Max Rounds in 12 Minutes of
5 Deadlifts at 1.5xBW
10 Pull-Ups
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Compare to 5.06.09
Accessory Work
Foam Roll and Hip Openers
Pat Sherwood
12 Unusual Swimming Pools Toxel
On the Water Front: The Gowanus Canal NY Times
leonid says
David must not like my hands; there will be blood … after this wod.
tam says
We always talk about putting a Beetle Cat in the Gowanus. I don’t mind if they clean it up, but I’d prefer that the razor wire stay and the developers stay away.
Fox says
The Wall
.DMG says
good find chris
David says
I hate everyone’s hands.
This is one of my favorite workouts. Ever since the Double Under Wod when I got the massive headache after the second attempt I’ve been getting very sharp and painful headaches every time my heart rate or blood pressure goes up. Have been trying to stay low exertion, will see if im able to workout today. very annoying.
tam says
And of course you went to see a doctor, right, David?
Steph W says
Well, I am keeping my hands away from this workout. (Not by choice…have an appt) But out of curiousity, where is 1.5 x body weight meant to rank on the toughness/effort scale? Moderate? Hard? Really hard?
Joe says
Anyone else shocked (shocked, I say!) that a food labeling system supported by Kraft turned out to be not such a good idea?
Andy says
Would have loved to do this WOD but I had to keep it simple due to a lack of barbells.
10 rounds of10 Push Ups20 Squats30 Sit Ups
cloyde says
6 rounds total @205lb.248lbs would have been ridiculous. was really intent on not ripping my hands, because having open wounds + washing your hands close to 100 times a day at work is a MAJOR suckfest. i was mostly successful, felt a small tear on the last round and stopped at ~10:40.
PRESS: 95*3*5
5 rounds GHD situps-5 and back extensions-10
gabrus says
5 rounds and 2 deadlifts @ 275 (345 would have been rx’d)
Looking back I got 4 rounds and change at 235, so I am happy with my progress.
Also if you are looking for something to see on the 30th or 31st, can I recommend this show at the UCB theatre. It is crazy, bloody, disgusting and offensive (full disclosure, I am in it).
Deb says
1 pull up shy of 7 rounds. How annoying is that? Used the white band for kipping pullups and 125# on the bar. Thank you David for pushing me to up the weight. And thanks Charlotte and Nick for the help. Charlotte, as always, great lifting with you.Fun WOD. Maybe next time no band?
Nick Peterson says
Eight complete rounds plus one set of deadlifts. Deadlifts at #315.
Amazingly, I didn’t bleed on the pull-up bar! Woohoo!
Joe says
2 pull-ups shy of 8 full rounds at 165 pounds (1RM/1.4). This was great deadlift practice, and I feel like I’m getting the hang of the movement. Looking forward to a big jump in capacity.
Fox says
Got to make up Mid-Hang Cleans and also do today’s wod with Captain Osorio.
MHC: warm up, 45×5, 95×3, 135x1At 135 I was really slow on the 3rd pull, so I did a 2 sets of 1 tall clean followed by 1 hang clean at that weight (as per David’s coaching…thanks, David). This got me a little bit quicker, still need to get under faster.
Then: 155, 175, 190f, 190, 205
190 was pervious PR. 1st attempt I got soft in the bottom and dumped (frustrating). 2nd attempt went up well, so…205…Huzzah!
Then DL/PU RX’d @ 245: 7 rounds + 4 deads
Tomorrow I’ll make up the burpee/box jump and Tabata row. Looking for sub 5:00 and some 1:40 splits repectively.
Fox says
Also, the talk on the importance of maintaining a lumbar curve was on point. Don’t forsake your future health to chase a bigger number during a WOD, especially with the heavy stuff. Be smart. If you’re not sure, ask. And, don’t be afraid to tell your partner that they look like shit pulling up an innapropriate load. In the end it’ll benefit them a lot more than just yelling GO! GO!
David says
Warm-Up:300m RowBarbell Warm-ups
Mid Hang Clean(95×3, 135×1)155×1, 165×1, 175×1, 185×1(PR), 195F195 is in the bag next time.
DL/Pull-up WODSlightly scaled up to 225 Deads (1.5xBW= 217)11 Rounds and 5 Deadlifts
This is a PR by one round. 12.5 rounds is in my sights…
Great working with Foxy Boxy today, great seeing nick beast out 315 with great form.
Looking forward to the 21-15-9 box jump tomorrow.. Im still thinking i can sub 2:00 it. Im getting a little adrenaline rush just thinking about it..
Joe. I used to get so mad at the world when I saw those “Smart Choices” on shit like Fruit loops
Gabrus. I’d like to go to the show on the 30th. anyone else interested??
Jess says
5 pullups shy of 7 rounds at 155lb deadlifts (1RM/1.45).
Wow, those dl’s got really heavy, really fast. Really wanted to finish that round but I just couldn’t get anymore pullups. Used the white band for all rounds, although I thought about switching to blue after the 2nd round. Thanks Sarah for telling me I could do it! My legs were so sore going in to this wod so it’s great that I can add a sore back to the mix as well! Still a fun wod and another I’m looking forward to repeating.
After class worked on double unders and got 34 (new PR by 15)! My rythm was good and if I wasn’t so tired I think I could have got more. Woohoo!
I feel like I need to sleep on a foam roller for days on end.
David Mak says
Gabrus – awesome looking show.
DL/PU WOD:235 (rx would have been 270)7 rounds plus 4 DLGreat seeing Willie power through one PU shy of 7 rounds at 305!
Did some DU practice and hit 46 which is a PR
Caught Paulie and Becca styling in their smart car – very cool!
Fox says
Come on…Paulie can not drive a Smart Car.
Jeremy says
12 rounds RX’d @265
Was happy with my pace, got about 3 rounds in 2 minutes before I realized that was too fast. Staying calm, not rushing between the two stations, and never going to failure were key to not hitting the wall.
David says
I agree with, Jeremy. I did a similar bit where I got the first 4 rounds in under 3 minutes then found a groove to maintain. I think banking those first couple rounds really helps with the score. I think I should have pulled out a similar intensity towards the last 3-4 minutes. Never going to failure on the pull-ups is key.
I like this workout a lot.
Regan says
He doesnt. He drives a hamster car 🙂
8 rounds + 5 dl @ 65lbmodified to 8 pullups/round with the green band till david added the extra white one (sheesh!)
Becca you were and awesome partner and Im glad you guys liked the chicken. (seriously everyone try this chicken)
and I hope Willy joins the co-op! and did you see Jess’ double unders?? SHIT!
Malcolm says
Was sad to miss this one tonight, but I want to let my finger heal more before I try anything this grip intensive.
Did five rounds for time of 12 hip extensions on the GHD and 20 pushups. Took 9:45. First two rounds of pushups were unbroken, but then as the hip extensions took there toll my plank started to falter for the pushup and they became pretty quickly sets of 3 and worse.
Later worked up to a max height box jump. Managed 46 inches. I love doing these.
Laurel says
6 rounds + 2 dls @ 145lbs. Bodyweight * 1.5 would have put me at 205! I think I might be able to pick it up once. My 1 rep max is 200, so I went with the 200/1.4. Last time I did this at 125 and with ring rows because my shoulder was giving me trouble… but I got 7 rounds then.
Today it occurred to me (as it often does) how lucky we are to have Deb and Alec in the gym. They are such wonderful and gracious resources – I learn so much every time I talk to them.
Steph W says
Jess=badass. Taking a well-deserved rest tomorrow? I am looking forward to making this up in the morning…maybe!
Paul and Becca need to keep the Smart Car permanently.
I could potentially go the 30th for blood, guts, and Gabrus, depending what time you guys decide.
Charlotte says
My math skills are out the window this week. Today I lifted 130 instead of 140 (would have been my 1RM/1.4), which felt ridiculously easy. 8 rounds plus 5 deadlifts, with white band kipping pullups. Although I’m not sure I would have been *that* much slower with 140–the pullups were what sucked. Deb, awesome counting/assisting.
Sameer Parekh says
sign me up for the show. what are people doing for halloween? I need a costume.
Becca says
8 rounds (+ 3 deadlifts) at 95 and the green band. My deadlift form still needs some work but it is coming together. With each reminder of “butt back” I get that much closer to deadlift glory.
It was great working with Regan. Thanks for all the support.
I might cry when we have to return the SmartCar. I have grown quite attached. Can we keep it, can we keep it please please plase?
Tam says
I *think* I was about 3 pull-ups shy of 7 rounds, but once again I was really bad with the counting.
I did this at 155. I don’t know that that was wise. Something kind of twingy going on with my back now.
Paulie T-Shirts says
5 rounds + 5DL + 1PU
DL: 275#(FYI 1.5 x bodyweight (240#) = 360#, 1RM Max(435#)/1.4 = 310#)
I was very happy with 275#. My main issue was with my grip.
PU: Green Band, kipping. My kips are still in their infant stages. If I keep feeding them WODs they will grow up big and strong like the rest of me.
We only have one day left with our Hamster Car 🙁
eat the chicken
Dan Rx'd says
10 rounds as RX’d.
Justin says
That chicken is totally off the chain. I was eating the wings in the lobby of the Lyceum and a guy came by and said that he was sold on the wings by just how much I was enjoying them. Totally delicious.
As far as the wod, 8 rds + 5 DLs. 115# DL and blue band with a little help from my friends on those pullups. I really, really hate pullups.
Definitely sore today after two CF days in a row, but I’m starting to like it. I think that’s Stockholm Syndrome. Or masochism.
See you all Wednesday!
ShawnS says
Made this up on Wednesday @ 215 which is close to 1.5 lbs bw. but it sucked bad.
Only got through 5 and change and still sore 3 days later.
Anton says
M/ 35/ 131 lbs/ 5′-6″As Rx 10 full roundsI agree with what Jerremy wrote. Pace and not going to failure is key. For me the grip is the biggest thing, so not going to failure allows for more reps over the 12 minutes. I would like to try this WOD for 20 minutes and again for 9 minutes to see how a super fast pace and a little slower pace would pan out. I would also like to try this with heavier wieght and weighted pullups for a few less reps. I agree I like this WOD