Post loads to comments.
compare to 7.1.09
Accessory Work
Hip Extensions 3×8-12
Depth Lunges 3x5e
Dave M works a back lever Post Workout
Happy Birthday displaced SBK'er, Cheyne P!
Congratulations to Mike V for getting his CF Level 1
CrossFit Women
Does anyone have access to something that could drill a hole through steel?
Awesome CF Women video!!
Just got back from a trip to Chicago for the Men’s Health Urbanathlon. I highly recommend this event! Brandy had a crew from CFQueens competing too (including Andy!). It’s running + obstacles (monkey bars, marine hurdles, stair climb, etc)…very CF-esque. They hold one in July in NYC too. Mark your calendars for next year!
David all you need is a drill with a metal bit. How big a hole do you need.
Made up Press and Deadlift today and FINALLY pulled 400lbs! This was one of my first goals with CF and it has taken quite a while longer than I expected. Very happy with this.
yeah that’s what she said, jeremy.
Agreed that the video is awesome! What’s even better is that these type of women are found at CFSBK. We have a bunch of badass women that could easily have their own video on YouTube. Sameer, get on that. 🙂 I will be one of those women in my near future and I can’t wait!
Anne, Andy, Brandy, others–congrats on the Urbanathlon. Would love to hear more about it the next time I see you guys. Chris and I have talked about doing it and would love to compete next year. He had full intentions of signing up this year, until he found out it was only going to be held in Chicago.
Willie, nice job on the deadlifts!
Missing class tonight, but will make up the squats bright and early at tomorrow’s class. Very curious to see what I can get!
Thank you for the birthday wish! I miss SBK:(
Jess: you already are.
squats: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nppzGV1U8y8
wu 45×5/95×5/135×3/185×1/225×1
those last 280s were hard. first i think i went too deep into the hole, couldn’t get out. second time I was on the way up, driving through the hips, but lost my back. I feel like if I focused on my back that would have been good, but I was using up all my focus on driving through the hips I had nothing left to focus on the back to keep my chest up.
4 pound pr, satisfactory.
I was going to say the same thing!
LBBS:WU – 45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 165x2200x1, 215×1, 225×1(PR), 235F, 225FA little disappointed but I’ll take it. I really appreciated Jeremy’s warm up technique, I’ve just been guessing as how to approach that in the past. Great lifting with Tushar, Joe and Tom, great work guys.
Deep lunges, body weight, 30lb dumbells, 40lb dumbells; all x5
Made up Annie – 8:10. I was jazzed first round when I got 33 DU in a row; a PR by 6. Then second round went to shit and I was doing 2’s and 3’s. Rest of the rounds came together and I got almost all unbroken. All situps unbroken.
1000m row cool down.Felt good to be in today!Paulie – You left before I could see how you’ve been getting your grizzly on!
very nice warmup talk, jeremy. it definitely gives me a game plan for future lifting days.
squats: 250, 260, 265F, 265F, 255.
260 is my current PR so I’ll take it. good lifting with nick and leo.
So the last three days are almost a crossfit total. Though being fully fresh may have added a few pounds to each of the subsequent lifts.
I did my first crossfit workout two years ago on Thursday. At that time I squated 120, pressed 85 and deadlifted 185 for a total of 390.
Right before I came to CFSBK I did a crossfit total on November 5th 2008. I had spent the intervening year doing the Starting strength program and had a total of 655 based on a 255 squat, 120 press and 280 deadlift.
These last few days I did the max singles and squated 275 tonight, pressed 120 and deadlifted 293 over the weekend. While it is not a crossfit total, it does suggest that I have gained maximal strength while doing crossfit, even as my conditioning has gotten tremendously better. Further I have reason to suspect that the press and deadlift were unusually low this weekend.
Tonight’s lifting was pretty fun. After the warmup. Did 250, 270, 275F, 275(PR), 280F.
Good energy in the gym.
Amazing progression Malcolm! Congrats on the PR!
My back and a few other body parts are still fried from the Mid-Atlantic Hopper so I worked on form after hitting a PR. I know I can go quite a bit higher but need to do it when I’m fresher.275-305-325(PR)-275-275
WU: 45×5, 135×5, 155×3, 185×1
Work Sets: 195, 205, 215(pr), 220(pr), 225F.
I was in a seriously bad mood the past couple of days as I felt I had tweaked my back, and had to bail out of the weekend workouts on both days (ironically I PR’ed on deadlifts on Saturday). So, today’s WOD went a long way to making me feel much, much better. Big thanks to everyone for cheering me up!
Great lifting with Sameer and Richard.
Sorry, little typo in the warm-up list above: there should be a 95×5 in there; and the 135 is a x3, not a x5.
I forgot to write too, that I appreciated the WU tips from Jeremy. This is something I had discussed with Chris as well a few days ago when the LBBSx3 had not gone so well for me, and he had pointed out that I had jumped weights a little too quickly.
45-5 95-5 125-2 135 155(pr) 170(pr) 180(pr) 195f 165
Absolutely blew my expectations out of the water. I didn’t have a true one rep max, but was shooting for something around 150 on the strength of the last couple front and back squat efforts. As an extra bonus, 180 is over bodyweight.
Dumbbell Elevated lunges 5/legb/w 20#s 30#s
185,200,225,235,240. Squats felt good, I feel I should have gone a few pounds heavier, but it’s all good. 10 minutes on the erg,my form sucks, I think, but it’s a burning workout. Malcolm worked with me on the kip yesterday, it still eludes me. Good work Shane, checking the girls’ rack:)
Did LBBSx3 today.(45x8x2,65×3)85×3,95x3PR,105x3PR,110x3PR.Very pleased with this since I PR’d yesterday on the press at 65 and saturday on the deadlift at 170. Body felt good on these lifts.And I totally dig the fish game on the erg.
LBBS x 1
Jeremy, great WU strategy. I see the light!
First time lifting with McG. It was a pleasure. Thank you!
WU45x5 (x2)95x5135x5225x3LIFT275x1295x1305x1315x1 (PR)320×1 (PR)
(45×5, 65×5, 85×5)100×3, 110×3, 110×3, 115×3(PR), 115×3
I also have to say that the warmup talk was really helpful, Jeremy. Thanks. It was great working with Charlotte today.
I was hoping to get past the 115PR to maybe 120 or 125. Regardless, I felt better about my squats and form so it’s all good!
LBBS(barx5 95×5 135×5 225×3
255 275PR 295F 295PR
Acc WkDB Elevated Lunges x5BW, BW, 20lbs
great class tonight. great energy.
massive thanks to jeremy for the pre WOD talk and pointers during the lifts. back squat is not one of fondest moves. after today, i’m liking it a lot more and no longer confused by this movement.
never really had a 1RM, last time i think it was 260, so i’m happy.feels great to be able to squat again and know i’m getting to the right depth.
first time lifting with paul, a pleasure. great PR man, it looked easy.
Love the video! David, when are we going to start learning HSPUs?
Thought I would work triples today but I think David had a secret plan to learn my 1RM, and I was psyched to do the same. Great working with Becca, too.
WU: (I think, this is from memory)45×5, 75×5, 115x2135x1, 145×1, 155×1, 165×1 (PR), 170F
That’s well above BW, so I am really pleased.
David, thanks for all the spotting/coaching/heavy loading of the bar. Jeremy, thanks for bailing me out of that last one, and for the warmup coaching–very, very helpful.
Thanks to the warm-up talk from Jeremy, and the fact that I’ve done a few squat workouts now, I felt like I actually had a plan going in, a first!
W/up: 22×5, 32×5, 42x552x3, 55×3, 62×3, 65×3, 67×3
My previous best was 60, so I consider this a pretty good day. Did the first round of lunges with nothing, then the next two with 10 lb dumbbells. They felt a bit wobbly (Bambi On Ice!) but otherwise OK.
Off topic, if you or someone you know is looking for a pet, consider Carlos the cat (apologies to the human Carlos):
http://www.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=14248943(Sorry also for the cutesy language in his petfinder profile, it wasn’t my doing, but he really is very friendly and quite athletic.)
Long story short, I found him in my backyard, and he’s had a temporary home but can’t stay there past the end of the month.
I second the vote for HSPUs! Not that I even have the HS part.
Back SquatWU 135×5, 225×5, 275×3, 305×1
325x1345x1355 Fail355x1
warm-up500m RowFirst 250 @ 2:10 20s/rLatter 250 @ 2:00 20s/r
Had a tough time holding these numbers
Decided to mix the last three days of programming into a CF Total. A nice perk.
Back Squat(45×5, 95×5, 145×3, 175×1)200×1, 220×1, 245×1(PR)
Press(45×5, 75×5, 95×1)115F, 115×1, 120×1
Deadlift(135×3+1 Power Clean, 225×2, 275×1)315×1, 325×1, 335×1(PR)
CFT= 700(PR)
Pretty happy with this. The 245BSQ came up rather smoothly, I suspect I can do 255 or slightly more. I psyched myself out trying to overanalyze the press mechanics on the opener and promptly failed. This kinda screwed me because my plan was 115, 120, 125. 125 went up rather easily as well. Deadlifts, same thing, 315 went up easy, as did 335. I think 350 is within reach.As always, it pays to get MAD and have a ritual, however silly. (Sorry for shaking you becca.)
Great lifting today. We’ll come back to the warm-up protocols as well as how to spot more effectively.
Speaking of warm-ups. Lets everyone make it a habit to post your warm-up sets. As we all know, they can say a LOT about our work sets. I always include them so i know to make bigger jumps if i want to PR a previous lift.
lowbar backsquat (45×5,65×5,85×3,125×1,145×1)165 180(PR) 190f 190f 185(PR)
I felt very silly for my warm-up structure after Jeremy’s discussion with us. I had intended to do something different, but then my form drew so many cues for improvement that I stayed at the lower weights working on it. I thought my last max was 180, but I just looked and it was actually 170, so this was a 15lb PR! I think I conflated what I wanted to lift with what I had lifted. Jeremy and Malcolm gave me an excellent demonstration of the stretch reflex in the bottom of the squat, which I think allowed me to get the 185. Thank you!
Congratulations Mike!
Happy Birthday Cheyne!
If the last three days had been a Crossfit Total: it would be 95 press + 195 dl + 185 sq = 475.
Really appreciated Jeremy’s pre workout tips, entering into the lifting workouts with more of a plan and a little less “see what happens”, made a big difference.
Only ever done 5 by 5 LBBS once prior to tonite so this was all pretty new.Leo worked with me back then, and gave me a few pointers regarding the actual movement, which i tried to work on again through the lifts.
Ended up at 225/275/295/305/315
Great working with Mike and Ben, really challenged me to go for some bigger weights. Tks, fellas
Ugh… 2nd day at home with “flu like symptoms”. Thankfully it doesn’t happen often, I’m a miserable SOB when I’m sick. I think though, that I’m gonna be back in action tomorrow.
Really nice to see so many good lifts and PRs going in on the squat. I hope I can get some of that squat prep voodoo madness from Jeremy soon.
Made up the back squats this morning.
(45×5, 65×5, 95×5, 125×3)145, 170, 175, 180, 185
An error in math led to the big jump from 145 to 170, but this worked out just fine. Everything from 170 on was a PR. My goal for today was 180 and I was very happy to have achieved it. I really wanted to keep going but forced myself to call it quits. All of my lifts felt strong and I can go heavier next time. Would love to get to 200. And to play along with a few others, my crossfit total would be 487.
Did the deep lunge work afterwards with 10lbs, 15lbs, 20lbs. Then did just a few kipping pullups because I’m so excited that I now can!
High bar back squat:
45×5, 65×5, 85×5, 95×5
110×3, 125×3, 135×3, 140f, 135×3, 110×3
I haven’t been squatting enough to be disappointed with this. Technically this is a pr, I guess. But I’m still disappointed. Need to manage expectations.
Jess kicked ass. Nice work, Jess.
Good work everyone. Malcolm: you should’ve lifted 276. =]
If only I had known Sameer.
But at least now I don’t have a funny weight PR.
oh yeah i forgot to write my numbers on the board. jeremy gave me all kinds of shit last night for having a 271 pr, so there is something to be said for that.
Back SquatWarm Up – (45×5, 95X5, 135×3)x3 – 145 – 165 – 175 – 180 – 185 -190
Great working out with Christian and George. Thanks to Shane for all the help as well.
Did the accessory work with 15 and 20 lbs and then worked a bit more on my pullups.