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Accessory Work
WU: Clean Technique Work
PWOD: Tabata Row
CrossFit Hoboken is hosting the CrossFit Winter Challenge this December. Who is interested in representing team South Booklyn?
Scheduling Updates
Weekend classes will remain at 9 and 10am until November 1st. Due to a show downstairs, we can't make noise (Jumping rope, bailing, etc) after 11.
There are no classes on the weekend of November 7th for King Con.
Starting on the November 14th, weekend classes will go back to 10, 11 and 12pm
While the new space is still on schedule build out-wise, it's unknown how long the inspections and Certification of Occupancy will take to process by the buildings department. In order to ensure we have a home throughout the end of the year, we've booked times at the lyceum through December 31st. Stay tuned for updates.
Check out the Events Calendar for a full schedule through the end of the year.
I’m interested in Hoboken, non-competitive category.
Dawwwww, crap. I woke up with the intent of going to the 11:15 class this morning. Guess that ain’t happenin’.
Boooo Lyceum. When’s our new box open again?
Mid Hang Clean: (42×5,62×3,92×3)115 125 135 145F 145F 145!!
I was trying to focus on form: getting a good shrug, but not too early, catching it tight and dropping aggressively under the bar. I felt my back give a little when I caught the 145 and I could have dropped faster, but it felt decent. 😀
Thanks Deb for encouraging me! You said “you’ve got that” with such confidence that I believed you.
Didn’t have time to do the tabata row, will have to make it up. My Dad is in town!
WUrow. dropping 10sec every 300mclean technique work
WOD – MHC 1 1 1 1 1(115 3×3, 95×3)135, 155, 175, 195F, 195Flast one i almost had it, got underneath the bar fast enough but… feet are coming together instead of widening. practice. feels good to be able to go low again, but i’m still tentative on the drop. i hope that goes away with time.
Tabata Row – avg 36 s/m111, 114, 112, 106, 104, 101, 101, 102TOTAL 851mwas looking at cals instead of m’s. i think i could have done better.
then for shits and giggles tried double unders…45PR!
i slept through my favorite thing on earth! BUMMMMMMMMER!!
My cleans need a lot of work, hence the multiple reps:35×5+/45×5/45×5/45×5 … then we ran out of time.
Tabata row, round 1:74/72/75/70/70/69/69/72
round 2:70/68/65/66/71/65/68/69 … lost my seat on #3
My s/m got better as I went along, dropping from 45 to 36.
Afterward, I tried kipping pull ups for the first time. Thanks Jess for helping me out!!
I wish the taco tour were today. Fox, make it happen!
Mid-hang clean: 75×5 95×5 125f 125 95×2 95×3 105×3 115×3 125×3 125×3 135×1-f-1
Kept the weight a little light to work on form.
Thanks Paul for the pointers, and thanks Laurel for keeping my head from banging on the ground. Sorry for crashing into you!
Ran to and from the gym barefoot; not sure if it’s any faster, but it feels a lot easier (falling forward instead of pushing off). Plus a four year old shouted about me not wearing any shoes.
Planning on making up the tabata row and the double-under wod tomorrow if anyone’s interested.
Cleans today were suck. my arms were still wiped from climbing on tuesday I guess so when I caught the bar at any weight over 85 my forearms felt tweaked and I bailed. grrr. So I did a bunch of sets of five at 65/75/85..
Tabata row went much better
s/m was at about 33-36 throughout
I was able to get under 1:40 for all rounds except the last one, the last round I made 1:40 but wasn’t able to break it.
145, 165, 175, 185F, 175, 185. I know starting from a hang is good for me, but I find it so much easier to pull from the floor. I feel like all my energy just vanishes on the dip.
I’m interested in representing our box in hoboken as well. competitive if there’s space, but if not I’m happy to do non-competitive also.
I’m still working out the clean thing.
Warm-up 35×5, 45×5, 55×5
Tabata row:
90, 90, 89, 86,85, 86, 85, 84
45*10, 75*5, 95*5 (WARMUP)
125*5, 130*5, 135*5, 140*5, 145*3
considering that my previous 1RM was 140lbs i think this went well. this is a lift my shoulders have always had trouble with so i’ve never really done it a lot but i guess getting stronger is helping.
did 5*5 on the ring dips then4 rounds of 15 GHD back extensions and 10 GHD sit ups. ouch.
tabatha row: 725m total, 90m/r 1:50 avg. the last few rounds were horrible.
I’m also still working on my cleans so went for 5×3.
(42×5, 62×5)70×3, 80×3, 90×2 + 3 mental failures, 85×3 then ran out of time.
So much to work on. I feel like if I can get that aggressive shrug down then I’ll be able to move down under the bar much quicker. It’s such a complicated movement though, so I’m giving myself time to get this.
Tabata Row:93, 87, 89, 82, 80, 82, 81, 81
That was tough stuff! Can’t believe Charmel, Colette and Steph decided to do it again. Crazy!
After class, worked on kipping pullups with Steph (not bad for your first time!) and then did some situps.
Cleans were suck for me today, too. Went with 5×3 to practice technique.
WU: 22×5, 42×5, 62x5WO: 70×3, 80×3, 90×3, 95F, 95F, 95F
Discovered I jump backward when I try to get under the bar. Hence it is difficult to get under. Grr. Elbows really hurting by the end from the 105 pullups on Thursday morning.
Tabata row:97, 96, 93, 90, 89, 88, 90, 90 for 733 total. Stroke rate around 38s/m. Splits at 1:39 for the first piece (!!), then around 1:48 for the rest I think. First hard erg piece in a looooong time. Fun in a sick way.
I’m sorry to have not made class today. My neck is still a bit tweaked from pressing on Thursday.
As for the Winter Challenge, I’ve already signed up and hope we can get a lot of people from CFSBK. I’d hurry though because the website said they were limiting the size to 60 people.
I signed up for Winter Challenge, too. C’mon! Everybody’s doing it!
Ok, thinking of doing the Winter Challenge but leaning towards a “participant”, not “competitor”. Obviously, Scott is a competitor, but what about others???
The Challenge is on Mr. Fox’s b-day so I’m hoping he decides to compete too!
I just decided to take the plunge and do “competitor.” I figured it’s a matter of semantics, right?
Mid Hang Clean:135, 155, 175, 185 epic fail more times then I can count
Tabata RowMeters: 105, 107, 104, 99, 96, 95, 93, 97Total: 796Splits: 135.2, 133.4, 136.1, 141, 144.1, 145.2, 147.5, 143Avg: 140.5 (I’m guessing that’s what the number I wrote down means)
I remember hearing Jess yell behind me. That actually helped a lot that last round.
Later, at the Y:Deadlifts345x3x5
On the 4th and 5th sets, had a really hard time holding on to the bar, by the third rep it was slipping out of my left hand. My form was really bad on those last two sets also. The equipment at the Y is just not good for deadlifting.
DB Bench Press70x1080x580x480x4
Also, someone working out at the gym noticed my CFSBK shirt so we started talking crossfit. Then I watched him manage a very impressive 5:10 Fran, which no doubt translates to a sub-5 in a crossfit gym, the Y is just not crossfit friendly in any way.
hm i really enjoyed the team thing at the winter challenge last time, it is too bad they are not doing that again.
that said, i think i will sign up still.
Just signed up for the Winter Challenge.
Competitor? Hell yeah.
Sameer – we will be Team South Brooklyn! Paulie and Becca…can you make us some sweet T’s?
As Jess mentioned, the day of the event is my actual birthday, so, start shopping now.
Thanks Dave for showing Matt and I around the place and letting us pick your brain! I’ll keep in touch. Best of luck in the new place! Your gonna do great!
Good for you Tam! Since I’m a chicken, I just signed up for the Winter Challenge as a participant. Really looking forward to supporting our SBK team!
Oy yoi yoi. What a day of frustration for me. Could not seem to escape the wide legs. I found a faulty connection in the brain to body circuitry. Kept the weight lowish to work form. Determined to get this and looking forward to that beautiful moment when it all comes together.Thanks for the eyes Laurel and thanks for the double under help Chris.(42×3,62×3)62×3,62×3,62×3,67×3
I am new to and suck at cleans so I stayed low with the weight to work on form.
2 sets of 85×3, 3 sets of 95×3, with a few extra pulls in there if I felt like it.
Cleans are such a dynamic movement that I really want to get the technique down before I use any kind of serious weight. I feel like you can’t just gut ’em out – gotta execute them well to make any progress.
Thanks to Chris and Dave for the patient pointers.
I miss you all terribly and look forward to being back next weekend.
I lied. I miss everyone but David. Hell yeah Laurel!
Nino, the weight will definitely come. I remember Jeremy telling me that he used to just work light weight over and over to get the form down. Look at him now.
Tamson, I had a feeling you’d jump right into the comp. Love it. How’s Milo? Has he decided on a halloween costume or what?
Everyone please do me a favor and hug Regan for me since I don’t get to 🙁
Looking forward to seeing you all soon (except for David).
Had to skip cleaning today because of a funky finger so I benched instead. (45×5, 75×5, 95×5, 125×5) 145×3, 155×3, 165×3 170(1). The 165 matches my old PR. I think with the funky finger I couldn’t really squeeze the bar well so I have some hope for better next time.
Awesome watching everyone cleaning.
Great to actually be in the gym instead of just reading about it at work.
MH squat cleans 95×3, 115×3, 125×3, 135×3, 145×2+F, F, F, then 1×145. (i am a hopeless nonquitter)
Row tabata 102m, 101, 99, 93, 88, 89, 84, 90=746
Jesus sit-ups 25, 15, 10
shoulder mobility work.
Such goodwill from everybody.,. still blows me away. So glad new lease is for !0 years.
Shane & Jess: I’m actually feeling a little silly about my exuberance now. I hope I don’t regret it. Milo has been through many reversals on the Halloween costume,but he’s finally settled on Storm Trooper.
This movement is a mofo to trouble shoot. SO much to think about. But I felt progress at the end. Chris had a nice tip to practice the initial ‘shrug’ movement with dumbbells. Gonna try that sometime.
95(3)-115-135-155-160(f)-160(f)-135-135Had to do at local gym. Shitty bar, no chalk, no bumper plates, frustrating atmosphere, hands still torn up from “Erin.” Capable of better
I think I got up to about 125 here