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compare to 7.9.09
Skill Work
Handstand Practice
"Death by Burpee"
Happy Birthday, Ariel K!
Happy Birthday, Keith W!
Welcome, Jeff and Sherry from OPT!
Inaugural Mobilty and Recovery Course at SBK!
Want to be more flexible? Move better? Perform better? Just feel better? Have you been "kinda stretching sometimes, sorta", in an attempt to get there? Many folks recognize that they have range of motion deficits but are not sure how to go about getting positive results in reducing them.
This 3 week, 6 session course will cover the following:
-Static and movement based assessments where you'll learn to identify where you're tight, and find out what's on the other side of that tightness.
-How some of your daily posture strategies can lead to common muscular inhibitions and movement dysfunctions.
-Taking the voodoo out of how to do doing something about it using myo-fascial release, neuro-musclular stretching techniques and warm-ups based on common disfunctions.
Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6-7pm on the following dates:
11/30, 12/2, 12/7, 12/9, 12/14, 12/16.
Class Size
Space is limited to 6 participants
Coach Fox's Credentials
+ 4+ Years experience working with a diverse population from 8 to 80 yrs old, from seasoned athletes to pre/post rehab, pre/post partum, cardio-pulmonary diseases, and orthopedic concerns.
+ AAS degree in Exercise Science – CUNY Kingsborough
+ National Academy of Sports Medicine – Certified Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist
+ CF Level 1 Certified
For more information and to register contact: Christian(AT)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com
Front Squats 5×565, 95, 115, 105, 105
Death by Burpee 10 + 5… 15 more burpees than last night’s DBB when I got to 9.0.
Canadians rock!
I want to sign up for the mobility dealie with Chris. I couldn’t find where to do that, but count me IN!
Front squats x5:(45, 65, 95, 135)165, 175 (!), 165, 165, 135form wasn’t particularly pretty, so i backed down on the last set to try to keep my elbows up
made it through 12 rounds in the burpees.
Warmed up with the handstand practice. I love this. Someday I will have me a handstand.
Front squats WU (45×5, 95×5, 115×5). Opened at 150, then 160, 170, 180, 190. Old PR from July was 165, so this was a huge day.
Did a Tabata Double under workout as I had done death by burpees on Thursday.
25, 12, 10, 0!, 3, 8, 10,7. Total = 65.
went light to make a jump on the next 5×5
death by burpee11 rounds and 8 burpees.
Front Squat 5×5: (45×5, 65×5, 75×5)95, 100, 100, 95, 95Great working with Becca and Asta!
Death By Burpee: 8 rounds before my foot said enough!
Front Squat 5×5:Warm up 45×5 75×5 95x5WOD 125 135 135(3) 125 115
Death by Burpee13 rounds + 10 burpees
Nick, you’ll be happy to know I walked home barefoot and was immediately (seriously, at the corner of 4th and President) confronted by some guy on a bike who asked me if “times were that tough” and tried to offer me a pair of shoes.
WUerg 2100m increasing speed by 10 sec every 300m
Hand Stand practice. coming along nicely. difficult to gauge when i’m balanced right, but looking forward to more and more practice.
Front Squatgood lifting with jeff from opt.(45, 45, 95)135, 155, 175, 195x4felt pretty good. bar slipped on last rep because my elbows were dropping.
Death by Burpees14rnds + 8. like this one.
CDfoam rollerg 2100m reducing speed by 10 every 300m.
hey what happened to the 12 o’clock crew. doesn’t anyone else go out friday nights? harumph.
front squats — i tried to do sets across but i picked a weight that was a bit too heavy.
then death by burpee with dan
i feel like death.
Handstand practice – hooray!
Front Squats 5x5This was my first Front Squat workout. Great lifting with Bethany and Asta today.
(45×5, 45×5, 65×5)75×5, 85×5, 90×5, 95×5, 90×5
Death by Burpee: 11 rounds + 10
FSQ 5×5
185, 205, 225, 235
I stopped after the fourth set because my right hip was bothering me a bit this morning. I wanted to hit 245 today, but happy enough with 235.
“Death by Burpee”: 17 rounds + 13 burpees
Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5(45×5,55×5)65×5,70×5,80×5,85×5,70x5Nothing earth shattering today.Death by burpees=11 rounds completed. Strict.
Front Squat 5×5185 – 195 – 155 – 155 – 155
Backed off after the second set, form was pretty bad. Still working on keeping my knees out and elbows/shoulders up.
Death by burpee: 10 + 6
Handstand practice was very fun! Made me notice how weak I am in my midsection. Burpees were tough as usual.
Glad to be back after a bout with stomach flu. Good working with Tushar.
In Seattle to cover the MLS Cup and visit family for Thanksgiving, and all I can say is that trying to do a CF workout of any kind at any hotel “fitness center” is damn near impossible. No jump rope, no pull-up bar (WTF?), no free weights beyond barbells, crappy music… blech.
Death by burpee: 10 rounds before quitting from lack of motivation. I HAVE to seek out one of the boxes here in the city.
Front Squat 5x5WU115x5135x5155x3Work Set165x5x5
Since this is a new movement for me I want to really concentrate on my form so I am solid as I move up in weight. I feel comfortable with this movement but my wrists feel differently.
Death by Burpees11Rnds + 5
Including the handstand practice, this was a fun day back after a week of intentionally doing nothing.
Great to be back in a full gym again today!
Front squat:WU: 45, 95, 135,WORK: 165, 175, 185, 200(4), 200(4)
At 200 the bar felt light as sh*t taking it out of the rack, but by the 3rd rep on each attempt I was exhausted and dizzy. Thanks David, anyway, for putting on something heavy for me to try and finish. Good lifting (and burpeeing) with Scott today… Always impressive.
DBB – 16 rounds flat. Last rep in the round of 16 came as the next round was about to start. I hit the deck and didn’t make it back up!
Reeealy excited about the Mobility class 🙂
The Chris Fox, “you call that a squat?” mobility-fest sounds awesome, but the time doesn’t work for me. That said, I love the idea of these extra credit series and seminars. Keep them coming!
Front Squats 5×5
Work Sets:115x5x2125x5x3
I wanted to do sets across but I picked a weight that was too low, hence the jump. I was really feeling these in my groin. Stop laughing, I’m serious.
Front Squat:(45×5, 75x5x 95×5)105x5x2, 110x5x2, 115×5
Didn’t feel like pushing it today. My hip has been feeling kinda wonky so I need to work on that.
Death by Burpees: 10 plus 10. Damn if I couldn’t get that last burpee in before the next round started. Awesome watching Fox and Scott on those burpees! Scott, you are a beast!
Did a few sets of kipping pullups and then some double under practice.
Had to run this AM so missed DBB–will make it up manana. Front squats with Sherry, who a) has perfect form and b) is strong as hell (yeah Canadians!):
(45×5, 75×5, 95×5) 105×5 x 5
Wanted to work on form. Felt like something really clicked in the last 2 sets.
Scott: Do you eat cocaine for breakfast?
Front squat. 5 x 5. (45), (45), 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, (45)
I like that we have been given advance notice of a 4-day front squat progression. Went lighter with this first one.
Death by Burpee 10 rounds + ENOUGH!
Hi CrossFit South Brooklyn!
Thanks so much for letting us Canadians crash your class. We had an awesome time and LOVE your space. You guys have a tight community and knowledgeable coaches. Hopefully we’ll be able to drop by again sometime. Can’t wait to do a WOD back home in our new CFSB t-shirts! We’ll be checking online for the note books to come in – those are great.
Thanks again!Shelly & Jeff
late posting
FSQ(45×5, 65×5, 95×5)105, 105, 115, 115(4), 105
katie you are an animal!
burpee death: 9 roundsmy back has been acting up again and i had some serious pain doing these. had to walk my feet back in after the sprawl and push up. called it quits at round 9