Is anyone interested in going in on a Jump Rope order? If so, please check out the two options below and email me (David(at) with your rope specs. When we these come in, please put a piece of athletic tape on the handle and write your name on it.
Power Systems Speed Ropes
Perform Better Speed Rope
December Foundations
Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:00pm-9:15pm
12/7, 12/9, 12/14, 12/16, 12/21, 12/23, 12/28, 12/30
$200 General
$170 MIL/LEO (Military, NYPD, FDNY discount)
tam says
I want a jumprope. I *think* I want the 9′ one–that’s the one that’s felt most comfy, but this little chart is telling me I want the 8′ one. But I don’t really “have” double unders, so should I listen to the chart? Maybe I should listen to the chart. Advice?
Sameer Parekh says
I always use the 10′ black one but the web page is telling me I should get the 9′ green one.
the green one has always been too short for me. I would say go with your gut, not the chart.
Jess says
Yeah, the chart for the Power Systems speed rope is off for me too. It’s telling me I should get the red, but I feel that’s too short.
I want the 9″ green rope. (This is the brand that we’re currently using right?)
paul says
I’m interested in expert opinions (Dan R, mind weighing in?), but my experience is that standard recommendations for rope lengths tend to be on the short side for double unders.
I have a 9 foot rope at home and I can do singles crazy fast but have a really hard time with doubles using it. the white ropes at cfsbk are easiest for me.
david, do you remember the lengths of the white ropes we have?
Erik K. says
I pretty sure this is the one I use (10′, btw). It’s held up for months now. In fact, I went back and bought another one a couple months ago because I liked it so much and couldn’t imagine it would still be going strong after all this time. I highly recommend.
Nino says
I’ve actually been using the green handled rope and I’m 5’10”. Should I be using the black one? I think I like the green one, even though my doubleunders are nonexistent.
Samir Chopra says
I like the heavy blue ropes we have (I think there are two of them). They are the only ones I’ve managed to get double-unders on (before losing them again). I’d like to get those. I’ll check to see what brand/type they are.
tam says
I’m going with 9′ green as well.
Fox says
9′ green. I’ll take 5 of them.
Why do puppies like peanut butter?
Brian says
Anyone up for Brooklyn Boulders tonight?
Dan Rx'd says
Recommendation: buy longer rope, cut to length.
Justin says
I think I’m into this, I like that blue rope with the black handles and the bearings. It’s the only one I can consistently get singles on. I think it’s lucky.
Charlotte says
If the black ones at the Lyceum are 10′ then I want one of those. And I’m 5’8″.
Charlotte says
If the black ones at the Lyceum are 10′ then I want one of those. And I’m 5’8″.
Margie says
Fox – isn’t PB toxic for doggies? Or is that just chocolate?
Samir Chopra says
A possibly interesting article:
Matt U. says
Peanut butter’s fine for dogs; chocolate’s toxic to them.
I’m 5’10” and I used the black rope when I started CF. Have since moved on to the green, and as my double-unders have progressed even that feels slightly too long. I’ll be following Dan’s advice.
David says
The white ropes we have came from Power Systems as “adjustable Speed Ropes” perhaps they’ve been discontinued as I can’t locate them anymore. The $14 rope was the closest I could find but it doesnt seem to indicate a length.
Regarding the Perform Better ropes, I would Err on the side of Longer than shorter. Like Dan said, you can always cut them. ( I like a loongg rope) Fair warning though, they sometimes snap, especially if you knot them up and it it’s cold. In my experience however, I’ve yet to see a rope significantly more durable, even the uber expensive buddy lees.
We’ll be padding the inventory, if you’re not satisfied with the length of your rope I will allow you to trade it for a different one.
Just remember to write your name on the handles and take them with you! they’ll no doubt inadvertently become public property otherwise.
Laurel says
I’m at the low end range for the 9′ rope on the table – being 5’6″ – and it works well for me… albeit I have a favorite rope at the lyceum, the handles aren’t fully green, they’ve got this white swirly thing going on.
Erik K. says
I was actually wrong about the details of the rope I mentioned. It’s actually a Bollinger 9-foot vinyl speed rope that cost $5.99 at Modells (I’m not finding a link for it online).
Also, I’m 6’2″ and the 9′ rope works great for me.
Vadim says
Dave, not sure if you saw this one, but guys have better deals on some of these ropes, especially if you buy in bulk. Too bad we didn’t hook up earlier. I just got an order from them for a bunch of replacement cables and some new ropes.