5 Rounds for time of:
20 Pull-Ups
30 Push-Ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
Rest precisely 3 minutes between each round.
Post times for each round to comments.
compare to 7.6.09
Accessory Work
Foam Roll
The Hoboken Winter Challenge is just 11 Days away! Who all is representing CFSBK?
Yay, Barbara makes me happy!
Winter Challenge! Jess and I are there!
Get them MUs, Cloyde!
I’m in for Hoboken!
I’m registered but really nervous considering I’ve been battling the flu and haven’t been able to work out or train for this.
Thoughts? I’d hate to pull out but would hate just as much to get there and suck wind.
I’m a little freaked out too, Steph. I signed up and then went on vacation. I exercised while I was away, but didn’t exactly “train.” But I figure, what the hell? I’m just going to do my/hope for the best.
I’m in for hoboken. have been travelling a lot recently but have been crossfittin’ fairly regularly.
really sad to miss barbara tonight but I have a class, I might make it up tomorrow or this weekend.
Ok, I just looked at the last time you all did “Barbara” and am noticing that there were a few pukies included in the posted times. I’m nervous.
Also, even though I’m just a participant in the Hoboken Challenge, I’m still nervous. Steph, Tam…you’ll still rock it!
CFSBK…We train for the unkown and the unknowable! Dave Castro would be ready, and he may not have worked out in years! Don’t even set your alarm for the day of the event. Let it just sneak up on you, then kick it in the balls.
OK, seriously…
I signed up as a “competitor”, and I’ve had intermittent butterflies whenever I think about it. In the end, I’m sure it’ll be a blast. And it’ll be great to have a lot of Brooklyn in the house.
I’m gonna lay off the intensity on Thursday’s WOD next week, and take Friday as a complete rest day. Then, after the event is over I’m gonna party like it’s my birthday.
I’m in for partying like it’s your birthday.
I’m signed up (as participant) for Hoboken. I’m totally out of shape due to gym closings and travel never occurring at the same time. But oh well, what better way to get back in shape than a challenge?
Sadly though, I will have to use the blue band tonight. I haven’t been on that band in months. ๐
I did the winter challenge last year and had a great time. No need for butterfly’s or feeling you need to be at the top of your game. Go and have fun. Of coarse it helped to have Brandy on our team to do all the wall-balls.
I would go this year, but I have family visiting from out of state that weekend.
Needless to say, I loved seeing Barbara posted so early this morning.
Nick and I are signed up for the Winter Challenge as competitors and are pretty much sh*tting our pants. We fear embarrassment.
Also, since Malcolm & Laurel won’t be attending as spectators, we’ll maybe need some help with Linus. Is anyone planning to go and not compete? Erik, are there heats so one of us can hold him while the other competes?
And will I have to fake my way through HSPUs and look like an ass?
I don’t know how they’re planning on doing it this year. Last year they were in a much smaller place. Each box had a single team of 6 and it was cramped (and freezing). It sounds like there are a lot more of you going this year, so I’ve no idea how they’re going to split teams or what the new space looks like.
Also, it started with individual competitions and ended with a final event, where everyone on the team was going simultaneously.
Charlotte (and Nick) – you are both rockstars and could never be an embarrassment.
Everyone’s encouraging words about the Hoboken Challenge have (kind of) settled my nerves a bit. Hopefully I’ll be able to get a few good work outs in this weekend along with some good rest and just bring whatever I’ve got!
And if there are handstand pushups, well, I’ll hold Linus and cheer you on! ๐
I have to second Erik – last year the event was super fun. He, Dan, Charmel, Sameer, Brandy and I worked hard, supported each other and didn’t pay too much attention to all that “winning” hooey.
The vibe overall all was quite supportive. I think it’s a great opportunity to get your competitive feet wet without feeling too overwhelmed.
Wish I could be there, but I’ll be celebrating my Dad’s 65th bday in Philly.
I plan to take 65th place in honor of Margie’s dad.
Holy F that’s the first I’ve seen of Barbara. Looks like a real breeze. I’ve always felt that Angie didn’t have enough reps.
Barbara on a weekday ?I’m afraid it might feel weird without the healthy weekend hangover
Barbara! fear barbara!
if you’re not scared before the wod, it’s not hard enough.
damn i’m scared. uh, maybe i have class tonight… yeah, that’s the ticket! or, i have to prepare for another job interview!
Charlotte/Nick: I think i’ll be going as a spectator and can care for Linus while you guys are busy doing crazy stuff. ๐ I was lazy and did not sign up soon enough! Boo..
How are most people getting there? Driving/trains/walking/forward rolling…
Hot off the presses!!
The winter challenge events:
Event 17 Clean and Jerks (145/95)7 Burpees7 Rounds For time
Event 210 Ring Dips20 Air SquatsAmrap in 10 minutes
Event 31500 meter RowFor time
Scoring will be done the same as the 2009 CrossFit Games. The points you receive from each event = Your Rank of the event. Lowest total points at the end of the 3 events wins.
Note: In the event of a tie, competitors (who are tied) will race through 80 wallball shots for time. Fastest to finish will be the winner.
wouldn’t call what i did Barbara, more like barb. her less ugly cousin. only 3 rounds and 10 squats each round. 22:40. my knee still bothers me during high speed/rep activities. my squats were reallly slow with only a slight twinge here and there. at least i got a break from studying.
not until todays pic has it really hit me that i’m 20lbs heavier than a few months ago. only 20 more to go. just kidding.
put a ring dip in me, i’m DONE!
ring dips? seriously?
50:27 as Rx’d, broken down as such:
5:10 | 7:00 | 8:10 | 8:51 | 9:14
Kinda disappointing, and I think it being my first Barbara affected my time. I had trouble establishing a consistent rhythm for a lot of the exercises, and for some reason the squats — which are usually easy for me — gave me a lot of trouble tonight. Still, I enjoyed it in the usual perverse way.
Thanks to Dan, Anne, and Jess for the motivation, and to Jeremy for the improvised grips during that last round of pull-ups.
My first date with Barbara tore me up…literally.
Round 1–6:38Round 2–8:06Round 3–9:01Round 4–7:43Round 5–6:34
Rx’d except for those damn pushups. Can’t wait until I can do every aspect of a WOD rx’d. Pushups were modified on a bench. Really thought I would need to switch to a white band to finish the pullups, but glad I didn’t. My palms are not so happy with that though. I know that next time we do this, I will be so much faster!
Shane, thanks for the laughs pre-wod…ha! Big thanks to McGrath for pushing me through that last round. I guess you helped to make it my fastest! (p.s. I really want one of those shirts too.)
And Steph, I agree. Ring dips, really?
Oh, and my total time was 50:06. boo.
I’m with Steph on the ring dips. And also, clean and jerks? I’ve never done a clean and jerk. I hate and fear cleans. Ugh. Can I scratch?
Seriously–I feel like it would just be a joke. The first WOD would take me, um, all day. I’d get zero rounds on the second. Pointless.
Now, onto the lovely Barbara. This was the first workout where I felt like vomiting afterwards. So obviously the best thing to do in that situation is run home and nurse your screaming baby. Awesome.
used the white band for pullups. Everything else Rx’d.
Times were:5:026:026:23 (Officially 6:41; I started 18″ late b/c of being slow to set up my pullup station.)6:247:17
Total: 43:18 (43:36 officially)
Pushups really slowed me down. Was able to do squats unbroken all 5 rounds; situps unbroken except for the last round, and pullups 10-5-5 pretty much throughout.
BARBARA Rx’d.4:225:276:326:228:05
total time 42:48
last time i did this in march i used the green band!! no band today!
i was quite a bit scared shitless when i saw barbara listed today. thought about not going, but very happy i did. awesome performances by everyone. i really like this one.
So this is my second date with Barbara so I knew it was going to suck.4:04, 5:29, 7:03, 7:58, 7:55Total time: 44:30Push ups really slowed me down, especially once I got to the third round, everything else, while sucking, went smooth.
I beat my last times by (per round): :50, 1:35, :55, 1:33, 1:34Total 6:27 shaved off my last time (24 July 09)I’m happy with that.Thanks to McG for the motivational shout at the end and props to Ryan for smashing this one.
I did this at home in my living room. My husband on the couch and kitty in the chair shooting me cute looks. I used a band for pull-ups which is not from the same company as the ones at csbk–it’s purple and I think somewhere between white and blue.
Now my stopwatch broke on the last round and the rest time ran into the work time because the stop button wouldn’t work. But I think the last round is pretty close to what it should be (?). It sounds like it was more fun en masse.
That’s 34:05
oops. 46:05?
oops, turns out rather than just a 9am meeting tomorrow i have an 8am meeting! this boy must sleep. but before sleep, gotta post times:
felt slower than last time, but more consistent — no pukie after the 4th round, but pukie after the 5th this time. Let’s see the comparison… drum roll please:
yeah i certainly paced myself more this time so my first two rounds were slower, but then the last two rounds were a bit better. Roughly looking at the numbers though looks like my total time was better last time.
meh. this whole job thing this summer has really messed me up. now i have to get a real job? I don’t wanna! whine whine.
Barbara as Rx’d*
Work time: 28:40Total time: 40:40
Round 1 – 2:58Round 2 – 5:21Round 3 – 7:06Round 4 – 7:15Round 5 – 6:00
Tried to maintain as much quality of movement during this working, even when singling my pushups… chest to deck! Almost all my time was spent doing pushups.
Pullups – Unbroken (except in round 4 when it was in sets of 5)
Pushups are still very hard on my shoulder – by the second round was doing them in sets of 3, by round 3, was doing singles. In round 5 decided to try elevating my feet — allowed me to return to sets of 3.
Situps – Unbroken (except in round 4 oddly enough)
Squats – Unbroken (cake), last 10 in turbo mode.
*scaled up the pushups to elevated my feet to move my shoulder into a different plane of movement for the pushups.
I do love Barbara.
Total: 38:03 (pr, I think)
About a month ago I did Barbara in 44:12, so this was a vast improvement. Also on my bday, my time was 41:58, so this is probably my PR. I gamed it a bit by trying to not go to fatigue on any station and that seems to have helped the later rounds..
Good fun.
Interesting first encounter. I was literally dreading this all day. My brain kept trying to come up with excuses to not do it.
I am pretty happy about the consistency. Strangely enough it was the situps that really got me. Maybe compressing butterflies is a bad idea.
Total time 41:27. Pretty happy about this. I did the pullups as sets of 5 after the second round because my hands wanted to tear. After the second round all my pushups were in sets of 5.
First Barbara.
Total time: 52:33Work time: 40:33
I expected this to be more met-con-y, but it was more an issue of strength fatigue. Happy to keep all rounds sub 10 minutes.
Hoboken is going to be a doozy. I feel like I need a crash course in half the movements.
the morning was a bad time to do this; too mellow. Had to scale the pullups to 10 because I still need to learn how to kip (help!). A lot of time wasted getting into the band. I didn’t have an assist though, so I will give myself props for not slingshotting myself in the face. Pushups sucked and had to be broken up a lot and modified. Situps and squats were a breeze; got through unbroken.
All in all an OK effort. But any workout that reminds me of Flight of the Conchords gets a gold star:
Barbara Rx’ed:
5:22, 5:30, 5:49, 6:20, 6:24Total Time: 41:25
Last time I did this was in March with a white band:5:00, 4:52, 5:42, 6:02, 6:06
This workout is one of my favorites!
I’m in for Hoboken too.
Babs Rx’d! Left my journal behind….so no exact times. First three rounds under 5 mins somewhere around 4:30 -4:50. Last two rounds under 8mins. Total time to complete all rounds 35:40. Pushups are killer after second round. Good times! Bunz…you owe me ๐
Sarah, Steph, Charlotte and Foxy you ladies are going to have fun at the WOD and do great! Stop worrying go out there and represent. You are all s-t-r-o-n-g women! See you there.
Had to sub 60 double unders for situps due to herniated disc. would have rather have done situps…
Did squats super slow to pay attention to how my back was feeling. would really like to try this wod when i am 100%.
Had to brake up pullups into two sets of 10 for rds 4 and 5 due to some slight back pain
Push Ups were all in sets of 5
Squats were unbroken just very very slow
DU’s – some rounds were better than others
Forearms wanted to explode
I did this Thursday, and it’s now Saturday morning, and I still have zombie/ straight-out-in-front-of-me arms. I did four rounds (Barbrs??), with slight modifications here and there but ended in 39:00 I believe. Also, due to forward rolling directly ONTO my neck (oops), I have a Frankenstein neck, minus the bolts.
First time BarbaraRx’d:Work time: 25:55Total time: 37:55
Round 1 – 3:30Round 2 – 4:40Round 3 – 5:35Round 4 – 5:50Round 5 – 6:20
What a lot of fun. Started our fast but quickly began to break down the sets; next time will work on unbroken sets.