I have an old classic, a Peugeot road racer, that I used for doing laps in Prospect Park (never liked riding on NYC streets). Sadly, my biking has come to an end because of my sciatica. But I’m hoping that next summer I will ride again.
I have a cervelo p2c that I love more than any other bike. Feels like a rocket. Also train on it with a cyclops stand. Have a felt f4c as well, it’s amazing.
I’ll sell the f4c for a reasonable price if anyone interested…that’s the road bike.
sorry on felt F4C it’s a 56cm frame. in excellent condition. Reasonable seller.
look at those muscles!!
i have a bianchi road bike. its a hand-me-down from a cyclist friend and i love it. i use it for triathlons, or as a clothes hanger…
i want a “putz-around-bk” bike, maybe with a basket, bc i don’t like locking and leaving this bike outside.
PS. today’s my moving day! yay!!
Chris Foxsays
20+ year old Schwinn World Sport. It’s my beater, after my beloved (old American made) Diamondback Sorrento that I had for 14 yrs was stolen last summer…sigh. I don’t fantasize about finding someone riding it (and tearing the perps head off) as much anymore, but I still look for her on the street occasionally.
David, you’re not taking stock of our bikes for a new “aquisition”, right?
Chris Foxsays
P.S. – When I grow up I want to be as strong as Scott.
I love my 3-speed Gary Fisher Simple City. I guess you’d call it a cruiser but the ride is quite sporty and light. She’s my main mode of transportation for errands and getting around Brooklyn. I ride her into Manhattan for work a couple days a week too.
I love these questions.
I have a Specialized Dolce which I bought for triathlons…but it’s yet to see one. I also have an old yellow Cannondale mountain bike that I’ve used for just about everything. Both have of late been woefully neglected .
i have a PoS mountain bike (GT something or other) that I got when I was like 19. Just started riding it recently, I use it just to get to crossfit more or less. I would love to get it fixed up or get a new bike, but there are a number of other things I should spend my dough on.
anne w.says
That’s one good lookin’ Team! 🙂
I have a Cervelo P2C for triathlons or road riding…and a Swobo Sanchez for neighborhood, commuting to SBK, etc. I added a fancy little bell to it. I love it. And a mountain bike still in Michigan that probably doesn’t remember me anymore.
I have a crappy, heavy as hell mountain bike that I do not like. I haven’t ridden it as much lately, because I hate lugging it up and downstairs to our apartment and because I don’t have a lock. Yeah, I know excuses, excuses. I intend to eventually sell/trade and use that money towards a bike I could actually do a triathlon in.
I know I’m still fairly new to CFSBK, but I was shocked by the 7am blog post today!
A Crappy, Heavy Mountain Bike with a loose seat and deflated tires that I got for free. Im going to donate or junk it soon.A Schwinn Caliente with a bunk back tire that I used to use to get around until the back tire fell off and Alec convinced me that it wasnt worth fixing.I currently am riding a 1991 KHS Team single speed that Alec is lending me while he finds me a proper bike. I was told that my “Phil Wood” hubs would impress people. Anybody?…Anybody?The KHS rides like a dream.
I have a 1971 BSA A65T with no mufflers. (It sets off car alarms as it rolls past) I used to ride it all the time, but I was finally overcome by a modicum of common sense.
I have a Cannondale road bike which must be 15 years old by now but still feels great to me. I ride it in Prospect Park, but not as often as I’d like.
Anthony Lsays
Congrats Mike! You’ll make a hell of a sergeant, keep up the good work, let me know when the ceremony is. Oh and any plans for a wetdown?
it’s true! you know someone’s a true bike geek when they drool a bit over your components…
I upgraded to a bikesdirect single-speed so if anyone (Stephanie) is interested in a great “putz-around-bk” bike let me know. It’s red with very pretty celeste handlebar tape 🙂
ooooooo! Phil Wood hubs!
Congratulations to Sgt. Mike!!
Who’s in for Brooklyn Boulders tonight? 7pm. Holla!
i have a cervelo p2c tri bike, a pinarello prince road bike, a ye old cannondale mountain bike, a spare and light as balls cannondale aluminum frame and my trusty windsor the hour fixed wheel.
You can definitely bring kids. They have a kids wall and everything!
Yay Milo!!!
Good grief – I would never have guessed that people would have such encyclopedic information about their bikes! I loved riding my bike growing up, but am deterred from bike commuting by the accident statistics plus mayhem amongst my bike-loving friends and family.
I don’t mean to be a wet blanket on the bike enthusiasm. It’s just that pretty much all of my good friends and family members who ride regularly have been injured on their bikes – lots of broken legs, wrists and clavicles. How many of you have broken a limb or concussed yourself while on a bike?
Do you all wear helmets? (If not go do some reading about concussions – particularly class III.)
the only thing that I ever break is the speed of sound!
I have a Raleigh Circa. It’s in the “comfort” bike category and I absolutely love it. I added renders, rear rack and baskets. I use it exclusively for getting to places that are hard to get to by train or on foot.
On the topic of bikes, I had been wanting to announce that my mapping website I work on for the city has just added bike routes and bike racks to the long list of features available for display. The only caveat is that you can’t see the bike routes at the lower zoom levels (that will come in the future). And there’s thousands of bike racks, so you have to zoom in pretty far to see those. But here it is:
I have a Specialized Roubaix long distance road bike which I am in love with and too paranoid to lock outside anywhere so I only take it out when I can lock it indoors or am just doing loops at prospect park. The idea is that I sign up for a road race, ahem.. I will get around to that. It’s on the long-term goals list.
If someone stole it I would be an inconsolable mess. In fact, I’d probably be Chris Fox circa last summer.
SEE YOU ALL AT BKB TONIGHT! Woohoo. And I brought my shoes to work with me this time. Eesh.. hopefully I also remembered my harness.
I have a bike problem…
My stable:
-Mid ’80s Strawberry, handbuilt in Oregon. Commuter, beater, alleycat bike. Converted to fixed gear, it’s a beautiful bike that looks like crap so nobody steals it.
-’84 3Rensho road bike, put 9spd Ultegra on for long rides to the beach and fall afternoons on Westchester trails.
-’08 Blue track bike, bought when I thought I was going to be a velodrome star.
Public service announcement: Anyone with the time and inclination can take their bike to one of the Times Up (www.times-up.org) locations for free classes and open workshops to fix it yourself – not hard, and way cheaper than paying a shop.
And there’s some bling in the CFSB community, apparently – a Pinarello Prince? Bananas!
i have two bikes one is a GT gtb aluminum track bike i use for most of my daily riding and the other is a bianchi eros road bike with down tube shifters and riser bars for longer rides… this winter the bianchi is going to get an upgrade with front and rear rack, full fenders ad CX tires for bad weather riding / grocery getting.
Laurel: I’ve only had one crash; back in 1997 while riding in Central Park. It wasn’t too bad, just a few scrapes. After that, I didn’t ride a bike again till 2003; it took me that long to get my road nerves back. Now, I don’t ride on roads at all just because I don’t trust NYC drivers (too much aggro frankly). But biking in the park was a great workout so I did it from 2003 till earlier this year. I’d like to do it again once my back is better.
Laurel, I ALWAYS wear a helmet. Saw a girl get run over by a car a few years ago and am just now recovering.. lets just say she did not have a helmet on. Visually traumatic.
Justin, thanks for the info I’ve actually been looking for something like that so I can stop harassing the guys at the bike shop with really dumb questions that make me look like an airhead.
Matt R.says
Did Sunday’s WOD and accessories. It felt like a true (packed) CrossFit hour. Moments of intensity. Moments on instruction. Really great.
I have a Specialized Hard Rock that an old roommate won at a bar and a Rocky Mountain Slayer. I use the Hard Rock for tooling around Brooklyn and the Slayer for hitting single track. I’ve been wanting a road bike for years but have yet to pull the trigger.
I have a 10 year old raleigh mountain bike that is pretty light and seems as good as new.
I have a bright yellow Giant TCR i use for triathlons and outracing cars whose car doors i left cleat imprints in. and yes, Laurel, i always wear my matching bright yellow helmet. i went over the handlebars once as a kid and cracked the helmet instead of my head and will always remember that lesson.
i wish i could join at brooklyn boulders tonight, but unless i come wearing a SARS mask, you guys probably don’t want me around. just be glad i didnt make out with any of you after FGB.
I have a bike problem…
My stable:
-Mid ’80s Strawberry, handbuilt in Oregon. Commuter, beater, alleycat bike. Converted to fixed gear, it’s a beautiful bike that looks like crap so nobody steals it.
-’84 3Rensho road bike, put 9spd Ultegra on for long rides to the beach and fall afternoons on Westchester trails.
-’08 Blue track bike, bought when I thought I was going to be a velodrome star.
Public service announcement: Anyone with the time and inclination can take their bike to one of the Times Up (www.times-up.org) locations for free classes and open workshops to fix it yourself – not hard, and way cheaper than paying a shop.
And there’s some bling in the CFSB community, apparently – a Pinarello Prince? Bananas!
Present quiver includes…Alec:- (2) Independent Fabrications custom Crown Jewel road bikes-(2) Gary Fisher Paragon 29er mt. bikes-Surly Karate Monkey single speed for commuting-Bernie Mikkelsen Berkeley Cruiser class BMX-Specialized Langster fixed gear-1972 Colnago Gran Corsa (nouvo record)
Deb:-(2) Primus Mootry Custom road bikes 1- Carbon/titanium 1- EL OS Columbus/carbonBontrager Race Lite mt. bike (yes, the hand built Santa Cruz one)Trek Fuel mt. bikeBridgestone RB1 (first love, will never part with it)Bob Jackson track bikeSurly 1×1 single speed commuter bike (my rocket ship)
And since Willie opened… 2001 KTM Adventure and 1989 Honda NX250
Love the response this question is getting! Yeah Bikes!!!!!
I have a all black Cannondale Bad Boy Ultra which is pretty much teh perfect commute bike.
Thank you, Laurel. I prefer my own two feet. Those white ghost bike memorials do a great job of scaring the shit out of me. I haven’t been on a bike since I was 12. I’ve heard too many horror stories in the city and prefer walking or the train. I’m totally afraid of bikes. But then again, I’m totally afraid of cockroaches and the animation in Where The Wild Things Are.
Attn David/David Mak – both Allan and I would like to do Fight Gone Belated on the 7th or 8th. If there are enough people could we form a 2nd team?
Um, I don’t have a bike.
Helmets are for people who don’t know how to fall right.
Brooklyn Boulders! I am in.Going to be rockin a new pair of mythos shoes!!
Bethany: We’re actually down 1 person. Cloyde is injured and can’t participate.
Iro fixed gear, Raleigh roadie converted to fixed gear, Specialized Roubaix, the last 2 bikes have been appropriated by Ruvin-oh well, at least they’re gettin used. Oh, also a Dahon Vitesse folder, I love that bike.Congrats Mike.
what’s the deal with fixed gear bikes? are we talking true fixies, or 1 speeds? because I am really interested in trying a true fixie but the lack of brakes scares me.
David Maksays
Congratulations Mike, looking forward to calling you “Sarg” in that low growl that’s required when addressing a Marine! I second the request for info on the wetting down.
FGB – Team “Coda” currently has one spot vacated by Cloyd due to his injury. We have interest from Allen, Bethany, Christine and Malcolm. Christine can only do it on the 6th which unfortunately doesn’t work for other members of the team. So between the three that are left, we can only take one unless we can find three other interested parties to form another team. Please post or let me or David know.
paul i have a true fixed gear. i love it. it took a little getting used to. if you go get one, i suggest getting a front break though, personally not having a break in new york is insanity. highly recommended
David Maksays
By the way, wow on the bike geek community! I feel like an outcast. The only bike’s I’ve had (ala Willie and Deb) were an 86 Ninja 600, a Honda CX 250 and a 2000 Moto Guzzi Jackal 1100. All sadly now have new homes. I always wore a helmet.
I have a Surly CrossCheck which Nick gave me as a graduation present when I finished grad school. It has all kinds of fancy components of which I am ignorant, except for the leather Brooks saddle, which I looooooove. It has many more than one speed. Pre-pregnancy, I rode it all over BK and into Manhattan often.
Laurel, biking in NYC is definitely hella scary. And that is a damn shame. I find Brooklyn, especially the brownstone sections, pretty reasonable though. I kept riding in BK while pregnant, and ironically the only close call I had was in Prospect Park, when a deaf guy stepped out in front of me on the center drive.
Laurel, I have had many spills on the bike. Road and mountain. The worst was a face plant into the pavement at about 40 mph. That said, I always wear a helmet.Riding in the city can definitely be scary, but sometimes the fear makes you hyper aware and then the ride can become thrilling.
I have a mountain bike that has not seen the mountains in way too long.
I have an old classic, a Peugeot road racer, that I used for doing laps in Prospect Park (never liked riding on NYC streets). Sadly, my biking has come to an end because of my sciatica. But I’m hoping that next summer I will ride again.
I have a cervelo p2c that I love more than any other bike. Feels like a rocket. Also train on it with a cyclops stand. Have a felt f4c as well, it’s amazing.
I’ll sell the f4c for a reasonable price if anyone interested…that’s the road bike.
sorry on felt F4C it’s a 56cm frame. in excellent condition. Reasonable seller.
look at those muscles!!
i have a bianchi road bike. its a hand-me-down from a cyclist friend and i love it. i use it for triathlons, or as a clothes hanger…
i want a “putz-around-bk” bike, maybe with a basket, bc i don’t like locking and leaving this bike outside.
PS. today’s my moving day! yay!!
20+ year old Schwinn World Sport. It’s my beater, after my beloved (old American made) Diamondback Sorrento that I had for 14 yrs was stolen last summer…sigh. I don’t fantasize about finding someone riding it (and tearing the perps head off) as much anymore, but I still look for her on the street occasionally.
David, you’re not taking stock of our bikes for a new “aquisition”, right?
P.S. – When I grow up I want to be as strong as Scott.
I love my 3-speed Gary Fisher Simple City. I guess you’d call it a cruiser but the ride is quite sporty and light. She’s my main mode of transportation for errands and getting around Brooklyn. I ride her into Manhattan for work a couple days a week too.
I love these questions.
I have a Specialized Dolce which I bought for triathlons…but it’s yet to see one. I also have an old yellow Cannondale mountain bike that I’ve used for just about everything. Both have of late been woefully neglected .
Chris: I hear you. You could fit two of my arms into one of Scott’s!
i have a PoS mountain bike (GT something or other) that I got when I was like 19. Just started riding it recently, I use it just to get to crossfit more or less. I would love to get it fixed up or get a new bike, but there are a number of other things I should spend my dough on.
That’s one good lookin’ Team! 🙂
I have a Cervelo P2C for triathlons or road riding…and a Swobo Sanchez for neighborhood, commuting to SBK, etc. I added a fancy little bell to it. I love it. And a mountain bike still in Michigan that probably doesn’t remember me anymore.
I have a crappy, heavy as hell mountain bike that I do not like. I haven’t ridden it as much lately, because I hate lugging it up and downstairs to our apartment and because I don’t have a lock. Yeah, I know excuses, excuses. I intend to eventually sell/trade and use that money towards a bike I could actually do a triathlon in.
I know I’m still fairly new to CFSBK, but I was shocked by the 7am blog post today!
I have three bikes
A Crappy, Heavy Mountain Bike with a loose seat and deflated tires that I got for free. Im going to donate or junk it soon.A Schwinn Caliente with a bunk back tire that I used to use to get around until the back tire fell off and Alec convinced me that it wasnt worth fixing.I currently am riding a 1991 KHS Team single speed that Alec is lending me while he finds me a proper bike. I was told that my “Phil Wood” hubs would impress people. Anybody?…Anybody?The KHS rides like a dream.
I have a 1971 BSA A65T with no mufflers. (It sets off car alarms as it rolls past) I used to ride it all the time, but I was finally overcome by a modicum of common sense.
I have a Cannondale road bike which must be 15 years old by now but still feels great to me. I ride it in Prospect Park, but not as often as I’d like.
Congrats Mike! You’ll make a hell of a sergeant, keep up the good work, let me know when the ceremony is. Oh and any plans for a wetdown?
I have a nice little novara road bike that I got from rei some years ago.
what do I use it for? I use it for making black marks against the wall of my hallway.
grr i should cycle more.
it’s true! you know someone’s a true bike geek when they drool a bit over your components…
I upgraded to a bikesdirect single-speed so if anyone (Stephanie) is interested in a great “putz-around-bk” bike let me know. It’s red with very pretty celeste handlebar tape 🙂
ooooooo! Phil Wood hubs!
Congratulations to Sgt. Mike!!
Who’s in for Brooklyn Boulders tonight? 7pm. Holla!
Shane, Can I bring children?
phil wood hubs are sweet!
i have too many bikes. i’m told
i have a cervelo p2c tri bike, a pinarello prince road bike, a ye old cannondale mountain bike, a spare and light as balls cannondale aluminum frame and my trusty windsor the hour fixed wheel.
You can definitely bring kids. They have a kids wall and everything!
Yay Milo!!!
Good grief – I would never have guessed that people would have such encyclopedic information about their bikes! I loved riding my bike growing up, but am deterred from bike commuting by the accident statistics plus mayhem amongst my bike-loving friends and family.
I don’t mean to be a wet blanket on the bike enthusiasm. It’s just that pretty much all of my good friends and family members who ride regularly have been injured on their bikes – lots of broken legs, wrists and clavicles. How many of you have broken a limb or concussed yourself while on a bike?
Do you all wear helmets? (If not go do some reading about concussions – particularly class III.)
the only thing that I ever break is the speed of sound!
I have a Raleigh Circa. It’s in the “comfort” bike category and I absolutely love it. I added renders, rear rack and baskets. I use it exclusively for getting to places that are hard to get to by train or on foot.
On the topic of bikes, I had been wanting to announce that my mapping website I work on for the city has just added bike routes and bike racks to the long list of features available for display. The only caveat is that you can’t see the bike routes at the lower zoom levels (that will come in the future). And there’s thousands of bike racks, so you have to zoom in pretty far to see those. But here it is:
I have a Specialized Roubaix long distance road bike which I am in love with and too paranoid to lock outside anywhere so I only take it out when I can lock it indoors or am just doing loops at prospect park. The idea is that I sign up for a road race, ahem.. I will get around to that. It’s on the long-term goals list.
If someone stole it I would be an inconsolable mess. In fact, I’d probably be Chris Fox circa last summer.
SEE YOU ALL AT BKB TONIGHT! Woohoo. And I brought my shoes to work with me this time. Eesh.. hopefully I also remembered my harness.
I have a bike problem…
My stable:
-Mid ’80s Strawberry, handbuilt in Oregon. Commuter, beater, alleycat bike. Converted to fixed gear, it’s a beautiful bike that looks like crap so nobody steals it.
-’84 3Rensho road bike, put 9spd Ultegra on for long rides to the beach and fall afternoons on Westchester trails.
-’08 Blue track bike, bought when I thought I was going to be a velodrome star.
Public service announcement: Anyone with the time and inclination can take their bike to one of the Times Up (www.times-up.org) locations for free classes and open workshops to fix it yourself – not hard, and way cheaper than paying a shop.
And there’s some bling in the CFSB community, apparently – a Pinarello Prince? Bananas!
i have two bikes one is a GT gtb aluminum track bike i use for most of my daily riding and the other is a bianchi eros road bike with down tube shifters and riser bars for longer rides… this winter the bianchi is going to get an upgrade with front and rear rack, full fenders ad CX tires for bad weather riding / grocery getting.
Laurel: I’ve only had one crash; back in 1997 while riding in Central Park. It wasn’t too bad, just a few scrapes. After that, I didn’t ride a bike again till 2003; it took me that long to get my road nerves back. Now, I don’t ride on roads at all just because I don’t trust NYC drivers (too much aggro frankly). But biking in the park was a great workout so I did it from 2003 till earlier this year. I’d like to do it again once my back is better.
Laurel, I ALWAYS wear a helmet. Saw a girl get run over by a car a few years ago and am just now recovering.. lets just say she did not have a helmet on. Visually traumatic.
Justin, thanks for the info I’ve actually been looking for something like that so I can stop harassing the guys at the bike shop with really dumb questions that make me look like an airhead.
Did Sunday’s WOD and accessories. It felt like a true (packed) CrossFit hour. Moments of intensity. Moments on instruction. Really great.
20 Walking Lunges / 10 Burpees: 4.5 rounds. Tabata Sit-Ups: 81.
I have a Specialized Hard Rock that an old roommate won at a bar and a Rocky Mountain Slayer. I use the Hard Rock for tooling around Brooklyn and the Slayer for hitting single track. I’ve been wanting a road bike for years but have yet to pull the trigger.
I have a 10 year old raleigh mountain bike that is pretty light and seems as good as new.
I have a bright yellow Giant TCR i use for triathlons and outracing cars whose car doors i left cleat imprints in. and yes, Laurel, i always wear my matching bright yellow helmet. i went over the handlebars once as a kid and cracked the helmet instead of my head and will always remember that lesson.
i wish i could join at brooklyn boulders tonight, but unless i come wearing a SARS mask, you guys probably don’t want me around. just be glad i didnt make out with any of you after FGB.
I have a bike problem…
My stable:
-Mid ’80s Strawberry, handbuilt in Oregon. Commuter, beater, alleycat bike. Converted to fixed gear, it’s a beautiful bike that looks like crap so nobody steals it.
-’84 3Rensho road bike, put 9spd Ultegra on for long rides to the beach and fall afternoons on Westchester trails.
-’08 Blue track bike, bought when I thought I was going to be a velodrome star.
Public service announcement: Anyone with the time and inclination can take their bike to one of the Times Up (www.times-up.org) locations for free classes and open workshops to fix it yourself – not hard, and way cheaper than paying a shop.
And there’s some bling in the CFSB community, apparently – a Pinarello Prince? Bananas!
Present quiver includes…Alec:- (2) Independent Fabrications custom Crown Jewel road bikes-(2) Gary Fisher Paragon 29er mt. bikes-Surly Karate Monkey single speed for commuting-Bernie Mikkelsen Berkeley Cruiser class BMX-Specialized Langster fixed gear-1972 Colnago Gran Corsa (nouvo record)
Deb:-(2) Primus Mootry Custom road bikes 1- Carbon/titanium 1- EL OS Columbus/carbonBontrager Race Lite mt. bike (yes, the hand built Santa Cruz one)Trek Fuel mt. bikeBridgestone RB1 (first love, will never part with it)Bob Jackson track bikeSurly 1×1 single speed commuter bike (my rocket ship)
And since Willie opened… 2001 KTM Adventure and 1989 Honda NX250
Love the response this question is getting! Yeah Bikes!!!!!
I have a all black Cannondale Bad Boy Ultra which is pretty much teh perfect commute bike.
Thank you, Laurel. I prefer my own two feet. Those white ghost bike memorials do a great job of scaring the shit out of me. I haven’t been on a bike since I was 12. I’ve heard too many horror stories in the city and prefer walking or the train. I’m totally afraid of bikes. But then again, I’m totally afraid of cockroaches and the animation in Where The Wild Things Are.
Attn David/David Mak – both Allan and I would like to do Fight Gone Belated on the 7th or 8th. If there are enough people could we form a 2nd team?
Um, I don’t have a bike.
Helmets are for people who don’t know how to fall right.
Brooklyn Boulders! I am in.Going to be rockin a new pair of mythos shoes!!
Bethany: We’re actually down 1 person. Cloyde is injured and can’t participate.
Iro fixed gear, Raleigh roadie converted to fixed gear, Specialized Roubaix, the last 2 bikes have been appropriated by Ruvin-oh well, at least they’re gettin used. Oh, also a Dahon Vitesse folder, I love that bike.Congrats Mike.
what’s the deal with fixed gear bikes? are we talking true fixies, or 1 speeds? because I am really interested in trying a true fixie but the lack of brakes scares me.
Congratulations Mike, looking forward to calling you “Sarg” in that low growl that’s required when addressing a Marine! I second the request for info on the wetting down.
FGB – Team “Coda” currently has one spot vacated by Cloyd due to his injury. We have interest from Allen, Bethany, Christine and Malcolm. Christine can only do it on the 6th which unfortunately doesn’t work for other members of the team. So between the three that are left, we can only take one unless we can find three other interested parties to form another team. Please post or let me or David know.
paul i have a true fixed gear. i love it. it took a little getting used to. if you go get one, i suggest getting a front break though, personally not having a break in new york is insanity. highly recommended
By the way, wow on the bike geek community! I feel like an outcast. The only bike’s I’ve had (ala Willie and Deb) were an 86 Ninja 600, a Honda CX 250 and a 2000 Moto Guzzi Jackal 1100. All sadly now have new homes. I always wore a helmet.
I have a Surly CrossCheck which Nick gave me as a graduation present when I finished grad school. It has all kinds of fancy components of which I am ignorant, except for the leather Brooks saddle, which I looooooove. It has many more than one speed. Pre-pregnancy, I rode it all over BK and into Manhattan often.
Laurel, biking in NYC is definitely hella scary. And that is a damn shame. I find Brooklyn, especially the brownstone sections, pretty reasonable though. I kept riding in BK while pregnant, and ironically the only close call I had was in Prospect Park, when a deaf guy stepped out in front of me on the center drive.
Laurel, I have had many spills on the bike. Road and mountain. The worst was a face plant into the pavement at about 40 mph. That said, I always wear a helmet.Riding in the city can definitely be scary, but sometimes the fear makes you hyper aware and then the ride can become thrilling.