For Time:
Row 750m
21 Dumbbell Thrusters
Row 500m
15 Dumbbell Thrusters
Row 250m
9 Dumbbell Thrusters
Post time and weight to comments.
compare to 9.23.09
30 Pulls at 20 s/r
25 Pulls at 25 s/r
20 Pulls at 30 s/r
Foam Roll
Welcome, USRowing!
USRowing will be at CFSBK taking some stills and video for an article they're doing about CrossFit. Enjoy the workout in their honor.
Classes are at 10, 11 and 12 today.
tamar says
would someone give that guy my number for me?
Paulie T-Shirts says
It was great to see everyone today!
11:52 40# DB Thrusters
I beat my previous time by 22 seconds.
My energy level was low today. I could definitely feel it on the row where I stopped at least once during each piece. Thanks, Matt, for your encouragement. I will say that I was feeling the cumulative effects of a week of challenging and fun WODs. As I said to Fox the other day: ‘I have more trouble getting of my couch at home than doing Back Squats’. Is that weird?
Becca says
13:10 with 20# DBs
Last time I did this with the 15# DBs in 11:58.
I knew that I was going to have to up the weight when this came around again. So, I’m pretty happy that I did this with the 20’s and only took 1:12 longer to finish. Honestly, I felt mentally and physically kind of crappy and lazy this morning. I’m not sure why. But I really struggled through the first half before I got motivated to stick with it.
StephW – 2 minutes (+) faster? Congrats! (Go Blue)
cloyde says
missed this the first time. my first time doing thrusters in awhile so i went with 25lbs. was just shooting for something under 15 minutes. tried to keep my pace about 2:00 all the way though. prevented me from getting too burned out early. thanks to jess, shannon, fox and everyone else for keeping me going. it really helps. now just to see how the knee feels in the morning, felt ok throughout so i should be good.
katie says
Contrary to my feeling of doom walking over this morning, I liked this one. 10:52 w/ 30# DBs.
Then 12-9-6 DLs with 165#.
Nice to see everybody!
stephaniep says
10:40 w/ 20# dbs
last time was 11:48 so i’m pretty jazzed! went out a bit fast on the 750 and started crashing around 450 meters. thrusters were rough but i was able to string together sets of 5 or 6. thanks for the help Deb – you rocked it!
so wonderful working out with all the strong ladies today!!
Malcolm says
Missed this one the last time around. So I was happy to get to try it today. 11:37 with 30 lbs dbs. Felt like I figured some things out about thrusters which made them much better in the second half of the workout. Made them more dynamic, more like air squats or front squats than like a back squat.
Then did hand stand pushups, 3, 3, 1.
Samir Chopra says
11:00 doing push-press instead of thrusters (30lbs). Felt good to be doing some kind of WOD, to get some endorphins into the bod.
Bethany says
Made up Thursday’s Backsquat 5×1 because I wasn’t up to metconning with a cold. Thank Dan and Colette for the encouragement, esp the tips on coming straight out of the rack and not messing around.
(45×5, 65×5, 95×5, 115×3)125, 135, 145(pr), 155(pr), 160(fail)
155 is 15 pounds over my pre-surgery backsquat 1RM PR. Yay!
Sameer Parekh says
hello everyone
25 lbs11:28
Scott says
8:24 with 40lb dumbbells
This was 3 seconds slower than the last time I did it, but I like to think I would’ve been faster had we done thrusters right behind the rower like we did last time. I went for unbroken thrusters on the first and last rounds, but had to break them up on the second. My thrusters were ugly though and I need to work on locking out at the top.
tamar says
14:00 with 10lb dumbbells. thanks for the yelling and help, people!
Colette says
11:54 at 15lbs, which is 1:15 faster than when i did this WOD in Sept. so I’m happy about that. something about multiple successive thrusters+my left elbow=snapping pain so i can’t go too hardcore on those…
Dan and Bethany seemed to be having fun back squatting so i jumped in the sandbox with them. In the last 6 months i’ve noticed my knees cave doing everything from thrusters, deadlifts and squats to even rowing, so I’m trying to focus only on getting correct form so I did 5×5 back squats at 95lbs to work on keeping my knees from caving in. I think I’ve finally figured it out–thanks to Jeremy for answering my questions!! I don’t think i used to point my toes out quite enough, and I think I used to think more about standing up by straightening my legs instead of driving up with my butt and hips. Toes out and drive up with hips made a big difference even just today. hopefully soon i can start going heavy again!!!
Way to go Bethany for a giant PR while sick!!
Steph W says
11:55 w/ 15 lb dumbbells
This was way better than when I did this in September (same weight at 14:40). Very happy! Not sure how it all broke down, but I’m sure taking rowing lessons with Nick had A LOT to do with it.
Less happy about the outcome of a certain game.
Ash says
Not done this before, and struggle with the thruster movement in general so was pretty happy to get in at 10.33 with 25lb DB.I did manage to watch Malcolm’s latter sets of thrusters which were pretty impressive and plan of catching up with him next class for some pointers on smoothing out my “nasty” technique issues.
David says
Warm-up20 pulls at 2020 pulls at 2520 pulls at 30foam roll7 sqts, 5 db thr @ 30lb
Erg/dbthr with 40lbs12:13, wasn’t feeling the fire today so I backed off and just did all the work steady and smooth. Rows were kept at low 2’s or high 1’s. Thrusters were (7-7-7)(5-5-5)(5-4). I enjoyed this.
Welcome, Allison of USRowing!
Great classes today, even with the enormous 10am class things went really smoothly. I smell a consistent 9am class in sbks future
Deb says
11:32 with 20# DBs. :28 faster than previous which was with 15# DBs. Feel really good about this.Steph, thanks for the encouragement and row coaching. Huge difference in how I would have approached it. Inspiring to watch you go first.Great energy today. What I love about CKSBK.
Laurel says
12:02 @20lb dbs. Last time was 14 something so this is a solid improvement. I think I figured something out about thrusters and about rowing in this WOD. Halfway through I stopped hating it so much and started feeling a good rhythm. Gives me hope for next time.
3×15 hip extensions on the GHD.
Joe says
Gymnastic certs for soldiers in Afghanistan? Gymnastic certs for soldiers in Afghanistan.
Jess says
11:50 with 20lb thrusters.
Walking to class, I had planned on using 25lb db’s. Thankfully, the warmup changed my mind. I ended up being about 30 secs faster than last time so I’m happy about that. Next time, I’ll definitely go for 25lbs (and concede to a slower time). Big thanks to Shannon and others for keeping me going! Really fun to watch her and Deb rock this WOD!
Fox says
Woah….this is a hard one. Good to start with Alec, who crushed it.
11:04 w/ 40# dbs
wanted sub 10:00, didn’t get it. Could certainly gotten below 11:00 if not for a certain, uh,**feeling. Last time was at 12:44 so all in all it’s a great improvement.
**I’ve finally figured out that drinking whey before met-cons is not a good thing for me. My system has trouble dealing with the protien I guess. During the 500m piece I started to think I might shard my self. TMI?.. sorry.
David Mak says
Burn out! Came out the gate way to hard and paid for it but that’s what happens when you approach a WOD without giving it it’s due consideration.
11:27 with 35lb DB’s, 7 seconds slower then last time. Live and learn. Jenna, thanks for the motivation, it really helped.
Hooahh, 7th SF Group getting Cert’s in Afhanistan, I wish I could be a part of that.
Good to be here on a weekend, great energy.
Sameer Parekh says
mr fox: we were just saying today that if you’re not p’ing and s’ing yourself during a workout, you’re not working hard enough. screw pukie!
speaking of foxes, apparently the fantastic mr fox just came out this weekend. Anyone remember that book? I am a huge roald dahl fan but somehow i don’t remember that one! wtf.
.DMG says
WUdislocates10 pulls 25s/m5 dbthr 25lb10 pulls 25s/m5dbthr 25lb
WOD – erg/dbthr9.46a good one. did it with 25lb db’s. wanted to maintain form, i knew going heavier would mean my thrusters would have been for shit. need to practice, would like to go heavier next time.
cool downfoam rolling
malcolm, i aint no ninja thruster master, but to my untrained eye your thrusters were lookin pretty sweet.
Jessica Bailey says
I missed this WOD but do remember the Fantastic Mr. Fox. Great book.
gabrus says
11:50I did 13:48 Last time
almost 2 minutes faster…And I was still dying hard on this one. I think rowing next to Nick made me go way too hard on the 750…the I just ‘survived’ the rest
Matt R. says
11:10 w/ 20#Erg = loveSIKE!
Badgers = Victors. Hail!
Nick Peterson says
Yay! Erg and thrusters! I got 7:53, was pretty excited. Thanks to Mr. Reshef for telling me beforehand to go for unbroken thrusters. I kept thinking of that during the workout, esp. around rep #15 in the first round.
Thanks for joining us, Allison! I hope you liked Kool-Aid.
James N. says
11:30 or 12:30 (don’t remember which)w/15# thrusters
energy felt good in the gym today (or maybe it’s always good and I felt better today)
Charlotte says
11:04 with 25#. 1:10 faster than last time, so I was pleased, but I didn’t bring the kind of intensity that Ms Parsons did–truly inspiring to watch. (don’t fight w/ your husband during a metcon, people.)
Next time: unbroken thrusters.
Charlotte says
PS I would *love* a 9am weekend class.
Peter says
10:38 w/ 20lbs. Gotta go with the 25s next time. Thanks to Malcolm for the bouncy/front squat tip… my legs’re burning now.
Allison Frederick says
Thanks for the warm and fuzzy, quad-burning welcome. I had a blast!
Nino says
10:47 with 25lbs.
There was no way I would’ve gone that fast without Leo shouting tips and encouragement the whole time. Thanks!
Maybe 30lbs next time?