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compare to (5×3) 8.20.09
Accessory Work
Hip Extensions 101
WU: Clean Drills
September Foundations at CrossFit South Brooklyn!
Times: Mondays and Thursdays at 8pm
Dates: 9/3, 9/7, 9/10, 9/14, 9/17, 9/21, 9/24, 9/28
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Diet, Inflammation and Disease with Dr. Barry Sears CrossFit Journal
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Can Hormones Explain Female High Fliers? BBC
Sweet, I can’t wait to clean today!
Worked out at Crossfit Threshold in Miami last night.
1 mile run
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1Sit-ups, Pull-ups, Weighted Walking Lunges (25lb)
The humidity/heat is INCREDIBLE here and my run was like molasses. (outdoor at 5:30pm = painful) Makes me really appreciate BK’s weather. Enjoyed the weighted lunges with the plates overhead instead of a dumbbell.
155, 175, 185, 200(f), 200(pr), 205(f), 205(f)
previous pr was 190 so felt great to get a 10lb pr!
145 – 165 – 175 – 195f – 195pr
1st time for singles so I felt pretty good about the weight, though the last one wasn’t pretty.
Thanks for the pointers, coaches. And nice lifting with Vincent, whose attention to detail is much appreciated.
Bench Press 5×547/52/57/62/67×2/65
So nice to see everyone and smell Linus’ sweet baby head. 🙂
WODmissed this cycle of cleans so did 3’s instead.
felt good at the beginning but then started feeling tightness in either the tensor fasciae latae or vastus lateralis. THIS SUCKS!
95 115 135 155
hip extensions were good.
A very useful workout with Malcolm who gamely put up with the constant movement of weights off the bar as he worked with me.
WOD: 65×3, 85×3, 95×3 to warm-up. Then, 100, 105, 110. At this stage, some poor arithmetic on my part resulted in my moving to 125 rather than the intended 115. I did the lift but a little shakily. That done, we decided I might as well go on to 130, which also came off (a bit shakily again).
So, all in all, a decent lifting session. I still need to work on form on this lift. Many thanks to Malcolm, David and Shane for tips.
Nice working with Samir, it is really nice seeing how cautious and smart he is being with an old injury. I was reminded of the article that was posted here recently about crossfit being a fad. And I thought, NO, we have people being sensible and progressing intelligently for long term health and vitality. Samir demonstrated that in spades today.
Had a really satisfying lifting session.
145, 165, 185, 200F, 200F (caught, but too deep to stand up), 190PR. Old PR was set during the 3x session at 175, so this was awesome. Last time I did singles my max was 165, so this is fantastic progress.
Good to be back working out at SBK after a mighty decadent week in Cancun!
Although Jess and I did manage to get in a few WODs at the fitness center on site (including using a tennis court for some shuttle runs, wicked fun in 96 degrees), mostly it was : Eat, Drink, Lay at beach/pool, repeat.
Glad to finish the clean cycle today.
155, 175 (fail, wtf), 165, 175, 180, 185, 190
I’m going to work on shrugging with more force and pulling under with quicker elbows, and should be happy to be a bit over 200 next time around. Working across from Jeremy will tend to make you want to pull more.
Afterward worked a few strict muscle-ups, a few front levers, some wall ball, and listened in on an impromtu tutorial by Nick on the erg. Thanks, Nick.
Unmentionables…FIGHT GONE DRAG!
Good seeing everyone again. And thanks to everyone who came to hang at Palo Santo afterwards.
This was my extended experience with cleans so it was quite fun to learn this new movement. I ended doing 105 to start. Thanks for the help, David.
BBC link is broken; should be this I believe:
Cleans: (45×5,65×5,85×6)115,125,135,140F,140F,140F…grrraWWRRR. I’ll get 140 next time! I’m not dropping deep enough and am not fast enough over all.
Great lifting with you Charlotte – I am looking forward to the time when you can push as hard as you want to.
Brunch at Palo Santo was wonderful – leisurely and cozy, and as always, delicious.
Team 5 = Bjorn to Fight! Great team meeting, nice to meet you Jim!
235 would have been a PR, first attempt I was way out of sync with my first pull, getting my butt up in the air before the weight really moved. 2nd attempt I got it up, but couldn’t get under it. It’s funny how just adding a little more weight makes a movement pattern go from competent to crappy, just need to pull that weight off the ground a few more times I suppose.
Cleans 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (AKA: stubborn bastard refusing to quit until he gets the PR.)
(95×3, 115×3, 135×1)
155, 165, 185, 205f, 195, 200f, 200f, 200f, 200f, 200(pr)
Nice working with Sameer (welcome home!) today on these cleans. Something was off for the first few lifts, form just wasn’t coming together at first.
Nice to finally reach 200 with a legit squat clean. Next goal will be to clean what I can front squat.
Then reviewed SDHPs with Mike and Carlos, while running through the “Bully” workout that Laurel joined in on just a few days ago.
That was 5 rounds for max reps of DU’s and SDHP in one minute (total of 10 minutes of work, no rest).
I did a variant that was DU’s and Push-press@80lbs.
DUs: 86/25/25/24/35PPs: 22/15/19/17/17
It was horrible and oddly the weight felt *very* heavy. By the time the second round was starting, my vision was fringing black. Was definitely low blood sugar from not eating enough and wanted this to be over.
Didn’t use a rack, so cleaned this from the floor. Added to the transition time and the suck. I had hoped needing to clean from the floor would provided an incentive to not drop the weight. That was not the case, instead dropping the bar became the most rewarding aspect.
Not a very good day of cleans, I did triples.
very frustrating.
Dan– if you can clean what you can front squat you probably need to improve your front squat!
Quick Burner workout. 30 second Burpee Ladder, Worked my way up to 9.
WARMUP: 45*6 mhpc, 65*6, 75*5
95*2, 115*5, 125*2, 135*1, 145*1, 155*2
on the 115*5 i worked with david on my jerky form. got a little better. stiil need to focus on opening my hands when i catch. surprised at the 155. slowly but surely gettin stronger. tried a 1rm of frsg got a 165 which i think is considerably higher than my last 1fm a month ago. good times