Malcolm's hobbies include heavy squatting
CrossFit 101 with Greg Glassman
Our CrossFit 101 with co-hosts CF Virtuosity is this Saturday. We initially opened registration to members of our community who serve in the armed forces, law enforcement and fire fighting and now we're opening it up to all of South Brooklyn. The CF 101 is a FREE lecture, Q&A and social with CrossFit founder, Greg Glassman. If you'd like to attend, please read this press release and contact Jessica Allan at jessica(at) These seminars are great for people who are either new to CrossFit or have friends and family who might want to know more about this crazy fitness thing you're into. We'd really like to get lots of non-CrossFitters involved so if you have someone in mind, please confirm it with them and include their name on the RSVP. We will send out email confirmations on Thursday for everyone attending.
Any additional questions may be sent to David(at) or posted to comments.
The Brooklyn Barbell Club
221 North 8th St. (between Driggs and Roebling)
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Saturday, October 10, 2009
9:00am Doors, Coffee
10:00am Q&A Session
1:30pm CrossFit Workout
2:00pm Beer Social
David is totally getting the worm…
made up that doubleunder push jerk WOD from the weekend10:28
I could use some serious double under help…Dan?
Likewise with the du/pj wod, scaled as follows:
50/40/30 du’s
pj @ 75 for the first set, then 65 for the rest.
Ohhhhhh those cursed du’s. I used to be able to do them long ago, before I started crossfit, and I had no idea how or why I could, just did ’em. Now I think I’m a little more aware of what I’m doing, but I can only string together 5 at a time.
Sure thing Gabrus — when’s the next time you’ll be in class?
Last night’s 5pm class. Am i too late to post? LBBS with Jess and Juliana. Fun working with the ladies!
(45×5,55×5,65×5) 65×5,70×5,75×5,80×5,85×5
Felt good to be lifting again after the knee “hiatus.” Kept the weight reasonable to work technique.
By the way, if anyone is on the hunt for some weightlifting shoes I have a brand new pair of Rogue Do-Wins size 37, black. Too small for my boards. I can bring them to the Lyceum wednesday night or on the weekend. Let me know!
Okay, how does everyone like their Rage Fitness grips?
I got mine a few weeks ago, but I’m not loving them. Our pull up bar at CFI is pretty thick, and the grips add that much more for my small hands to wrap around. And the grips are really smooth…kind of slippery.
How does everyone there like them?
Cynthia in San Diego
I only use them for high rep (75+) pull-up workouts and I don’t use the wrist wrap as i find it makes the material fold over and get in the way. Definitely wear it in a bit before using it, maybe during your warm-ups. we got these suggested to us from Tucker and he recommended wearing them in a bit too.
Our pull-up bars are pretty thick too, 1.50″ and 1.25″. Wear them in to get familiar using them and then only use them to prevent a tear or cover broken skin.
5 x 145 dead lift / 10 burpee7:37
Should have gone a bit heavier on the DLs. I always forget my PR weight. Need a Google docs spreadsheet IN MY BRAIN. Felt healthy on this one.
Bummer that Tamar and I have to miss Saturday. Sounds really fun.
I’ll be at the New York Wine & Food Festival all weekend. Maybe see some CFSB folks there? Remember, eating foie gras does not kill people, eating foie gras like a 75-year old Frenchman does. Everything can be enjoyed in moderation. (Sorry vegetarians, this is not meant as a polemic).
Matt there is never a need to apologize to vegetarians.
what’s a vegetarian?
Deb’s (and Cynthia’s) post got me thinking. While I don’t have lady sized feet, I do want to get weighlifting shoes.
What’s the concensus?
Rogue? $109. They apparently are a new model.
VS Athletics? $72. Quality? Cause these are much cheaper.
Any feedback on these or other makes would be appreciated.
Rogue starts volume discounts at 5 pair. VS will also work out a volume discount.
Anyone interested?
Chris – all I can tell you is that I love my rogues and chose them for the low heel, suede comfy-factor and because Margie and Malcolm had them and liked them.
(Adam – you could get some lifting shoes… no more heavy weights in squish-able sneakers!)
chris, i have the adidas ironwork II and i really like them. great support. world of a difference when you lift with them as opposed to sneakers. there’s an ironwork III now so you might be able to find the II’s at a good price.
Chris – the rogues are definitely workhorses. Catalyst Atheletics has a wall full of them for general use – kinda like a bowling alley. I think they’re a good starting shoe and if you wanna get fancy later, then you can move on up to addidas or some such thing.
Anybody else planning on doing this?
Thanks for the input on the WL shoes. Sounds like the Rogue so far will be the ones. Anyone want to go in on an order?
Also, Jess said my first post needed explaining…After reading it again I can see how it might…
…David posted again at 7am. He is an early bird. Early bird gets the worm. I apologize for any unintentional wierd mental images I might have caused.
That was actually a good one, Mr. Fox. I’m sorry it had to be explained to me.
Glenn Pendlay’s site has red suede do-wins for $50.00. I like them.
Warm-Up500m RowDroms
LBBSQ 5×3(45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 155×1)185×3, 200×3, 205×3, 210×3, 215×1(155x5x2)
Didn’t put the pads out and wasn’t confident coming down on 215 without potentially bailing on the downstairs floor. These are feeling more natural, thanks to Margie for cleaning up my recovery on these.
Fox, I thought the worm comment had something to do with drinking maybe? In reference to the 101 and me getting drunk or something?? I was very confused.
I’ve have addidas weightlifting shoes for over a year and am still crushing on them hard.
made up the DU / push jerk WOD this morning. really tough… i suck at both these exercises. dragged myself in at 16:45.DU in sets of 10 with a few misses in between, with PJ’s at 115. both need work.
I’m keen to make up the DU/PJ WOD at some point. Anybody that wants to do it with me, lemme know.
I didn’t get the worm joke either. Drunk David? That is something I need to see.
So I ran with my Achilles group today; found out my friend Lamar placed second in his age group (18-29) at the NY Biathlon this weekend (2 mi run-12 mi bike-2 mi run), finishing in 1:16. The kicker? He is legally blind. That is some serious badassery.
Hope you all had fun climbing! I need to get over there at some point.
Cynthia – mine aren’t worn in very well yet but I have to say I’m not digging them all that much (yet). I much rather go bare bar, as it were. But if I’m going high rep they’re better than ripped hands.
Matt R. – Envy happening over here.
Chris – Nice comment, had me wondering as well, but it’s good to puzzle sometimes.
steph do you volunteer for achilles? I have wanted to do that since my first marathon, it seems like fun and a really good thing to do.
Paul – I’ve been working with them since January and really enjoy it! I can tell you all about it next time I see you, if you’d like.
More of an active rest day than a ‘rest day’ which is good.
Ran a couple of miles w/ the Guerra boys at the cross country practice. Had a blast running w/ Patricio, Carlitos, Manuel and Joaquin in Prospect Park. Perk of the job!
Hit Brooklyn Boulders w/ Ben, Tamson, Milo and Regan. Unfortunately the kids room was occupied for a presentation so Milo and I didn’t get to chop it up in there too much. Next time, Milo!
Steph, you DON’T want to see David drunk. He just sits there and stares w/ those beady little eyes. Your friend Lamar sounds like a bonafide badass.
See y’all tomorrow
Was dying to do the DU PJ WOD.8:47 as RX’d in my apt (I have a squat cage:) and a crap jump rope i realized midway through.DUs: decent 1st round broke up to 5s n 10s for round 2 n 3PJs: round 1 (10-5), rounds 2 n 3 unbroken:)
love this workout.
see u guys soon
Morning session at CF South Brooklyn:
5 rounds of5 (Sumo)Deadlifts @ 275lbs10 Burpeesin 7:55 min.
Evening session at CF Queens:
5 rounds for max reps:strict Pull Ups 5; 5; 5; 4; 4Push Ups (with 25lbs) 12; 9; 10; 10; 8Squats with 175lbs (BW) 15; 10; 10; 12; 10