(E2/4) L1 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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Compare to 12.19.09
Assistance Lifts
Couple the following two movements:
Depth Lunges 3x5e
Body Rows 3×8
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag (Happy Birthday), Andy H!!
Calling all members!
As we move closer to Degraw Street, we're asking if our members have any furniture they're either willing to part with or sell. Please keep your eyes and ears open for the following items and email David (at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com if you've got any leads. Thanks!
Office Desks
Mini or normal Fridges
Coffee Tables
Volley Ball Net
Large Speakers
Thanks to Malcolm S for the lead on bumper plates he found on Craigslist and George S for the amazing new Boxes he made. We've now got 17 boxes!
High Bar 8×545-65-85-105-135-145-155-160(shallow 1)
Felt some lower back pain on last set. Hence why I only did one and stopped.
Thanks for the help Chris!
Made it to the Lyceum at 9AM and spent an hour with movement prep and warmup.
10AM Fantastic warmup and hip openers with Mr. Fox.Some abductor work as they’re TIGHT.
Chris advised me on some changed to my low bar back squat position, made a big difference in which muscles I was recruiting. Decided to stay light and dialin technique so next week I hope to go heavier.
Low bar back squats 5×5 sets across with Ryan (who kicked ass and did some microloading to PR his PR)I did sets across all at 245lbs — felt light, will likely go to 255 or 265 next week.
Ryan and I then did the double under situp couplet:165 82100 4560 2540 18365 170total: 535about time I broke 500 on this mess!
Looking forward to hitting tomorrow’s workout hard.
Thanks again for class and all the good advice, Chris!
boxing day squats
sets across
(45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 185×5)
feels like 225 should still be doable for sets across. 235 is my 5RM.
300 1RM here we come…
Followed up today’s workout with a 2K tempo row @ 16 spm (although sometime I dropped to 14 and went as high as 17).
Took me 8:41 and I generated an average of 157 watts. Must row more.
I just did squats, so I deadlifted instead:
75×5, 95×5, 125×3
I sure am glad we’re doing these sets across, because I’m realizing how much I’m still thinking about all the little pieces of each movement. Even this one, which I feel pretty comfortable with.
accessory work:
bulgarian split squats with 20# on one side, body weight rows. 3 rounds, nft
Then Jess and I did 2’/1:30/1’/:30
du’s/sit-ups (even though I think I just did this workout a second ago) Thanks for timing us, Gabe.
Did I *really* get more situps than double-unders that first round? Nonsensical.
I just wanted to drop by to say I’m not staying fit at all. Food and drink and couch is all I’m doing until Wednesday. I’ll be back nice and fat on Thursday.
I’m very excited to be back tomorrow! Hope the Lyceum isn’t too wet
@David: Fox was mopping and I moved some of the mats out of the way of the down pour. Hopefully it doesn’t freeze overnight and we have nice sheets of ice to train on. Oooh, ice skating @theLyceum! Sweet.
“Hope the Lyceum isn’t too wet”?
What did you smoke in the New Jersey?
Glad to help, Dan! (ADductors btw)
LBBSq 5x5Warm: 45, 135, 205Work: 235, 255, 275, 275, 275
275 is a 5 rep PR. It felt heavy so I kept it there for a few work sets. After, inspired by Jeremy’s post from Thursday, I drank a quart of milk on the ride to Rockland.
hm is jackie on the agenda for tomorrow?
@Sameer: Yeah, that link does give it away…
@Fox: Thanks again for the spell check. Can you help me with some grammar work too while we’re at it?
Low Bar Back Squats:(75×5, 95×5, 115×5)125x5x5
Haven’t done LBBS since October so I wasn’t sure where to start. 125 felt good but could probably go higher next time.
Thanks Tam for posting our du/su wod numbers. DU total: 176, SU total: 110. TOTAL: 286
Last time I did this I had 143 DU’s and 98 SU’s for a total of 241. Hooray for improvement. Will break 300 next time for sure.
WU noneBacksquats 115x5x5It was 15 dergrees in the garage.Brrr.