Wall-ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull (Reps)
Box jump (Reps)
Push-press (Reps)
Row (Calories)
In this workout you spend one minute at each of five stations, resulting in a a five-minute round after which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. This event calls for three rounds. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of ‘rotate,’ the athletes must move to the next station immediately. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower, where each calorie is one point.
Post score to comments.
compare to 6.19.09 and 9.27.09
Brooklyn Represented Hard this Year at Fight Gone Bad IV
Gym Fund raising Total: $26,826
Top Fund Raisers
1. Matt Ufford: $8,251 (Top Fund raiser in entire US and Canada)
2. JR McKechnie: $3,101
3. Jim Ryan: $1,490
4. Brian Scott: $1,355
5. Gerrit Gillis: $1,150
Top Females Rx'd
1. Nicole Shannon: 253
2. Anne Williams: 249
3. Charlotte Kaiser: 227
Top Males Rx'd
1. Nick Peterson: 355
2. Scott Lundhagen: 340
3. Dan Reshef: 338
Thanks to all the participants, volunteers, friends and family who made this year's fight even bigger and better than last year!
NYC Paint Ball
The Toxic Avenger Musical
HAIR The Musical
I started off good, out the gates, getting 111 in the first round, but things quickly deteriorated after that. 73 followed by 67. I blame some of that on the cold I’ve been getting rid of. I think the lingering chest congestion hampered the recovery between rounds.
Humm, as I was looking at a few of the posts from around last years FGB, in the hopes of finding my score (which it seems I didn’t post), a few interesting things.
A) I was sick last year around this time also. Although fully recovered before the event.B) The next day, I pr’d with a 380 deadlift (25 pounds lighter then my current best).C) The day after the deadlift, I got my first sub-10 minute Annie with a 9:17 (my current pr is 6:27).
And that, boys and girls, is why you should always post your scores.
I’m pretty sure last years FGB was around 220. I might have it in my notebook at the lyceum.
I can’t find the paper with:
Top three teamsDan R’s Scoretop Fundraising team total
Help me out!
Damn, CFSB, I am so proud of all of you and sorry I wasn’t there today!! I was thinking about all of you all day. I can’t wait to join the ranks of FGB4 veterans.
282 Rx’d
last year i’d just completed foundations and coach david convinced me to do FGBIII. i’m glad he did. i did it modified, but can’t remember my score, i think it was 196, i know it was close to don’s 189 which is recorded.
absolutely amazing day today. thanks to all for making it flawless.
having such a great group of people to work out with and share CrossFit with..it’s just incredible. you all RULE!!
If I recall correctly, I scored a 234 this time last year. today was 316, both as rx’d. pretty happy with this kind of improvement!
Nice work everyone! From fundraising to the actual wod.
258 (scaled to 45lb SDHP & press and 8ft wall ball) Next year there will be no scaling!
I am so dead.
CFSBK rocks.
Super hairy fun.
David, Do you need help putting the box back together? I’m free early tomorrow. Lemme know.
228 interestingly enough thats the exact same score as my June FGB.
I dont have my current scoresheet in front of me and dont feel like going to the car at 3Am.
But since I wrote such a long write up in June I can see some things were the same.
Thanks Paul for keeping my score and pushing me through.
I really think my performance would be better if I was able to get in the gym more than twice a month this past month.
Ahh well. Theres always next year.
It was a fun day and it was great to see the energy and love at CFSBK!
316 as rx’d. nice work everyone, really great to be a part of CFSBK on days like today.
FGB as Rx’d:Box Jumps: 27,22,25:74Push Press: 20,15,11:46Row:10,10,7:27Wall Ball:11,10,9:30SDLHP:15,13,15:43Total:220
My first FGB was a couple of months ago and I scaled to an 8ft target and 45lb bar for the push press and SDLHP. My old score was 225 – so this performance was a substantial improvement in terms of the work done… next time I’d like to get more reps too! I got nauseated in the last round on the push-press, but managed to control it (something I’ve been working on) and not throw-up.
Congratulations everyone! Watching Nicole and Anne blast through this was inspiring – we miss you in the gym Nicole!
This was fun. As with all big and scary WODs I’ve never done before, I approached it somewhat conservatively–Margie advised going 80% in round 1, 70% in round 2, and 100% in round 3. This was brilliant–still, I think I could have gone a bit harder in round 1. Also, my wall ball is for crap. Need to work on that and push press, and cycling my box jumps. Great day in the box! Followed by a great day with the capoeira crew–Malcolm, Laurel, Alec, Deb, Dan, thanks so much for coming out!! Sorry it ran a little long–those Brazilians. And M&L, we owe you big time for babysitting Linus.
it was really so good to see everyone….we will try to make it over there when we can, which will hopefully be more than it’s been this summer. anyway – i spent the rest of yesterday with a pounding headache and a fever. so, it looks like i lost that fight after all.
i had some serious wall ball issues (i only did 6 in my last round), mostly it was all in my head, i just did not want to do it. but also – because we only have a 20 lb wall ball here i try to avoid using it as much as possible. last time i did fgb with you guys in june i was able to do i think 12-17 wall ball each round, so next time my goal will be a minimum of 15 per round. in june i scored 265 – so a slight decrease in performance this time.
hope to see you guys soon!
174. I am totally going to be most improved next year. If I had trained for this, I think I could have banged out another 25 reps.
Yesterday was a great event, a fine a example of the combination of intensity and comradery that make CFSBK a great place. It is impressive to watch so many people charge headlong into suffering, past the point of collapse, then rip themselves off the floor and charge headlong again. And again. My calves hurt.
305 (up from 278 in June) 164 of which came on box jumps and SDHP. I’m quite happy with the results, especially considering my asthma was rather bad yesterday. Congratulations to everyone involved.
Update to our party for anyone who wants to come.
The Show Must Go On!
Despite the rainy day, all this good food has been made (or is in the process of being made so the party is still on.However, we decided to move the party to our apartment.
The address is 305 Lefferts Ave Apartment #1 Brooklyn NY 11225.
Its on the corner or Lefferts ave and Nostrand ave.
For those of you taking public transportation, you can take the 2 Train to Sterling street (we live right around the corner). Or take the Q Train to Prospect Park (about a 10-15 minute walk).
It already looks like the weather is clearing up so we will be able to open up our outdoor space in the backyard and frontyard. There is also a school with a playground nearby.
Please don’t let the rain deter you. Trust us, it’ll be worth it!
If you have any questions callor text me.
I’m feeling extremely bummed. I thought I had crossed 200 when I saw 209 on my scoresheet but later found it was 199! Crestfallen, I think, is the word that applies. (And now, I’ve missed today because I slept in way too late).
Thanks to everyone for making yesterday a great day. And a big shout-out to A.rmed And DangerA.S.S
SDLHP: 20 17 13 = 50Box Jump: 26 16 14 = 56Push Press: 15 12 12 = 39Row: 11 8 9 = 28Wall Ball: 12 9 9 = 30Totals: 84 62 57 = 203
This is +19 from when we did this in July, and 200 was the number I had in mind for this time.
It was interesting to see how a different starting position changed my numbers – wall ball took a pretty big hit. I’ve got some idea of what I need to work on going forward.
Awesome job to everyone who participated!
Anne’s First FGB: Totally took it easy, modified all the stations where possible. 249. Surprisingly, my numbers on SDHP (20 in last round), box jump (39 in first round) and push press (averaged 15) were decent. Wall balls and rower…not so much (averaged… 6…). I blame the run and prep time between them. Still, wall balls will pretty much always suck big wall balls.
Post-FGB-WOD: A lot of tequila and almost no food. Rushed to a high school reunion dinner inhaling some of that bison jerky I bought from Margie, on the way. Must. Stop. Rewarding. Self. On Big WODs. With. Partying…
Sunday: 7.75 rounds of 20 squats+10 burpees. Finally learned how to row more efficiently: Began at 20-21/2:45 split, maintained a solid 18/2:20 for 6-700m and then went to shit for the last 200m at 19-24 stroke rating averaging a 2:30 split.
Gonna be gone for next 2 weeks, and even though I’ll be on paradise island (Bali), will miss the box and the wods. Will bring back pork-fattened waistline.
So sorry I missed it! It sounds like it was painfully fun. I’m looking forward to the reprise.
355 Rx’d. The transition onto the erg was tough, and the wall ball was not fun. I felt great on the box jumps, and, surprisingly to me, the push press, which generally sucks for me but which was my first station. I came to realize that the hardest station is the best one to start with.
This was my first real FGB, and I loved the event. It was so cool to see parents (Shane’s lovely mother and McGrath’s Irish Bard for a father), spouses, and kids in the audience, and the energy was fantastic. Thank you CFSBK – coaches, volunteers, Paul and Becca, etc. – for making it such a great event!!
Thank you, Nicole, for helping me with a pooped and poopy Linus, who’d had just about enough at around noon. And thank you, Tim, for being my judge. Also, Dan, Laurel, Malcolm, and Alec: thanks for coming to our batizado! It was great to see you there, and it meant a lot to us. And Malcolm and Laurel – many thanks for tending to Linus! Sorry the event dragged on.
190, Rx’d. Kind of a bummer, as I was shooting for 200, and I don’t feel nearly sore enough today (although my hammies and traps are definitely in pain).
Next year: 250 (though I can’t promise same amount in the way of fundraising).
Dorky feelings revealed: I’m really proud to be a part of such a great group of people. Thanks to all who participated.
My first ever Fight Gone Bad was awesome from beginning to end! So much energy and excitement.
I scaled using 45lbs for SDLHP and Push press, and 14lb wall ball with 8ft. target.
SDLHP: 24, 20, 20 = 64Box Jump(step-up): 20, 25, 22 = 67Push Press: 20, 13, 15 = 48Row: 11, 10, 10 = 31Wall Ball: 12, 12, 13 = 37TOTAL: 247
I was very pleased with my performance but could have pushed harder in the push press and SDLHP. The wall balls completely sucked @ss. Next time will be Rx’d for sure!
Thank you everyone for a fantastic day!
Really fun coaching/judging Nicole and watch her rock everything! She made it look so easy…
awww! sad we had to miss this! looks like it was amazing on every level. can’t wait to do the next one. glad everyone had a good time in the belly of the FGB beast and that david mcgrath’s little girl sealed it with a kiss. ( = adorbs!!)
FGB as Rx’d:
Row: 10,8,9 = 27Wall Ball: 9,7,9 = 25SDLHP: 12,15,16 = 43Box Jump: 23,21,21 = 65Push Press: 20,15,10 = 45Total: 205
I can’t wait to break 300 next year!