematic. Still, a fun one.
Fette Sau… oh how you own me. Hella long, slow moving line. Took over 30 minutes to order. By that time, they’re out of most everything. Had to pick from what they had left. Getting annoyed standing with my tray while watching parties of people with no food slowing working on huge jugs of beer taking up all the seats. Finally find a spot we’re able to squeeze into. First bite of beef and all is forgiven. I love you so.
3 Rounds (NFT, LAUREL AND FOX!)10 Squat Cleans, 13530 GHD Sit-Ups
Everything from mid thigh to mid torso was jello.
of interest:
that sounded a little naughtier than i meant it to. woops.
thanks david! i cant believe i got birthday wishes in spite of my absentee status. i went to virtuosity with dave and gabrus for a little grace. 5:20 for me.
Worked out with RuvinBench press-3×3 155lbsDead lift 3×3 255 lbsFront squat 3×3 135 lbs.Pull ups strict, rest 120 seconds between sets 4,4,4,3, then Kip kip kip kip hooray!Off to Killington for a week in the snow.
Grace – 5:04 @ 62 pounds. Went very light because I was on <4 hours of sleep and the warmup was kicking my ass. Been a very long time since I cleaned - possibly pre-surgery - and it really shows.
I didn’t post my grace time: 3:06 @ 75#
Then I did some du’s and finally got to 20 unbroken–yay.
Starting Strength Day 3:
Backsquat: (45×5,85×5,115×5)135x5x3
Press: (22×5,45×5,65×5)72.5x5x3
DL: (65×5, 95×5, 135×5)155×5
Dips (not on rings): 10,9, 6
Definitely starting to feel some muscle fatigue. The bar is still moving briskly, but the weights are starting to feel more challenging. It will be interesting to see how long I can keep up with linear gains.
Weight: started at 134 am now at 135.5 – typically measured directly after lifting.
Just ran the stairs near the cut-through. NFT
Warm-up: ran up hill into park and over to stairs
ran up stairs 1 time a piece @ 1, 2 &3 @ time. Then bounded up 2 stairs at a time (that is, jumped w/both feet) twice (threw in a few “3 @ time’s” for good measure). Finally jumped lateral up the stairs one at a time, alternating sides at each landing.
Ran through the cut-through, up the hill then home. FUN. I forgot about the super spacey running feeling.
Tam – I wish I had video of your stair/run workout. I’d really like to play it on fast forward. I think that’d be quite funny.
CFV Friday night:
Cleans 3-3-3-3-342-52-62(1)-52-42my cleans were horrible. Then I looked back and figured out I haven’t done them since OCTOBER! And back then I was still just using the bar. So.
Squat/double under WOD: 14:40start each minute doing 15 squats; use the remaining time for double unders. See how long it takes to reach 200 double unders. Capped at 15 min.
So, started out doing double unders, which did not go so hot…only had 9 after two rounds. Started counting single unders in round three, beginning at “1” and got to 600 just before time was called. I am hurting today from those 225 squats! But I needed that ass kicking.
Finished up with some kipping practice with Asta and Martin. Slowly getting better.
But see, Fox, it was so fast already that if you sped it up you wouldn’t even be able to see me.