all sets taken from the floor
Prone Y's
3 Rounds NFT of:
5 Broad Jumps
10 Pulls on the Erg
15 Sit-ups
Chincy wants nothing more than for you to learn some anatomy… and maybe a scarf.
Coach Nick gives our athletes competing this weekend a primer on Rowing a 1500m
Beauty in Strength CrossFit Journal
Just to shake things up a little, I wonder if CF folks here might appreciate this cricket action photo of West Indian fast bowler Kemar Roach (interesting last name!):http://www.cricinfo.com/ausvwi09/content/image/438559.html?object=406190;page=1
That photo captures the intensity of the fast bowler’s delivery stride pretty well (Roach can send down the cricket ball at 95mph).
Those speeds can be pretty dangerous to batsmen, as I noted in this blogpost a little while ago:
Last night, as I was drifting off to sleep, I thought, “I’d like to do presses tomorrow,” which was immediately followed by, “but it would totally suck if we have to take sets from the floor like last time.”
i just posted my thoughts on them changing event 2 of the Hoboken challenge for the “ladies” in yesterday’s comments – i wonder what other people think?
Steph P,
Well said…As a guy who’s ‘lady’ is going to be competing on Saturday, I wholeheartedly agree. No one thinks that there should not be seperate women’s and men’s divisions, right? And in the end this is a fun event to be a part of where you can test your abilities and feel out some anxiousness. I actually would have liked the C&J event to stay at the heavier weight. I feel it would have been an advantage for me over a more “met-conny” kind of guy.
I certainly will be expecting all of our guys and gals to give 100% when the timer goes off. The organizers certainly could have given some more thought to all of this beforehand, but, whatever.
We’ll be meeting up at the Lyceum to leave at 10:30, to get there by 1:00 (there’s some leeway here on. The default method of transportation will be the public option (MTA to the PATH, then hoof it for a 10 minute walk). Don’t be surprised if you’re asked to do an L-hang on the train for a photo op!
Anyone NOT cool with taking the train out?
StephP–I thought your post was great. I agree that I’m happy to be able to do an Rx’d WOD as opposed to a modified WOD but I’m still pissed off that it’s gender-differentiated.Rowing has the same rules for men & women except for the weight classes, right? I hate that women only play 3 sets in tennis. Can you imagine women only rowing 1500m races? gaah.
Just FYI to all, I am starting to freak out a little bit about subjecting Linus to 6 hours of CrossFit. I’m going to compete, but I am mentally prepared to evacuate at any time should we hit Meltdown Town.
I’m not really angry. It’s the vascillation that was kind of annoying. And also, having tried jumping ring-dips, I kind of liked them! I have to say I’m right back to where I started, which is that I’m looking forward to the third event most.
Stephanie P., I like what you wrote. I like what everyone wrote, actually. I added my thoughts too.
Fun facts: in rowing, female Olympians raced 1,000m until ’88 (the distance for men was standardized for the Stockholm Games in 1912). In fact, women didn’t compete in rowing at all until ’76.
I am PSYCHED for press!
I’d like to demonstrate and discuss a few things on the erg today and tomorrow:
1. Race plan2. Proper start3. Warming up4. Power 10s and 20s5. Technical foci6. Pacing
…And whatever else you’d like to go over.
I’ll stick around this evening through the beginning of the 7:00 class.
Regarding pacing, as a general guide, I recommend picking the average pace you were able to hold the other day during that 5,000m relay race for the bulk of each segment you did. (If you were doing less than 400m on each turn, then you should NOT use that pace.) Do not pick the very first piece you did – think of the kinds of numbers you were pulling in the middle and at the end of that WOD. I think that’s going to be a good indicator of what you can do on Saturday for the 1,500m row.
Please read the thing I wrote about the 1,500 that Dave posted, and let me know if you have any Qs. My email is nick[at]crossfitsouthbrooklyn[dot]com.
Row New York, a local group that teaches rowing to girls who otherwise wouldn’t have access, and also helps them with academic tutoring, is holding a fundraiser this Saturday that involves erging. Here’s the info: http://rownewyork.blogspot.com/2009/11/please-join-us-for-jingle-mingle.html. Here’s the group’s mission and history: http://rownewyork.org/mission-history.html.
My feeling is that in crossfit there is the workout and the scaling for the workout. It would have been more in the spirit of our community to have a recommended scale for people who don’t have consistant ring dips, rather than a gendered workout. I don’t care whether that scale is jumping ring dips or push-ups or bar dips with bands. It is perfectly legitimate to offer the scale and then have winners in the Rx’d version and the officially scaled version. I think that keeps with the spirit, lets the women who have dips do dips and allows everyone to participate at whatever level is comfortable without reverting to more standard gendered sports structures.
I was upset by the change and to me, like Charlotte, it does feel akin to what I was told in gym class. I see the value in not getting angry and raising a stink – it is much more pleasant to smile and go with the flow – but at the same time it is precisely that anger that has caused the condition of women in sports to change substantially in the recent past. So, I’m angry, they shouldn’t have done that.
Anyway, regardless of all of this – as everyone else has been pointing out, the main thing is that you all are doing it, whatever it turns out to be.
One of my favorite things about CrossFit is that we have the same expectations for men and women. I have always thought of the differing weight levels in Rx’d workouts to be based on the idea that women are on average shorter and therefore lighter than men. So the weight is optimized to some concept of a normal CrossFitter by gender. It will be light for a big woman and heavy for a small woman just like the men’s weights are light and heavy for the big and small men. But we have body weight exercises that do the reverse; they are heavy for the big athletes and light for the small.A gymnastic movement like Ring dips should in the long run be fairly gender neutral. CrossFit creates female athletes who are capable of handling pullups just as well as the male athletes, why not dips? I know the standard arguments about gender and pushing strength. I also know that this argument is similar to older arguments about women and writing literature (or a host of similar intellectual pursuits). I reject these sorts of arguments wholesale.My conjecture is that upper body pushing strength is one of the slowest things to develop in any athlete (small muscles that do not get that large even with lots of work). As long as our culture systematically avoids asking women to do hard things we will empirically find a gender gap in these hard tasks. Thankfully that gender gap has vanished in many academic fields and I have long hoped that CrossFit would begin to erase it in many athletic fields (as has already begun to occur in a handful of sports even prior to CrossFit).
P.s. I love that picture of Margie. Nice work Dan.
I’m glad theres no bowlers intentionally throwing balls at my head in CrossFit.
45x565x585x595x5105x5110x3115x3120x2Could have done last set three times but started feeling pain in my back. Just happy to be able to press again.
45×5, 65×5, 85×5 (WARMUP)
95×5, 95×5, 85×5, 85×5, 85×5
don’t know why but my press has gone to shit. decided to do sets across at a comfortable weight, so david doesn’t have to make fun of me again 🙁 went down to 85 because the last 95 set was not very good form.
after wards i did ~25 clean and jerk at 115 just because. i haven’t done the movement in so long because of my knee. it was fun and felt pretty good.
Felt some tightening in the back on the last couple of sets, but otherwise felt OK doing this work. Good to lift with Vince; I benefited from the tips throughout.
presses today, sets across at 65
I just posted the following question to the winter challenge website:”Will there be a sub for men who do not have ring dips? Will it be pushups? If it is not pushups, can women compete using the ring dip sub instead of pushups? In general, what is the rationale for having women compete with a different movement? Thanks.”
Fun lifting with Jess as always. I need to dig into the nice pile of fractionals for presses–did 70# across and could have done more, but not 5# more. Here’s the breakdown:
(22×5, 45×5, 55×5)70×5, 70×5, 70×5, 70×5, 75×5
Then did a couple C&Js with 83#. Felt OK, not great. I’ll try it again tomorrow.
I’m sad I missed presses. Boo.
Thanks Nick for the rowing tips!
Did presses with Malcom. Tried to keep it a little light heading into Saturday.
Warm-up: 65x5x2 85x5Work: 100 105 110×4+f 100 95
It turns out 105 is a 5lb pr for 5×5, and I nearly had that last rep at 110, so I guess I didn’t go as light as I thought I was. But that seems like a good problem to have.
Enjoyed the warmup, but I feel a little awkward doing the broad jumps.
Presses:(22×5, 45×5, 50×5)60×5, 55x5x3, 60×5
Intended to do sets across at 60 but that first set felt heavy so I dropped to 55. Then on my 3rd set I adjusted my wrists, gripped harder on the bar, and it suddenly felt easier.
Did a couple of clean&jerks at 75lbs and one at 83lbs. Still pretty sure I’m sticking to 75lbs at Hoboken.
Also got some great rowing advice from Coach Peterson! Thank you!
By the way, I forgot to give props to Charlotte and Katie for getting their un-banded kipping pullups the other day! Nice job ladies!
David… are we the baddies?
45x565x575x565x565x570x570x5Chris Fox flashed me the stink-eye on the last 75 rep… justifiably so!
SP (5): 45, 65, 75, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80then finished with 15-12-19 at 65#
Press with sets taken from the floor unless otherwise noted.
Work Set
135x5155x5165x5175x3 (Rack)175×2 (Rack)
Got some good tips from Mike V. and Coach Jeremy. I feel like I am finally getting this movement dialed in.
Press — this is my absolute weakest movement. If I could just reach body weight I’d be happy…
95×5, 115×5, 125×5, 135×3, 130×3, 130×5*
*The last rep of this set was UGLY!
Theoretical 1RM is computed at 152 — would be very curious if that’s possible…
Over all, a good day and a good time lifting with Andy to whom I promise to bring the Star Trek disc next week.
Nice work tonight everyone! Great seeing the foundation folks gearing up. Not so happy about the stinky black-box that invaded the gym. We need some TARDIS technology…
Lunchtime mini WOD:barefoot treadmill walking 20 min3x5 dips and pull-ups3x8 push-upsstretching
This is my new plan for keeping myself from being too twitchy at work. I’m going to do these little super light workouts just to get my blood flowing… slowly uping the reps of course. 😉
Press: (45×5, 65×5)70x5x5 (accidentally did one set of six.)55×12,55×9,55×6
Still being conservative with the weight to be careful of my back, but next time will go up.
Started to do the warm-up with the 7pm class and really felt my back on the jumps. Otherwise it was fine.
Press today.
Warmed up with 65×5 and 85×5. Then 100×5, 105×5, 110×5, 112×5(PR), 114x3F. Not bad, 110 had been my 5rm PR for a long time. Yes it is a slow gain, but it is a gain all the same.
Afterwards I did some squats. Played with singles but on the advice of Jeremy I switched to box squats to drill technique.
Did 5×5 across at 185.
Warmed up broad jumps, erg pulls, and sit ups
Press 5×5
Warm: 45, 75, 95Sets across at 85%: 125 x 5 x 5
Press is my goat as well
Great group in December Foundations, if they will only post on our blog…
Just got a chance to check the CF Journal link..
Girls with muscles and tattoos make me smile =)
Did sets across @ 35 lbs
Afterward, did some pull ups. Got my first strict w/ the white/yellow band! Still cannot kip.
My 1st meeting with the bear. Last time it came around I was doing Fight Gone Bad Belated. Went 20 rounds with 20 lbs. Really felt the kick. Maybe I will go heavier next time around. Thanks to all the fans for the encouragement. Good luck to all the Hobokening Athletes, kick some butt for CSB!
Reached 8 in a push-up ladder before collapsing onto my face on set 9.