Post loads to comments.
compare to 1.19.09
Accessory Work
1000m Pace/Technique Row
Sub 20 Stroke Rating, Drop your Split :10-:15 at 500m mark
Finish your pressing with 2 sets of 5 reps at moderate weight on the dumbbells.
Anne and Coach Shane give Deb a hand on her Front Lever
We will be announcing the the first FIGHT GONE BAD IV team on tomorrow's rest day post! Just like last year, we'll ask that one person from each team volunteers as captain and helps coordinate their team's starting positions, strategy and leads the destruction of all other teams. There was also be an incentive for the team with the most funds raised for Charity. Details to follow…
For the next week, we're asking that everyone takes note of how many meals they've prepared for themselves. This isn't a challenge or contest, we just want you to take a moment at the end of each day and write down anything you cooked as opposed to purchased from a restaurant. We'll follow up on this next Tuesday, don't post meals to comments.
Eat This! CrossFit Santa Cruz Central
Question for everyone: has anyone here experimented with a zero-alcohol regime for some time? Would you care to share your experiences (with respect to how you felt it affected your training)? (It might be some folks don’t imbibe at all; I’d be interested to hear their thoughts as well).
Who wants to go climbing tomorrow night at Brooklyn Boulders? Regan and I are gonna go around 7. It’s $16 for just bouldering, $20 to boulder and climb the big walls and $5 bucks to rent climbing kicks.
I’m currently taking a break from the sauce and a week in, it feels great. I didn’t drink for three months a couple of years ago when I was training kickboxing and btwn that, eating well and starting crossfit I was in the best shape of my life (oh how the mighty have fallen) but it makes a huge difference in your training. sure you can perform well while still drinking but you’ll perform better w/o it or w/ cutting it back.
For my food challenge (day 32 today) I gave up alcohol except during cheat meals (actually only 1 beer in the last 32 days). I cannot separate the effects of not drinking from the effect of no sugar and no grain or pre-prepared food. But the cumulative effect has been large, with a number of good PRs. However one thing I have noticed is that I have to be very careful to get enough calories so that I don’t conk-out. It is very obvious on the days when I have not eaten enough fat.
If you haven’t looked my food log is at greateraias.tumblr.comThe log got pretty sparse around the cert, but I was eating well, just forgetting frequently to photo. My initial plan was to keep this up for 60 days, but that is starting to seem too short.
about 8 months ago I quit drinking except for fridays and saturdays. not sure if this is at all the same effect as cutting it out completely, in fact it probably isn’t, but I’ve liked it enough to keep it up.
Shane: Thanks for the reply. I went off earlier this year for a few months(but I wasn’t CF’ing at that time). I noticed I slept better for one thing; unfortunately at that time, I was very burned out on training and didn’t benefit as much as I could have. I’d like to do it again now that I’ve started CF.
Malcolm: Thats encouraging (your noticing PRs etc). I’ve checked our your blog before; its an interesting challenge to be that meticulous with recording the food you consume.
Paul: Funnily enough, thats what I’m planning for starters. Keeping that up for 8 months is impressive.
Samir, when addressing such difficult questions, i always reduce the logic to one basic question: if you stop imbibing are you still training for all possible circumstances, and if you are not, are you as fit? You never know when that hopper is going to throw out something like 30x curl and shotgun of natty, for time. And lets be intellectually honest here; Crossfit’s interval methodology can be traced back to such imbibing exercises as power-hour (think Cindy) or chugging (going for a 1RM). I recommend constantly varied drinking over different volumes, times (pre/past wod) and liquors.
I took three weeks off from drinking in July. I definitely got a little skinnier, but didn’t notice a big difference in performance or recovery. If I were trying to win a competition of some sort, I might cut out booze, or give myself a weekly cap on the number of drinks I’m allowed, but I find the benefits of eating well (my best results were on a Zone diet with extra fat) far more dramatic than the benefits of removing alcohol.
Secret TeeTotaler: Words of wisdom indeed.
Ahhh delicious alcohol… how i enjoy thee.
Anyway… It was rad working out with Annemal and Margie. I learned a lot. For example, that they kill at this. And not to be cavalier about the whole drinking thing, but I happen to for better or worse tank in pretty high on boozing quantity/frequency so maybe there is something to this whole sobriety thing. I too am now curious about how that affects my performance.
(22×5), 37×5, 42×5, 45×5, 50×5, 55×4 (failed on last attempt)20lb. DB presses x 101000m row in 5:20
Rewarding myself for workout soreness with lamb chops instead of drinking, for a change.
Actually, speaking of all this booze… David, in cataloguing how often we eat out, do you want us to count non-food outings? For example, bars, juice bars, coffee shops, etc.?
Dumbell press 50×5, 50×4- left arm so much weaker!
Rowing pace 2:10/1:55
I had an easier time maintaining the pace the second half. There is no crossfit skill I feel less competent in than rowing.
Press: (32×5,45×5)65×5, 70×5, 75×5, 80×2, 80×3 (last rep was ugly.)
Great work Bethany and Asta – I envy your ability to fight it out with your lifts. Too often I think “nope” and just let it go.
Row – something like 2:27 and 2:19. Thanks for the tips Asta!
DB presses: 25lbx5 – form started degrading so Dan took me in hand. Did two sets of five on each side @20lbs.. then three more reps with the 25’s.
Lifting today was hard – it was my first day in a new position at the bank and I worked 8 to 6. Felt a little stupefied coming into class.
p.s. Rock climbing!!
Rock climbing!Press was better than expected. I had done very poorly last time pressing for a single (115) when my old starting strength days pr was 120. Today after warming up I got 85, 95, 105, 110×3, 110.. I have to check my old logs to see if that is a pr or not. Big thanks to John on the note to breath at the top.It was great lifting with Dan and John today.
warmup: 1000m row2:022:04ive done a 1:55 split before so i thought i could knock off time from the first split, but it sure is different when maintaining proper form.
WOD: 5*5 press45 warmup65*575*3 (crappy form)70*570*575*3 (crappy form)really rushed through these and it showed. definitely needed more warmup and more rest in between sets. also sure that rowing first didnt help. had to pick up my parents from the airport, luckily i made it with time to spare. cant even come in the morning to make up for this crapfest. *sigh*
p.s if i get out of this class on time and dont need to study more ill try to come rock climbing. never done it before.
45×5; 65×5; 85×5; 95×5; 100×5; 105×5 (wobbly on the last two); 110×3 (really started to degrade on technique, arching my back).
40lb dumbell press x 10 (weaker on the right side).
Rowing – 1:55ish on the first 500 and 1:45ish on the second. I found it harder to keep pace on the second and creeping over the 20 s/m limit once or twice.
Skin the cats – 3, 3, 2, 1Lever practice, pull up grip work.
Cant figure out why I couldn’t get beyond the first rep at 175, maybe it’s just been too long since I pressed heavy.
Abandoned by David, I worked out alone at the lyceum this afternoon. Not so bad after all.
Warm-up4 Rounds3 Skin the Cats5 C2B Pull-ups7 B2B Goblet Squats @ 35#thenDislocates5 Narrow-grip OHS5 Snatch grip/narrow stance squats5 PVC OHS
OHS 5 x 5(45x5x2, 65×5, 95 x 5, 115 x3)125×4, 125, 125, 130, 135Missing that first set was kind of a wake-up call. Really squirrely so I kept at it before going up. Glad to work these.
Press(45×5, 75×5,95×3)105, 115, 125, 130, 137×3
45×5, 65×5, 75×5, 85×5, 85×5, 85×5, 90F, 85×5.
There is a definite imbalance in my shoulders/arms. My right one (whether its because of an old injury flaring up or whatever else) is significantly weaker than my left. When a lift fails, my left is still going up, and my right has completely given way.
The rowing was pretty tough. I never managed to get to the 20s/m mark.
Catching up after a great weekend with friends in the mountains! Gonna do 5×5 presses today, and hopefully OH squat at SBK Wed or Thurs.
This article chimes in well with the weeks worth of food tracking.
While many CFers may not be woried, necessarily, about being overweight, we still want to be fit as hell, right?
Glad to see this pop up again on the blog. I’m looking forward to it, as it’s a topic dear to me. Our cabin this weekend held a somewhat heated (alcohol infused) discussion on it.
Press: 45×5, 50×2, 47×3, 47×4, 47×3+ 3 sets of 5s with 15lb dumbellsPress is absolutely my weakest lift but I’m motivated to change that this cycle.
Chris,That is a cool article. The quote
“Putting pasta sauce from a jar on cooked spaghetti may or may not be considered using prepared foods, depending on the perspective of the “cook.””
Made me wonder what our community thinks counts as home made. I have my opinions, but they are likely to be on the extreme end of the spectrum.
Tues AM Press80/90/95/100/110Felt strong today. everything went up pretty easy except the last rep.
Press 5×5: 55, 60, 65, 70, 75×3
I probably should have started higher…now I know. Last 5×5 record I have is from December – 54.5#!
I like Pressing better than Deadlifting. Yup, I just said that.
Malcolm: If you didn’t shoot it yourself, it isn’t home made!
Hello from PHX. Yesterday I went by CF PHX and we did:
Clean Grip deadlift5-5-5-5-5
Rest 5-15 mins then:
Double-under for 2 minutesSit-up for 2 minutesDouble-under for 90 secondsSit-up for 90 secondsDouble-under for 1-minuteSit-up for 1-minuteDouble-under for 30 secondsSit-up for 30 seconds
The deadlifts were at 110% of our 1RM clean, so I did 190lbs. Not doing touch and go really was exhausting, the 190 lbs felt really heavy at the end!
Then for the metcon, I did something like this:
DU: 24/15/10/6SU: 54/31/24/13
Additional Warm-upHamstring PNFSkin the cat
WOD: Press 5×5(45×10, 65×10, 85×10)95×8, 115×5, 115×5, 115×5, 115×5
Accessory Work35lbs dumbbells presses x220 sequential 75lbs push-pressRow 1000m35 sequential 75lbs push-pressIce shoulder
Press 85,85,95,105,115- I think that was it, someone erased our #’s off the board before I got to write in my log. My rowing needs work-nuff said. I feel pullups happening, so that’s good, kip is next. Today is day 11 off the crack-going paleo. My clothing is starting to fit better, Although I did have about 2 shots of single malt on Saturday, so shoot me:). As far as prepping food, in my house I’m the salad man, I make a mean salad. Cooked up 2 fresh caught trout this weekend, so even by Samir’s definition, I’m qualified. 1 more thing- I pledge to donate $50 to the cause, in the name of the winner of the FGB competition.