(E1/4) L1 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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compare to 11.30.09
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats
Post rounds to comments.
compare to 8.5.09
Weekend classes are back to their normal schedule starting this week:
Saturdays: 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm
Sunday: 10am, 11am, 12pm
Gillian Mounsey Gymnastics Seminar at CFNYC
The Perverse Positive Feedback of Stress Free the Animal
David says
If you’d like to benchmark full (20minute)Cindy, please let me know and we’ll try to accommodate you
Jr says
You sure it’s not Suzie? ๐ I’ll get that right one of these days. Great link to Free the Animal, very positive and a healthy outlook.
Charlotte says
Boo. Our at-home over-the-door pullup bar does not fit on any of Nick’s parents’ door frames. Otherwise I would be very excited to try an at-home non-kipping Cindy.Yesterday did a double tabata of air squats and pushups. Today I think I’ll nap for time. Linus thinks sleeping through the night is only for Brooklyn, I guess.
Dan Rx'd says
I’m interested in going all the way with Cindy. Most likely will be at the 6pm class.
Will eventually want to change the rep scheme slightly, 10 pullups, 20 pushups, and 30 squats. Then to 15, 30, 45.
Dan Rx'd says
Would also be interested in doing a few one arm snatches as well: http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/Crossfit_SevanIreland_BarberOneArmSn.mov
of course, would work both arms — not just the dominant side.
Laurel says
Bother – I wan to DL and do Cindy! Unfortunately down for the count with stomach flu. Managed to hold down some water… what foods do people start eating first?
tam says
I snuck out at lunch and rowed a 5k @ Equinox, because I wasn’t sure I’d be able to make it tonight. I started slow-ish–kept my stroke rate under 18. When I got to 500k I did 20 hard pulls, then settled into about 20s/m, then at 1.5k I did another 20 and settled into a pace of between 23 and 26s/m, trying to keep it under a 2:20 pace, doing those sets of 20 about every thousand meters.
Next time, I’ll do it in earnest!
Dan Rx'd says
@Laurel – sorry to hear you’ve been hit with that nasty stomach bug. I remember having some bad food poisoning a while back and progressed from no interest in eating, to water, then some chicken broth, followed by some chicken meat, and soon after the hunger came roaring back and anything was fair game.
Oh, ice cream was always on the menu.
Matt U. says
Bah! I thought I’d be able to make it to class, but my day was busier than expected. I’ll miss you, little Cindy.
@Laurel – I’m a fan of miso soup. Maybe Malcolm will want sushi tonight?
Charlotte says
Laurel, so sorry you are sick! Nick has been doing pretty well on chicken broth infused w/ ginger, plus severely non-paleo saltines (off-limits for you I know but maybe a rice cracker would feel good?) Also ginger ale, and now he’s progressed to yogurt & honey–he needs new gut flora. Cooked bananas w/ ginger worked, too.
Nino says
Laurel:One word – milkshakes.
Wait, is that two words?
Jess says
Left Ohio today but not before hitting my fav local crossfit (www.gopractice.biz).
WOD: 5 rounds for time of:10 pushups, 20 wallballs, 30 kettlebell swings
All pushups from my toes!, 10lb wallball (10ft target), 1pood kb. Wallball sucks.
Looking forward to making up deadlifts and Cindy tomorrow AM!
Peter says
WU 95×3, 145×3, 195×3, 210×3
255x1pr, 260x1pr, 270x1pr, 280x1pr
Mini-Cindy7rds + 3 pullups (green band)
Thanks to Reuben and David for watching me on the DLs.
See everyone in the New Year. I’m off to Sconnie til the 4th.
Paulie T-Shirts says
Deadlift 5×3 sets across
Work Set400x3 – 5 sets
Technique Practice135x5135x10
I think I finally get it.
katie says
deadlifts (3): (45, 95, 135, 185, 235)255 x 5struggling with grip and form so i’ll probably stay here or just go up a little bit next time.
mini-cindy — 6 rounds even. pull-ups were the limiting factor, but at least i didn’t give in and use a band.
feel better, laurel! i always start with ice chips, then broth, then bananas.
David Mak says
Warm up: 95×10; 135×5; 185x5Work sets straight across 215Really focused on form and locking in my core.
Did full Cindy for a full 14 rounds. I had 8 rounds plus a couple at the 10 minute mark. Push ups were my major goat. By round six I was at 3 at a time and then quickly 2. Pull ups and squats unbroken.
Joe says
Deadlift 5x3Warm-up: 95×5 135×5 205x5Work across: 265x3x5Trying to focus on setting my shoulders and squeezing the bar off the floor.
Full Cindy12 Rounds + 5 Pull-ups + 10 pushups + 4 SquatsPull-ups were all strung together. My kip is a bit of a mess lately, but I only came off the bar when Dave bumped me.Pushups were straight sets of 10 for the first 3 or 4 rounds, then 5+5 until the last round, where I did something like 3-3-2-2 just trying to get through it as quick as possible.Squats are squats. Unbroken.
Thanks to Malcom and Asta for participating in an unexpected bonus workout of finding my wedding ring for time. Somehow I don’t think “It’s ok honey, I just lost my ring doing Cindy” would have made for a merry Christmas.
Fox says
On Dec 19th, I was hit with the infamous “CFSBK Stomach Bug”. Had me puking all night. I slept for almost 24 hrs (through the wedding we were there for) with out even attempting to eat or even drink much.
On Dec 21st, I was a new and famous man in Ohio http://www.gopractice.biz/
WOD: 5 Rnd for time of:10 Push-ups20 Wall Ball @ 20lb30 KB Swings @ 1 1/2 pd12:30something
Fun times. The owner Josh is the real deal. If you ever find yourselves near Troy, Ohio (Ya never know), head in for a visit.
Malcolm says
Dadlift 5x3Warm up: 65×5, 95×5, 135×3, 185×3, 215×3.Work across: 245x3x5
Afterwards half Cindy. 9 rounds + 5 pullups and 4 pushups.
First 7 rounds completely unbroken. Round 8 was 5 & 5 for the pushups. Round 9 was 5, 3 & 2.
Note to myself for next time. Start using the arm swing for the squats from the beginning.
Jess says
I didn’t know it was bring your dad to class day, huh Malcolm? ๐
And Joe, you’re right that excuse would not fly! Glad you found it.
gabrus says
deadlift (i think might be my goat)275x3315x3x4 (is that how you write that?)
I took it easy today, because I was gone for so long, and am so sore.
Did 5 rounds 5 pulls and 4 pushups of mini-cindy.tried my best to go easy on this after 100 pushups yesterday.
Tam says
deadlifts:warmup:45×5, 95×5, 145×5 (yeah, I know. It was supposed to be 3. Don’t I feel silly)
Cindy: (Thanks for making me do the full 20 minutes, Asta)
11 rounds + 5 pull-ups + 7 push-ups
Have to work on that kip. It’s always good to be humbled.
stephaniep says
fighting a cold so only deadlifted, no mini-cindy for me.
(65×5, 95×5, 135×5)155, 165, 175, 175, 175
could have probably struggled for 185 but was def not at 100%
all these sick sbk folks!!! i personally live on tea and ginger ale when i’m sick, which seems to be all the time lately…. sigh
lapenguina says
many thanks to asta for helping me out with cindy tonight! my wee, pathetic not-even-remotely-approximating-actual-pushups appreciated it ๐
David says
I had exactly 22 minutes to workout today. it was kind of fun to
warm-up, fastish 300m row
deadlifts(135×5, 225×3)275x3x5, deadstarts
I planned on 275 being my last warm-up but i liked how the first 3 deadstarts felt and rode it out.
Mini Cindy12 rounds even.
Never done the 10 minute version before.
David says
It was kind of fun to loose my train of thought mid-post
David says
I lose again.
Dan Rx'd says
@David did you decide to give up, or will there be another post that completes the thought?
tam says
I didn’t say that I scaled Cindy! I did: White band for about 1/2 and paralettes with push-ups for about 1/2.
tam says
That was white band for 1/2 and blue band for 1/2.
Andy says
Morning session:Sumo-DL 3@275; 4 sets of 3@315Then Cindy. 11 rounds and 5 pull ups.
I’m off to Europe. Happy Holidays everyone!
Becca says
(65×5, 85×5, 105×5)120x3x6
I did the extra set on purpose to do some much-needed work on my technique.
Mini Cindy7 rounds + 5 pullups + 3 pushups
Blue band for the pullups, modified pushups. Argh – those pushups get me every time! It’s time to show them who’s boss.
Asta says
Like everyone else my pushups need work. Humbling, as per usual.
DL: 65(5), 95(5), 125(3)sets across of 145(3). Tam and I seemed to be cycling a little fast so Im not sure if I should have gone heavier or what.. It was at 82.9% of my max.
Full-Cindy (after peer pressuring tam into also doing it!)13 rounds +5 pullups. Blue-band & mod push-ups. Should have done white band. Was a little disappointed since i’ve done a half Cindy and gotten about 8 rounds. Better luck next time!
I’ll be in LA & the armpit of the west coast (aka Bakersfield) until the 27th so see you all Monday!
Ps: Im glad we found your ring Joe!
Malcolm says
I say lets all go eat rare pork.
Who else has been scared into fearing rare pork because of Trichinosis?
There were 10 cases of Trichinosis in the U.S. last year, none of them fatal.
For comparison:http://www.lightningsafety.noaa.gov/medical.htm
The number of fatal lightening strikes in 2008 was 60. And the number of total lightening strikes was estimated at 600.
You are 60 times more likely to be hit by lightening than get Trichinosis.
I’ll be having my pork chop rare thanks.
And of the 10 cases of Trichinosis a year (none of them fatal) only 2 on average were caused by pork eating. In fact twice as many people got Trichinosis from eating undercooked bear meat as from eating pork.
I may not hang out with the right sort of people, but I think there aren’t nearly as many folks eating bear as pig.
I like feeling safe, and this is one worry I don’t have any longer.
Luisa says
Shane, I’m posting my Foundations workout on the blog, just for you. Even though I don’t see any other foundations posts! So, no extra punishment burpies, please! 500m, 400m, 300m; 21-15-9 dumbell thrusters– 9:45.