30 Muscle-Ups for time
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compare to 2.2.09
Accessory Work
Squat Therapy
Thanks to all the kids and parents who came out for our first South Brooklyn Kids class yesterday. We can't wait until next week!
If a friend asked you, "Besides the workouts, why do you like training at CrossFit South Brooklyn?" What would you say?
Full disclosure;We’re working on a Tri Fold/post card to help promote the new space and wanted to know what you guys think makes SBK special beyond the workouts. We’d like to put some testimonials or quotes from some of our members on it.
I really appreciate any and all responses. You can also email me if you’d prefer not to post.
7 hours sleep!
The great coaches. It’s like having a personal trainer but cheaper.
The class format. In each class you’ve got lots of people around to push you and support you. It’s like going to the gym and knowing all your friends will be there.
the close knit community, the support and encouragement is incredible; from your fellow athletes, whatever level they are to the tremendous coaching staff who’s knowledge and attention to detail is second to none.when you train you don’t train on your own you train with a team! of amazing people.
Smart, caring and articulate coaches. Normal dudes, not annoying jocks in logo polos pushing packages.
NEVER being bored from a workout. NEVER bailing on a workout because of being bored/hurting too much. Coaching and the great community allows for this.
The supportive and like-minded members. BK TO THE FULLEST!
Peaches and the variety of other stone fruits available at the close of workouts. Whoever brings those is super cool.
Get your M.I.A. or West Coast punk fix!
The coaches, the class format, the tolerance and acceptance of varying abilities, the creation of a supportive atmosphere that makes everyone into a proto-coach invested in others’ progress (I’ve lost count of the number of people that have helped me during workouts and passed on training tips – all without me asking for help).
Nothing shows the CFSBK vibe better than what happens when someone is working hard to finish a workout that is tough on them: everyone cheers them on!
And you’ll never, ever be bored.
Ditto Matt R. and Samir. CFSBK is the only place I’ve been where outstanding physical fitness isn’t tied to ego. It’s not just that the workouts are challenging and fun, they’re also 100% dickhead-free.
everyone basically said it, but cfsbk is the opposite of complacency.
That’s great and all guys but 7 comments and no mention of how handsome the trainers are is a little disconcerting
Crossfit South Brooklyn: We guarantee 100% dickhead-free workouts.
co-sign on the dickhead freeness.
When I started coming to Crossfit South Brooklyn all I wanted was a place to help me get back in shape. What I found was a lot more. A community and family of people who have helped push me as an athlete and someone who is generally concerned about health and fitness. I said it somewhere before but our box might has the highest concentration of intelligent folks of any gym i’ve been too. Hell, it has more down to earth intelligent people than most social circles I am in. Not pretentious intelligent folks, but friendly intelligent folks who are always wining to share information. Its like having a gym to workout and an encyclopedia all in one.CFSBK is like the gym version of the TV show, Cheers. “Norm!”
I’m always sad when I cant make it to the gym for a few days.
Speaking of which im gonna have to find a way to get to the Lyceum today with all the Parade stuff going on. I guess ill ride my bike. Hopefully I dont have to go all the way around the south side of the park.
I dont know about 30 muscle ups for time–especially with shoulder fatigure from yesterday.
maybe ill hit up that deadlift burpee WOD
Pfft. I’m just here for the chicks.
More sincerely,
The best thing about CrossFit South Brooklyn is that you are immediately accepted for who you are, and then immediately challenged to get better.
Wait, CFSBK is a gym? I thought it was just the place where I go to play with my friends.
Sorry, Shane. Like I said — more than once I’ve mistaken you guys for International Male catalog models.
Thanks for the kind words, everyone. It really means a lot.
Warm-Up:500m RowDeadlift: 135×5, 225×5
275#DL/Burpee WOD:5:11 as Rx’d
Everything unbroken. Kept a steady pace on the burpees for the first 4 rounds. Last round was a sprint. I think i can do this sub 5 next time.
That was a lot of fun.
A community of like minded, intelligent, no-ego folks with the goal of better mind, body and spirit. An atmosphere that makes all feel welcome and soon after that, challenged to do what you thought you couldn’t and the support to accomplish it.
Too mushy? How about – It’s a cool ass place!
Can’t make it tonight (insert sad face). My WOD is “build decked patio for time”.
30 muscle ups for time6;55 pr
Achieving your fitness goals is a matter of taking lots of small, deliberate steps forward and that can be a hell of a lot to take on by yourself. CFSBK is the best way I’ve found to get the guidance, support, and inspiration I need to get me where I want to be, fitness-wise.
Plus, the bumper plates make you look badass when you’re doing squats out on the street.
great photo, great caption.
damn coach david! impressive feats today, most impressive.
WODmuscle ups. great working with cloyde and matt. very close to getting a real muscle up.
Acc Wksquat therapy. always appreciated. it might sound weird, but it feels so right when i squat correctly.
30 muscle ups for time:28:04First 15 were more or less strict in 12:36. I hadn’t done kipping muscle-ups before… decided to keep going and slowly figured out the kipping part as I got tired.
pretty much what every one else has said. the sense of community in our gym is tremendous. you really feel like every one cares about each others well being (100% dickhead fee). the coaches, not only handsome but intelligent. they really know how to tailor things to each individual even in a group environment. also they push you to go past your limits when you think you cant. constantly being challenged to do different things that you would not have tried on your own and realizing that you can do them.
oh yeah and the chicks.
as for the muscle-up practice my group got through 20 assisted. thanks to david and matt for helping me. i know their arms must be tired from doing all the work for me.
I’d say, I came to crossfit because I wanted to be able to do cool tricks, but I ended up really liking it because of all the things everyone else mentioned. I didn’t think I was going to have to, like, talk to people. But it turns out that’s really the best part. It kind of reminds me of that feeling you get from having some kind of shared adventure–mountain biking, climbing, camping. It’s kind of refreshing to know that a regular workout can incorporate that, too. The coaches do a really great job of building the community without making it cheesy or smarmy in any way. It’s just good, clean American fun.
Awesome getting 3 days in a row. May not see you guys til next weekend.
Muscle Ups need lots of work–got lots of assists from Chris, Joe, and Gabe. That transition sucks. I need to practice that more somehow.
I feel like I cant pull hard enough to get high enough to clear the bar.
Afterwards did the Deadlift Burpee WOD. 8:20@ 235. That was tough. Especially since Im sore all over from Saturday and Sunday. I considered doing 250 or 255. Glad I didnt. Hopefully the next tiem we do it I can do it at about 255 and do a sub 8
ah mah gah those pushups (even modified) wrecked me. i haven’t truly done any in weeks, and the need to do more is obvious. bethenny’s solidarity movement(s) helped. and while my arms felt like wet paper towel rolls, as cheesy as this sounds, when I was on the floor (considering napping since I already down there and exhausted), I kept thinking about my friend who was in a car accident and had to have his entire arm rebuilt in a multitude of ways, and that kind of pushed me through.
nino has a really good point — i get slightly frustrated realizing how far i am from where i want to be. so it helped to be reminded of the “baby steps” mantra and that progress isn’t always visible or obvious overnight. (thanks, el niño). and everyone else from tonight. and david and shane for not being dickheads or chatches but of course still being so handsome it hurts to think about sometimes.
oops, forgot to mention. 20 muscles up. 5 sets of 3 and then 5 singles.
I really like the complimentary post-WOD smoothies and deep tissue massages. You all get those too, right?
My favorite part of tonight was, “We’ll have an easy day today…now do 50 pullups and 100 pushups.” Thanks Julie for sticking it out with me!
CF SBK: The most fun I’ve ever had getting my ass kicked.
I think our time was 29:40. it was nice to take our time a bit and really try and dial in the movement.
I came to class tonight in a pretty grumpy mood for a variety of mostly work related reasons, and all that stuff just went out the door as soon as we started class.
I feel like everyone is really into learning and improving. as a musician, it comes kind of naturally for me to obsess over a phrase or a movement until it really gets dialed in, but I really enjoy the process of getting closer and closer to that.
Approached this workout with an injury and solid coaching not to do 30 for time.
Instead went with 30 attempts of strict muscle ups, each time making sure the wrists rotate out at full extension at the bottom. Oh, an non-kipped dips. It’s all strength work.
Got 2-2-2-1-1-1-1 followed by 20 attempts.
Strict MU’s are getting me stronger without putting me at risk for an injury. The attempts are solid, the weak arm is clearly the limiting factor. Definitely regaining some strength. In the next 6 months will aim for sub 10 this workout with strict MU’s.
Did 15 kipping muscle ups for time in 20:32. I kept not resting enough between attempts and then failing. I think if I had checked my ego at the door and rested 45 seconds per I would have been able to do this a lot faster.
Paul: we were 28:25 or so. your time was 28:40 but you started after me so we may as well call it 28. However we can’t call it 28 flat because Laurel got 28:04 and she beat us. curses!
fun working with Paul and Allan.
Great working with Shawn, Gabe and Chris. We did about 15 each, as far as my limited math skills can tell.
Thanks David for the kipping pointers afterwards. I’ll get it one of these days.
Did some wall ball with Paul, Becca and Dan as well.
I spent the whole weekend transferring my workout log onto a blogger site, so now when I want to compare Sunday’s suck-fest (Nancy in 22:something) to July’s 3 rounds of 1/2 bodyweight squat + 600 meter run (16:22), it’s only a few clicks away.
CFSBK has turned working out into something fun for the first time in my life. Going to a traditional gym was always an exercise in boredom for me.
The fun comes, as other people have said, from the community at SBK. It is populated with funny, kind, incredibly intelligent people who are there to both support & challenge each other. And the community is led by amazing coaches who make each class feel worth every second of time spent there.
But the biggest added value I have gained from training at SBK is learning to look at physical achievements as a primary end goal of exercise, instead of weight loss or body-changes. It has been a huge change in thinking for me and has fundamentally altered how I approach working out and how I feel about myself in many ways.
I never feel bored, time never feels wasted and I always feel like I’m progressing and learning in some big or small way when I’m at CFSBK.
5:42 as RX’d (PR)
Did the first 5 unbroken which was just enough to knock off a little chunk but not enough to burn myself out. Kept waiting to hit the wall, but I was able to keep my kips pretty clean. Aiming for 5:30 next time.
Fallen behind in the WODs so I made up the Deadlift/Burpee WOD today.4:57 Rx’d. A few of the DLs got a little sloppy at the end.Kept a steady pace on the burpees and did all but the last set of DLs unbroken (5th set was 3-2).
Thank you everyone for the amazing and heartfelt responses.
I train at CFSBK as a coach because it is the only gym of those I have worked at where the the through-line is respect. Respect for movement, respect for the space and equipment and most of all respect for the coaches and athletes.
I train at SBK because of the people I work with and the people I work for. We’ve got an incredible collection of members with a wide-range of abilities, talents and personalities and a community that somehow manages to be close-knit but not cliquish. As we’ve gone from 10 members to well over 100 that hasn’t changed.
Finally, I’m honored that we are a family gym. Seeing couples, husbands and wives, parents and children working and playing together is perhaps what I’m most proud of.
I can’t thank you all enough for making South Brooklyn the place that it is.
I’m so bad at putting into words just how much CFSBK means to me, but suffice to say it is a lot! The coaches, the people, the community, its all quite amazing. I feel that I’ve grown just as much mentally as I have physically since I started working out with CFSBK.
Crossfit SBK, a dickhead free zone of sexy trainers and chicks…
Agreed. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve described our box to friends (pun unintended), to watch them get gape-jawed and stoked at the prospect of such a group’s existence. Suffice it to say they’ll all go nuts when they find out about the new place with presumably better hours.
And I love the community too, but whenever I talk up that stuff they joke that I’ve joined a cult (I mean, we joke about it ourselves all the time). I think a complete stranger will be more impressed by shit like “visible results before you know it” type stuff, which CFSBK can produce IN SPADES. No other gym will make you this strong/fast/confident/aces on all movements/hungry, with a forced smile or borderline O-face the way Xfit will.
Everyone else has been eloquent on the main points, with which I whole heartedly agree.
I just want to add that I love CFSBK because it is a diverse community that is warm and open to everyone who walks in the door. There are very few places where people across demographic lines (age, gender, politics, sexual orientation, race etc.) mingle and feel like one big extended family.
One other thing – As a woman, outside of CFSBK, I am rarely commended for my physical strength. I get worried comments on the size of my arms or on the state of my hands. At CFSBK I get nothing but roaring enthusiasm and support for being a strong woman who wants to get stronger and I revel in it.
Thanks everyone!
Before yesterday I had gotten MAYBE 7 or 8 muscle ups, ever, all a stuggle, all one at a time. During the WOD I got 15 strict total, still a struggle but I was pleasantly surprised at finding my self atop the rings that many times.
Why SBK?
It’s a great vibe right from the onset. I remember being anxious before my first teaser at CFSBK, and then giddy at the feeling of the movements and watching people really work. I come from a Globo-Gym backround where people are sold on machines and flat screens, where management would be just as happy if you paid and never showed up. At SBK people aren’t “sold” anything, and REAL fitness is going on everytime someone walks into the space and commits to try their best. Yes, it’s all (relatively) hard work…and that’s good because hard work is what works.
Last but certainly not least on 30 MUs for time…
Laurel = WOW!!!
I agree with all of the comments about the greatness of SBK. Coming from a team-sports background, I love the “team” feel of it all. Although we’re all trying to make personal achievements, everyone is there to push and support you. And, it’s not annoying!
It’s not like soccer practice, when you have to do the same mundane drill over and over again. Our workouts are always different, always exciting, always challenging and always fun. That, along with the fantastic coaching, is what keeps me coming back for more.
As for the WOD: I did all of my muscle-ups unbroken in record time! No, seriously that is the hardest movement I have ever tried. I thought that using my legs to help pull me through would make it not so hard, but boy was I wrong. I love how David made us face the group so we could all make our embarrassing “this is hard as hell” face. I’m sure mine was lovely.
After that we continued to take it “easy” with 100 pushups/50 pullups. Thanks Becca for being a great partner! Did most of my pullups on the green band, but got 13 blue band pull-ups in. I’m going to try to use the blue band regularly now!
I think we should call the non-WOD WOD (100 pushups/50 pullups) the “Sneaky Pete”. Thank you, Jess, for muddling through with me! Also, thanks to Paul for somehow coercing me into Wallball practice after that when I thought I didn’t have it in me. (But I did!) And to Joe and Dan for joining us and giving more good advice.
I agree with everything from the above comments re: why we heart CFSBK so I’ll leave it at that.
Of Human Bondage by Somerset Maugham
Anna Karenina transl. by Volokhonsky & Pevear
And A Laugh At the End of the World by Bill Knott, whose entire body of work you can read online for free. Best Poet of the 20th & 21st century.
Also, if any of you were into Madeleine L’Engle as a kid, I highly recommend When I Reach You by Rebecca Stead. Yeah, it’s supposed to be for kids, but it’s really, really well-written. Cleverly plotted, funny, moving. Simple and good.
A little late on this post.. oops.
Crossfit has given me a greater level of self-awareness than i’ve ever achieved training for sports or working out on my own at a gym. I think that’s invaluable.
+ everything else that everyone already said.