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If you had to advise one book on health/fitness to a friend, what would it be?
Judgment as a Virtue CF Journal
Active Hip 2.0 Mark Rippetoe
To answer the question:Deep SurvivalSo i woke up Sunday morning, looked at the posted wod and went right back to sleep. This is the 1st time i punked out on a wod,I’ll blame it on my recent oral surgery. Spent the rest of the day on the couch watching football. Sorry bout not helping you guys move.Yesterday (Monday)-woke up at 3 am, drove my in laws to JFK at 4, came back home, slept for an hour and went to work. 5 pm at the Equinox, did 5×5 presses at 105lbs., then 21, 15, 9 kb swings(1.5 pood)and burpees. Took forever,almost 10 minutes, I felt really gassed. I had to break up the burpees into 10’s and then 5’s. Went out to hear some music at the Wine Center, drank a few glasses now I’m ready to retire.Food- Breakfast-3 eggs coffeeSnack 1 bananaForgot lunchDinner-striped bass, brussel sprouts11pm snack-2 small lamb chops, sauteed zuchini
It is nice to live in a town with tradition.
RIP http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/12/nyregion/12ironman.html?hp
Just curious, where exactly is the new space on Degraw St?
Degraw st between 3rd and 4th ave. Right next door to Brooklyn Boulders.
And NO – I am not answering my own question.
Who is this brian guy? I thought I was the only one! LOL
That Judgement article is not sporting a picture that replicates the thinker, as they assert. This is The Thinker: http://library.thinkquest.org/07aug/00137/philosophy_files/the_thinker.jpg .
Sorry to be off-topic here, but for anyone who’s interested in a little charity, I’m raising money for 826NYC, the non-profit children’s writing center on 5th Avenue that many of you may recognize as the Brooklyn Superhero Supply Company. Any small contribution is greatly appreciated.
More info here:http://is.gd/68nQb
Donate here:http://is.gd/68nVA
i tried to post before.
I read Lights Out: sleep sugar and survival. Thought it was interesting, a little too scare-tacticy but still good.
does anyone know of any stairs or hills in our BK area, where a chubby rugger could do some sprints?
gabrus – squibb hill in brooklyn heights (columbia heights between vine and orange) is an awesome, very steep hill. this is right near where we live so let me know if you want to do some evening sprints.
Is anyone else still in pain?
Yep, Tam, me too. All those burpees?
@Tam — definitely not the thinker! Hahahahahaha.
I like What to Eat by Marion Nestle. It may seem rudimentary for all your primals out there. I actually read it after reading Omnivore’s Dilemma and Good Calories/Bad Calories. After those it was a really nice step back to explain some basics and walk you through labels and your grocery store.
Gabrus, there is a good stairway in Prospect Park on the south end right near the road entrance off of Prospect Park Southwest. Lots of trails to explore also with some good hills too.
Can you tell I have food on the brain? I think What to Eat is probably nutrition/food and not health/fitness. Sorry y’all.
@Tam–The only thing that is still sore are my triceps…but man do they hurt!
If anybody wants to to a Y for free for a day…
Sarah,Yes, nutrition books too, i was actually assuming folks would primarily put nutrition books.
My pick goes for Protein Power Lifeplan by Dr’s Michael and Mary Eades. This is the most comprehensive book on health I’ve ever read. It discusses paleo nutrition, cholesterol, antioxidants, sunshine, exercise and even mental training. I also like that it’s really straight forward, often health books will have a “theme” which smells more like a ploy to sell more books. There’s no gimmick with this, just really sound information.
Malcolm,Great article! This was an interesting link from it:http://www.weightlifting.org/aobs.htm
Tam,Today Im feeling about 95% but I did it one day before you guys.
Brian’s doppelgänger,597 Degraw Street. Nor right next door to BKB, but one measly warehouse away.
Brian,I forgot to follow up to your question. my time was 21:17
Gabrus –
I want to second Sarah’s recommendation of hill. That mother is right near our apartment and one night David, Laurel and I went and sprinted it. No one actually vomited, but it was a close call.
Also want to second David’s call on Protein Power Lifeplan. The Eades blog is fantastic, though they can seem a little commercial at times.
Great article, Malcolm. I am horrified that a woman who killed a pedestrian with her car was not charged with anything except given a summons for a defective horn. I don’t care if he was 40 feet from the crosswalk. You don’t drive your car into things, period. End of story. I think the rules of the road should be closer to the rules of the water, where larger and more powerful vehicles must always yield the right of way to smaller and less maneuverable craft.
Sorry, that’s not what this thread is about, but JESUS.
Book: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver. She is totally not paleo or even high-protein, but it’s an incredibly engaging story of how you really can grow and eat all your own food without being the guy who runs Polyface farm or one of the crazy foragers in Omnivore’s dilemma. Lots of tips for food prep, preservation, etc.
Im still sore as hell….
I feel Great!(no I don’t, I’m sore as hell)
David – Can I borrow that? I’ve been wanting to check it out.
Starting Strength – Rippetoe/Kilgore. It was the first fitness book I read that had a conversational tune to it.
Also likes – New Rules of Lifting, and Lift With Your Head, and Paul Check’s How To Move, Eat, and Be Healthy. He’s crazy, and I don’t agree with it all, but there’s a lot of good stuff in there.
Maybe we should start a polar bear club? What say you good people? Laurel?
My back/chest/shoulders are still a bit sore, but otherwise fine.
So I am a bit down in the dumps today, with being sick and all, and SBK being on hiatus, but then I read this:
…and remembered just how great it is being free of corporate gyms. I’d argue my experience with Bally’s was even worse than this person’s. They managed to charge a credit card I never gave them, and put me on hold for an hour and forty minutes when I tried to cancel.
So, yeah. Until David starts forwarding our questions to a call center in Bangladesh, I’m going to cheer up and be patient.
I have to admit I usually have a pretty hard time reading books about health and fitness. I have no attention span for them. Barely make it through the titles. I mean: Protein Power Lifeplan! Can’t they sex that up a bit? They were probably all excited because they threw some alliteration in there. So, no. No recommendations.
Deb -Where is that stairway you’re referring to in Propect Park? I’ve been running a okay (but not great) staircase in Mount Prospect Park (between the Library and Museum on Eastern Pkwy).
So I wanted to do a St. Croix version of “Brooklyn Lyceum” but I had nothing to approximate thrusters and deadlifts with so I did 100 squats, 50 pushups and 50 pullups on Sunday. I was thinking of you all and missing you. This being the islands I don’t thing they allow stop watches here so I have no idea how long it took me.
I took Monday off and then today did a beach workout. I started at one end of the beach sprinted/ran to the other (approx 300 yards) did 20 push ups, return run and did 20 squats, all x5. Again, no idea on time but I got weird looks from the other beach goers. The beach run was about 70 percent hard pack sand and 30 soft sand.
Nino, I believe Deb is referring to the one right where Center Drive and West Lake Drive meet, (nearest to 16th street and Prospect Park Southwest entrance). http://www.prospectpark.org/media/file/map.pdf (sorry I don’t know how to circle the area on the map)Everytime I run by it I keep thinking, next time I’m coming here just to run those stairs, but never do. Maybe this week will be the week.
Yesterday was my rest day because of the crazy soreness. Today, a little at home WOD.
Warmup:DROMS, plank holds, alternating twisting lunges.
WOD:50-40-30-20-10 of KB swings (1pood) and situps.
Time: 14:32
I intended to do a ladder, but Fox suggested this instead.Me: “50 KB swings? 10 is so much easier.”Fox: “You’re a crossfitter no?”Me: “Damn”
My arms are still so incredibly sore from Sunday and I thought they might fall off. All KB swings broken except the last 10. boo. Situps unbroken except for the 20/30 rounds. ugg.
After did some foam rollin’ love. Realized I haven’t foam rolled in awhile and want to reintroduce that back in. Also tried one handstand kickup, nearly fell on my face, and called it a day.
I am sore too, but one thing I have realized since crossfitting is that I won’t be sore for long. Has anyone else experienced shorter recovery periods since being an CFSBK regular?
No rest for the wicked.1 hr Tennis – got my but kickedAbout to head out to Brooklyn Boulders! Who is in?!
Nino-The best way I can describe it is if you were to take the loop in the park from the corner where the Pavilion theater is and follow it down toward the lake, you would come to an intersection before the lake. Oftentimes there is a port-a-potty there. The stairway is right there.If I knew how to post a map of the park I could be more helpful. Suffice it to say it is on the south side of the park. Hope that helps.
Just read Jess’s post. She put it much better than I. Thanks Jess. That is the stairway I am referring to.
Thanks, Jess and Deb!
I have found that DOMS is way less intense now that I’m exercising regularly. (Thank you, CFSBK!) I actually wasn’t that sore from the Lyceum WOD – but I took a LONG time to finish, especially because I was determined to count actual doubleunders and not attempts.
I have 2 guest passes to NY Sports in Grand central Station, if anyone is interested-we can work out together or you can probably come alone-let me know
Not touching a weight for a week, but hitting the indoor conditioning as much as possible. CrossFit Endurance is a solid resource, FYI.
Those stairs in Prospect Park go much higher than you would think. Have fun!
Hmmm…maybe an SBK stair race is in order? The potential for slipping on ice and getting elbowed/jostled would all fall under the functional fitness umbrella, I think.
Warm up: 5 min. jumping rope
Then 15 minutes, max du’s
my max set was 18, which is not my all-time biggest, but not too bad either.
Then inside my living room for handstand practice. approx. 15 kick-ups per leg. Then I had Milo spot me for three handstands.
Then…tada!…5 minute plank!
@Tam – how did you know I go around jumping into cold water? Not that I go sit in it for time, like Crazy-man Osorio.